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KW2 "the LeBron James of the Browns" - Poston


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Looks to me like the Redskins made the right choice.

The Poston brothers :puke:haven't taken long to stir it up in Cleveland.

Saying that KW2 is like Lebron James is ridiculous.

It's more like "the mistake by the lake".:2cents:


Browns News

Mixing in agent could be volatile


Mary Kay Cabot

Plain Dealer Reporter

There's another Chosen One in town, and you can bet that his agent, Kevin Poston, will make sure he gets paid like it.

Browns first-round pick Kellen Winslow Jr. - who refers to himself as The Chosen One, the same headline used on the cover of Sports Illustrated to describe Cavaliers star LeBron James - has picked one of the toughest negotiators in the NFL, one who may have caused some teams to shy away from selecting the star tight end.

Saturday, Poston indicated he'll negotiate for Winslow as a player who could've gone anywhere in the top six, meaning there could be a holdout. The Browns took Winslow at No. 6.

"This was the most intriguing draft I've been around because you had six players who could've gone No. 1 overall," Poston said. "If the Jets had the No. 1 pick, they would've picked Kellen. A lot of teams had him No. 1 on their board."

In the weeks leading up to the draft, speculation was that the Washington Redskins would not pick Winslow at No. 5 because they are involved in a dispute with Poston and his brother, Carl, who say the Redskins owe their client LaVar Arrington $6.5 million. The Redskins selected Miami safety Sean Taylor instead.

The Postons represent St. Louis Rams offensive lineman Orlando Pace, who is unhappy the Rams have franchised him again and wants out. They represent cornerback Ty Law, who is in a contract squabble with the New England Patriots, and San Francisco linebacker Julian Peterson, who was franchised by the 49ers when they couldn't come to terms.

In fact, 49ers General Manager Terry Donahue, when told that Winslow hired the Postons, told USA Today Sports Weekly, "Why would the kid do that?"

Saturday, Winslow vowed that he'll be happy with a fair raise over last year's No. 6 pick and get to camp on time.

But after Winslow's news conference, Kevin Poston, who was here with him, made it clear that he'll negotiate for Winslow like he's a future superstar.

"Kellen could easily be the LeBron James of the Browns," Poston said. "He's that talented. When you negotiate with top-value guys, to come up with that value is not easy."

Poston described Winslow as "more than a tight end. He's an unbelievable talent, a star in the making. The bottom line is the Browns know how good Kellen is and was projected to be, and my job is to make sure he gets his fair market value."

Asked whether he could say he'll get Winslow to camp on time, Poston said: "No, I can't. You try to. It takes two to dance. You have to look at who the sixth pick was, who his agent was and other variables. It's not in a vacuum like that."

Last year's No. 6 pick, Georgia defensive tackle Johnathan Sullivan, picked by New Orleans, received a seven-year deal worth $19.1 million, including an $11.4 million signing bonus. In 2002, the sixth overall pick, Kansas City Chiefs defensive tackle Ryan Sims, received a six-year deal worth $25 million, including a $9.87 million signing bonus.

Normally, the starting point in negotiations would be about 10 percent over the previous year's same pick. But these negotiations most likely will break the mold.

"Kellen is the top-ranked tight end ever to come out of college," Poston said. "It's in everyone's best interest to get him in on time, but if he gets in on time and doesn't have true value, what's the purpose?"

Poston said the Redskins did not pass on Winslow because of the agents.

"They lost [cornerback] Champ Bailey and they went defense," Poston said. "I talked to coach [Joe] Gibbs. Believe me, he's not going to sleep well tonight. Kellen Winslow is the best tight end he's seen in 27 years of football and he was No. 1 on a lot of people's boards."

Browns coach Butch Davis, knowing he could get a run for his money, literally, from the Postons, called Winslow prior to the selection and stressed the importance of not holding out.

"This kid wants to get in, be on time and wants to help Cleveland win," Davis said. "I think you're doing the organization a disservice if you factor in the agent as to who you are going to pick. You have to pick the guys and have the confidence in your negotiators that we're going to be able to get a deal."

When asked about it, Winslow said: "The way I see it, give me the sixth-pick money. Look at last year's pick and I'm in camp. That's the way I see it."

But Poston definitely sees it differently.

"Do I want him to be in camp with them? Of course I do," he said. "I like summer vacations like all of you do. But it isn't always that easy."

© 2004 The Plain Dealer. Used with permission.

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I wonder if the Postons even listen to their clients wishes...didn't Orlando Pace say he would be fine with a lot less money than the Postons were asking? KWII is saying the same thing, and the Postons are basically ignorning him. I just don't understand how someone can conduct business like this to the detriment of their clients. :(

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Seems to me, if KW2 only wanted 10% over last years #6 pick, he could have signed anyone to be his agent.

Poston postioning KW2 has a 1 to 6 pick is looking for a lot more.

They can't seem to get their story straight either. First KW2 says that Gibbs promised him he would be a Skin, then Poston says that Gibbs told him that their were going with Taylor because we lost Champ.

I'm glad Cleveland will be living this nightmare rather than us.

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Your going to have a tough time convincing me that this wasn't one of the main reasons that we selected Taylor over Winslow. I bet they both evened out on the score card and then it came down to the final sticking point and that was making sure that the player gets into camp on time.

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Is Poston really angling to get KW2 a contract as if he was the top pick in the draft??? :doh:

Is Winslow ACTUALLY referring to himself as the 'Chosen One'??? :doh: :doh:

Man, I'm really glad this whole 3-ring circus is by-passing Washington D.C.

Skins Guy

Who seriously doubts Coach Gibbs felt the need to explain ANY of his reasoning for who he drafted to Kevin Poston. :)

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Originally posted by StevieInferior

Actually this could impactthe Skins. Lets say Cleveland gives in and gives KW more than the 6th pick is worth. Sean Taylor will then say I was drafted ahead of Taylor and I deserve this much more. Gives the skins more incentive to get him signed sooner rather than later.

Good Point!:applause:

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My guess is this year we'll see "slotting" as strict as in any recent year. When the top 10 are all so closely bunched (no consensus #1), each successive player going down the list will likely want to cozy up as close as possible to the player ahead of him lest he leave even $5 on the table.

Gonna be a very interesting few weeks for bonus-watchers and contractologists. :)

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Face it the Postons don't exactly have a great reputation in the NFL as it is...a contract holdout would be a disaster for their already shaky reputation.

Winslow...the chosen one? No he is the chosen 6th...I am so glad we took taylor.


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If the Jets had the No. 1 pick, they would've picked Kellen

Too bad the Jets didn't have the #1 pick. Besides, they would've picked Taylor over Winslow.

I talked to coach [Joe] Gibbs. Believe me, he's not going to sleep well tonight

No kidding!!!

he was No. 1 on a lot of people's boards

Not on the Skins' board

P.S. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the NY Giants for not trading down with Cleveland :thumbsup:

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I was a DL first guy, then a KW2 guy, then a Taylor guy, but I have to admit that the Poston's made me nervous and I think some of you are on the right track, I really do think they're gonna be asking for #1 money, they'll settle for less, but at least early on they won't be settling for 6 slot money during negotiations.

Then again I seem to recall Champ's agent back in '99 demanding #5 slot money since Champ was going to be our pick at #5 until the Saints traded up w/us (and because Champ was regarded by nearly everyone as the best non-QB in the draft).

Anyway, I'm glad we've got Taylor and his agent instead of the Poston's. I really wonder why Steinberg doesn't get more clients, I imagine he's not the angel he tries to sell himself as, but he seems to be rather well respected by his clients, the teams, and the communities that he wants his players to be involved in.

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