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Time to step up, Extremeskins. I'll be talking to Doc about the team's recent moves and the draft tomorrow afternoon. Please take a couple minutes to post the questions you'd like answered, in this thread, and I'll use the best ones as the basis for the Q&A.

For the record, yes, I WILL ask him who he thinks the Skins will take in the first round. So feel free to make the question a bit more probing if you will. :)

No problem with questions about the rest of the league, either.

The floor is yours, my friends.

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Throughout his coaching career, Joe Gibbs has always had a knack for getting the best out of supposed "fringe" players, low round draft picks, and guys perceived to have less talent.

With the influence of Joe Gibbs, who on this year's roster do you feel is our "diamond in the rough"?

Additionally, of the offseason additions, Brunell and Portis are arguably the two guys who will impact this team most in a positive way. However, outside of these two key additions, which of our free agency signings do you feel will impress/surprise us most?


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Given the rumored trade scenarios; trading up, trading down and the likliness that we stay at #5, what do you think would the the best option, better yet, best case scenario?

Gallery, Winslow, Taylor, Udeze, Wilfork or harris?

Which of these players do you think could help us the most as of this upcoming season?

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What are you feelings about Chris Samuels, and you think it would be wise to trade him for a chance at Gallery as been rumored?

Can Mitchell handle the MLB position?

Barring any trades, what way will the Skins go at #5, in your opinion?

Which returning veteran player do you feel will benefit most under Gibbs and Staff this season?

Thanks for your time

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We've heard so much about Joe Gibbs' half-time adjustments... can you give us an example or two exactly how Joe Gibbs approaches halftime?

Is he provided motivating speeches? Is he talking about schemes? Or does he coordinate with his assistant coaches and let them bark instructions?

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Looking back at the stats... the H-Back position didn't really put up any gaudy numbers. But when they did touch the ball.... it was usually for six points.

Does Joe's offense truly need a H-Back with the skill level of a Kellen Winslow to succeed? Is it overkill?

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As of right now, after seeeing the players and coaches on the practice field, do you see this as drafting the best available player or team needs? Or is there a way to do both, especially with, ( for now) so few draft picks?

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Did gibbs ever have someone that could play H-back with pass catching ability and athleticism like Winslow? Given the answer is no, how do you think he could change the way Gibbs will use an H-back? Could we see a revolutionary style of offense that realy hasn't been done yet?

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Given Gibbs' preference for veteran QBs.... how truly important is it to have a "franchise" quarterback to groom?

We've heard that the protection schemes could really prolong the career of Brunell - so much that the team wasn't concerned about potential health problems.

And if that's truly the case.... is it necessary to have an "elite" prospect to develop? Veteran QBs - who can manage an offense and game without losing - are available every offseason.

So is a commodity like "Ramsey" a necessity? Or is it conceivable Gibbs would trade Ramsey for a player who can play "today" and get on the field?

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How much of an impact - if any - do draft trade rumors have on players? Are guys like Samuels and Ramsey listening?

How much do players follow the draft? Like fans, are they also following rumors, developing strong opinions for certain players, tracking other teams' needs, etc.?

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I am really impressed how well the Redskins who played for Coach Gibbs on the Offense have done in the football business after their football career. (You, Mark May, Mark S., Russ Grimm, Joe T., Riggo, Byner, Doug Wms. to name a few). You guys are everywhere.

Given that Coach Gibbs talks about getting "Redskins with intelligence" - Does Coach Gibbs create and foster a climate that develops these skills or is it just a coincidence? (By selecting intelligent players, the chance of them being successful in the field was probable).


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Originally posted by Om

Time to step up, Extremeskins. I'll be talking to Doc about the team's recent moves and the draft tomorrow afternoon. Please take a couple minutes to post the questions you'd like answered, in this thread, and I'll use the best ones as the basis for the Q&A.

For the record, yes, I WILL ask him who he thinks the Skins will take in the first round. So feel free to make the question a bit more probing if you will. :)

No problem with questions about the rest of the league, either.

The floor is yours, my friends.

OM - very cool. Thanks for the opportunity.

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First of all, thank a great Redskin for all of us for giving us his insight...another truly awesome Extremeskins coup!

My question: Doc, Joe Gibbs is legendary for being a class act, an honorable warrior whose integrity is beyond reproach. Is he approaching the new version of the Redskins looking for 'character guys' in his own mold or simply the best athlete at a need position? Will it play a role in the draft when he's looking at guys such as Kellen Winslow II who comes with a reputation?

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With the current infrastructure of the front office... where Joe Gibbs is the president, along with Cerrato and Snyder and Rodgers.... how much say does Gibbs have into the final selection of the draft picks?

From what we've seen in the past few years... the head coach has had the first 2 picks and then the positional coaches have gotten their defensive back or offensive guard they wanted :)

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Please ask him how much or what % Joe Gibbs had in the research and selection process of the draft during the Bobby Beathard era.

Did Joe just have minimal input and all the say once the players were chosen?

Or did Joe actively work on the research and identification and have a large role in the players taken?

Just curious about how much indirect experience Joe Gibbs had as a talent evaluator and GM role, vs. his genius as a coach.

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first off, great questions fellas!


are there any RB's in this years draft that are of Clinton Portis' caliber? any that would have been worth taking at #5?


is it more important to have a feature RB or a shut-down CB in Gibbs system? i ask this because he had the shutdown CB (Green) and was always able to find enough talent at RB to get the job done... now it seems he is taking a different approach.

thanks for your time,


sorry if these questions have been asked previously, if so disregard and brand me moron.

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Let's say, hypothetically, we decided to address the defensive line.

Right now, we have two run stopping defensive ends (Daniels and Wynn), and Cornelius Griffin, a mid-sized DT, along with some fillers like a recovering Noble and Jermaine Haley.

The Redskins have an opportunity to get a big run stuffing Wilfork to fill the other DT spot, or perhaps a pass rushing DE such as Kenechi Udeze or Will Smith.

In your opinion, abstracting from specific players for a moment, is it more important for a team such as the Redskins to add the big run stuffer in the middle, or to add a pass rushing threat on the d-line that is for all intents and purposes non-existent at the moment?

I suppose the question goes to two things... how highly do you prize run stopping versus the ability to get pressure on the quarterback (reducing pressure on the defensive secondary), and if you think this team can realistically be constructed to deliver enough of a pass rush from the LBs in order to render the need for a pass rushing DE less of a gaping hole than it seems to be at the moment.

Oh yeah... thanks Doc, and thanks Om.

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