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Tim Legler picked the Skins to win the Super Bowl...


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Quoted by JoeGibbsIsBack:

the NFL2Night guys also unanamously said that Portis was going to be the top rusher this season

It seems the 2Night people have faith in Buges and the talent we have on our OL. I don't have a problem with that :cool:

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Originally posted by The X-Factor

Why were Legler and Melrose talking about the NFL?

I agree. Who cares which teams a hockey analyst and a basketball analyst pick to win the Super Bowl. Why don't they ask those guys questions about the playoffs series their respective sports are in now.

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I liked the segment. It's interesting to hear their perspective on those topics. They're good(supposedly) analyst but when observing a different sport, it's still kind of from the fans' perspective. It's interesting. Melrose has way too much bias towards Hockey though.

Rick Nash a better athlete than Bron???

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CP26 you might want to take a look at the following.


3. Spam is strictly prohibited.

Do not spam the message boards or other members through private messages. The following examples constitute spam: Very short posts that do not add value to the topic. Example: a post with only the words, "i dunno" or "lol cool" can be considered spam if that is the only contribution you make on the board.Posts that serve no purpose other than to increase one's post count are considered spam. For example, if someone asks a question and you reply just to say you don't know the answer or "test", this will be considered spam.

You see Extremeskins is more of a board that looks for quality of posts, not quanity. You've been here a short amount of time, but it seems like just about everyone of your posts consits of of around a five word sentence that basically adds nothing to the topic of conversation.

Thanks for your attention in this matter.


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Originally posted by mcees4life

during fact or fiction with Barry Melrose, Legler said it was fiction that the Pats will repeat with Dillon cause the SKINS r gonna win it all. He sounded passionate as well.


Earler this year, Michal Irvin said the same thing. The reason he said was GIBBS !

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

CP26 you might want to take a look at the following.


You see Extremeskins is more of a board that looks for quality of posts, not quanity. You've been here a short amount of time, but it seems like just about everyone of your posts consits of of around a five word sentence that basically adds nothing to the topic of conversation.

Thanks for your attention in this matter.


There should be a rule about the 500 pics people put in their sigs as well.

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I saw the segment, I was surprised as it seemed to just come out of nowhere and the rest of the panel looked at him like he was Rush Limbaugh for a minute :).

Also, you basically add 2 more offensive linemen with 250+ TE's...

Wouldnt you expect the running to increase just a little ...............

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