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Boooo..We should have taken Winslow!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by NavyDave

Bring your self over to the defensive side. Its the only way to win championships

:cheers: We drafted the best player at #5... skinsmatic, I'll have more faith in Gibbs than your pessimistic, subjective nonsense any day!

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skinsmatic writes:

Basically I see single parent house, a bunch of friends (his posse) about to celebrate, a bunch of distraction. The Winslows on the other hand were extremely professional you could tell by his demeandor that he knows what to expect and is leaps and bounds ahead of taylor in his preperation for entry into the NFL.

I don't believe your post. :)

You saw a couple of VERY brief shots (mere seconds really) of Taylor sitting in a chair with folks around him (none of whom were identified) and you took that to be a scene of an irresponsible reckless young man, hanging with a bad crowd, about to have a party????

You got all that in a few seconds of shots we got of Taylor?? And decided hes a BUST?? :rolleyes:

My, what remarkable clarity of vision you must have.

Can you see who's going to win the next 10 Super Bowls or is this vision limited exclusively to immeadiate futures of new Redskin free safetys? ;)

Skins Guy

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Originally posted by rayprils


Taylor had more TD's than Winslow last year. Go figure? Taylor is the best choice by far.

Did you happen to catch any of his games last year?????? Don't let your ignorance of his talents and how he was used last year shine too bright buddy:shot:

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Guest skinsmatic

Yeah I did. I prefer the kid who grew-up, learning from and molding hisself after the hall of Fame father. Versus the kid who grew-up without the hall of fame father, yeah he's confident in his abilities I like that in a person, If you can't handle that to me it means your probably lacking in your on confidence. You'd probably want the skins new recruit to be a yes man. Well it takes all types. I personally don't like yes men.

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Guest skinsmatic

Yeah I did. I prefer the kid who grew-up, learning from and molding hisself after the hall of Fame father. Versus the kid who grew-up without the hall of fame father, yeah he's confident in his abilities I like that in a person, If you can't handle that to me it means your probably lacking in your on confidence. You'd probably want the skins new recruit to be a yes man. Well it takes all types. I personally don't like yes men.

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skinsmatic ,

on the biggest day of taylors life to date , waiting to be drafted into the NFL. all you saw was ST on the phone with people all around him . you take this to be his homies and nothing but trouble awaiting the redskins??????????? it wasn't family was it? you see the posse. get a life !!!!

did you watch any of the draft besides the 5th pick !!!!

i guess phillip rivers was sitting with all his homies and posse as well and the other players they showcased at there homes . your just peaved that GIBBS took who he thought was best for this team . :hammer:

:ravensuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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Guest skinsmatic

I don't or root for SD, so I could careless, but since you asked, phillips had his mother, father, wife, kids you know immediate family. The shot of rivers with his immedate family, just seemed wholesome too me, I willing to bet that others where in that room but in the background where friends of the family should be. The announcer/commentators mentioned the party getting ready to kick off at Taylor's place, like that was the first thing thing they noticed. Thats wouldn't be the atmosphere I want to project to the country. I didn't see any older males, but I did see a bunch of young males in front of the camera. Like I said, I know for myself at that moment it would be more important to me to have my closest family or at least my extended family acknowledge than friends.

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So you want KW2 for no other reason than his dad is in the HoF? :laugh:

Thats not any sort of reason. With the decisions and attitude hes shown lately and the b*tch-fest he put on today... well, is that the kind of player/person his dad was? :)

Just b/c Joe Gibbs is in the HoF, doesn't mean his son Coy will be a great coach. The same applies to KW2 and his dad.

You don't want a yes-man? You mean you'd rather have... say... a rebel who does things his own way and doesn't listen to the coaches?

Not me, pal. The 'yes-man' label doesn't apply here. We are looking for team players with good character.

I think Taylor fills that bill. :)

Skins Guy

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Originally posted by skinsmatic

Just some random thoughts

Basically I see single parent house, a bunch of friends (his posse) about to celebrate, a bunch of distraction. The Winslows on the other hand were extremely professional you could tell by his demeandor that he knows what to expect and is leaps and bounds ahead of taylor in his preperation for entry into the NFL.

Taylor is a young man do not forget this. Now put yourself in his position, the biggest day of your life. So what if he had his boyz around him. I am still trying to see how that is a gauge of ones character? So what if he was planning a party? Single family home? One of the more ridiculous things I have read on this site.

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What kind of expectations are we talking about with Taylor? The next Ronnie Lott? I'm sorry but I don't think there will ever be a guy who'd be willing to cut his own finger off to get back into the game. There will never be another Ronnie Lott. But someone close, that's all good with me.

I wanted an H-back, whether it was Winslow or not. Well, we got our h-back so I'm all good with it.

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Some of you guys need to get a life. Taylor had his family there with some of his friends. let the man celebrate one of the biggest moments in his life the way he wants too. ive heard nothing but the fact that he is a "character" guy should do well under under the direction of Gibbs. I think we made the right choice:chestram:

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I hate to compare ourselves to the Eagles, but here goes:

Does anyone remember a couple of years ago when the Eagles picked a questionable QB out of Syracuse, instead of going after the stud running back Ricky Williams? Remember how the fans were furious with the pick and booed McNabb furiously? Can you find an Eagles fan now that thinks this was a bad pick? Hopefully that is how ALL skins fans will feel about getting Taylor in a couple of years. We'll be looking around and asking "Winslow who?". I like the pick we made with Taylor. Winslow is gifted, but in a Joe Gibbs style offense, I don't think he would be happy. I think Winslow would prefer going out in pass patterns, and historically Gibb's TEs were known more for their blocking and pulling.

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what's done is done...I agree with the original post...Taylor better produce as heralded....anything less than the EXPECTATIONS that have been set reflects a poor draft selection....right?

we got a great safety who is going to revolutionize our defense this season. Sean...bring it on baby and make all the accolades ring true!!!!

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Good one Fitzman. The lady to Sean's left just looks like bad news.

So the arguement here is that Taylor has less character than KW2? Are you serious? Because of who is father is? Has anyone been paying attention lately?

Taylor spent draft day at home with his family and friends. KW2 went right to the middle of the spotlight in NY. I havent met either of them, but reportedly, Taylor is a soft-spoken type guy. The f*cking SOLJAH!, obviously, is not. Plus he said that Joe Gibbs told him that the Skins would draft him. Gibbs denies that. One of them is lying. Guess who im betting it is. Add to that that Winslow picked the Postons to represent him......Their sales pitch when trying to land clients: "We will be complete assholes to your team to get YOU paid"

My opinion on the #5 pick. The Redskins made the right pick. Even without the character arguement, Taylor changes that whole D immediately and allows it to be much more flexible, im sure you can find his positive qualities elsewhere on this MB. KW2 would have been a great H-back, but this offense needs to focus on getting the ball to Portis and Coles. Calling Winslows number 5-8 times a game would be a waste of his talents.

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conceding that this is a done deal and we need to get on with deriving actual return to investment from taylor........just the same....why was Gibbs so interested in KW2? he clearly had a vision in mind that extended the h-back position into new dimensions. if that 5-8 times a game results in at least one touchdown...the argument changes.

in the event....no reason to be unhappy with Taylor....putting aside all the silly hype about the greatest safety ever....we got the number 5 pick in the draft....he ought to be pretty *amn good. we won't know if the vision was accurate until we see the results.

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