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Boooo..We should have taken Winslow!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Conrad87

Oh well....all I gotta say is....this Taylor dude better and I mean better live up to allllllll of the hype that you guys have built him up to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:silly:


And if he doesn't what are you going to do? I love talk like this because it's senseless.

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I would agree, but it is my understanding that it was not a smokescreen that Winslow was late for a meeting with Gibbs, etc. At first, I thought that was a pure smokescreen.

Winslow is immature, so was i when i was 20. But he has a lot of intensity and more talent than anyone else in this draft. He is a beast.

Taylor better be good, b/c having a super-Shockey would have been nice.

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Originally posted by Conrad87

Oh well....all I gotta say is....this Taylor dude better and I mean better live up to allllllll of the hype that you guys have built him up to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:silly:

What are you gonna do if he doesnt. come to our houses and beat us up.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by bulldog

Winslow convicted himself as a bad egg with his own words today.

He said the Redskins would 'get theirs' for not taking him.

I wonder what that means?

Maybe the guy has been watching too many Sopranos repeats on cable? :laugh:

Bulldog, did you hear the quote from him? I want to hear it... Did he sound pissed?

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Originally posted by Sarge

Our choice made football sense and showed the danny is no longer in charge of the draft. I have no doubt Winslow would have done well here, but we needed the D more than we needed the flash

Couldn't agree more.


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Originally posted by skinamatic

What are you gonna do if he doesnt. come to our houses and beat us up.:rolleyes:

If you say so my man....trash talk over the internet is for chumps......internet thugs...plus you would probably be singing a different tune if we were face to face in person! [Damn...look at me...letting someone get me out of character.....]...I was just giving my opinion..not threats to anyone...so don't come off at me like a tough guy..playa!!!:box:

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Yeah we should have taken the whiny "the skins will get theirs" Winslow and deal with the postons. :rolleyes:

Bring your self over to the defensive side. Its the only way to win championships

Man save that crap!!! Some people are so boring..."he said this he said that...blah blah blah...he has bad character...blah blah blah..." Who the hell cares? Bottom line is he can ball...that's all that really matters..I'm not asking him to watch my kids for goodness sake.

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the last time we took that attitude about our players Conrad we ended up with an 8-8 club in 2000 that had guys like Deion Sanders, Jeff George and Bruce Smith pacing the sidelines and infecting the locker room with their selfishness.

Gibbs (and you could throw in Parcells, Bellichick and Vermeil here as well) takes a path of evaluating players on their talent AND on how they act and comport themselves as people.

You may think that is beat and out of step with the league today where players ride sail over coaches and owners everyday in a lot of places.

Funny, though, the clubs that are built like that rarely end up winning the championships.

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Look guys....I am a Redskin fan..just like everyone else here...I am entitled to my opinion and I really wanted the skins to draft Winslow...oh well tough tiddy for me...but it's all good though...I will cheer for Taylor just as loud or louder than any of you guys...I just had my favorites....aaaaight???

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wow, I know there were a few Winslow supporters, but quite a few guys hopped off the bandwagon when he chose the Postons to represent him. but after his comments post selection, I would have thought the wagon was empty.

He had way to many strikes against him to draft, ESPECIALLY considering he would have been more of a luxury pick in the first damn place.

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I heard the quote. I listened to his interview. He whined. He said we "told me to my face they were going to pick me."

He was more trash talking about that than in being happy about being picked at all.

Wonder if this is what Gibbs saw in him and why he is very pleased about who we took. Gibbs even said, "You know I am freaky about tight ends." So, if he was not picked, there had to be a reason.


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Originally posted by Sarge

Our choice made football sense and showed the danny is no longer in charge of the draft. I have no doubt Winslow would have done well here, but we needed the D more than we needed the flash

The best reply so far. You're absolutely correct. If SOS had said he wanted Taylor, who do you think we would've ended up with? Winslow. But, now, Snyder knows his NEW coach is a true winner, so we go with who Gibbs thinks is best.

Guaranteed, Williams told Gibbs Taylor could be a difference maker in his defense and Gibbs, remembering Winslow's tardiness and immaturity, agreed and took Taylor.


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Many knew KW2 was going to be a big headache no matter what.

Now he will be some other teams headache.

Great move by the Skins. They improved the defense, their biggest need, and got a player that will be a Redskin instead of a "me first" player.

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Guest skinsmatic

Just some random thoughts.

I believe Taylor will be a Bust, I don't have any confidence in him becoming the next ronnie lott no way, and the comparisons with Ray Lewis is outrageous. The shot of him sitting on that couch talking on his cell phone about to have a party tells me a lot.

Basically I see single parent house, a bunch of friends (his posse) about to celebrate, a bunch of distraction. The Winslows on the other hand were extremely professional you could tell by his demeandor that he knows what to expect and is leaps and bounds ahead of taylor in his preperation for entry into the NFL.

How could Gibbs make this decision, I know the skins need defense, but I don't see how the presence of Taylor is going to make a difference that the other safety's on the team couldn't make I mean if Champ Bailey couldn't stop the opposing team from moving the ball at will up the feild in critical situations like third and long I don't see how Tayor will either. But Winslow's is definately gonna help cleveland keep drives alive just btw occupying the safety, and possible a linebacker on every third down.

Also how will Taylor handle the new money, throwing parties or is he about his business. We know Winslow is use to money.

I believe most of the good'o boys, that didn't want winslow because he's a braggadious (sp) type guy and his father is out spoken about issues that people don't like, affirmative action, and are taken aback by outspokeness and he has this attitude that he's better than everyone else. So what, he's suppose to think that way. His father raised him to feel superior, thats what will make him work his tale off, he wants to be great and every sone wants to surpass their parents accomplishments, example the Mannings.

Gibbs and company dropped the ball on this one.

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