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Some great questions here. :)

Just FYI, in the interest of keeping this particular Q&A focused on the draft, I'll save some of the more general ones for future conversations with a bit broader scope.

One question I'm surprised I haven't seen is this:

One of the players on many Skins fan's minds is Sean Taylor out of Miami. Can you break him down as a player, and also talk about whether you feel drafting a safety as high as number 5 is a smart move? For this team at this time, is he a "special" enough player to warrant going that high?

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One of the players on some Skins fan's minds is Tommie Harris out of Oklahoma. Can you break him down as a player, and also talk about whether you feel drafting him as high as number 5 is a smart move? For this team at this time, is he a "special" enough player to warrant going that high?

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Update: the interview did go down Sunday evening, but we have experienced temporary technical difficulties with the transcript.

No worries---nothing has been lost, but release of the Q&A has been delayed. Hope to have it available for your perusal soon. Thanks for your patience.

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Joe Gibbs is known, not just for is aptitude as a coach, but his character as a man on and OFF the field. Although it would be attractive to most fans to snag KW2 at #5, will Winslow's attitude play a major factor in Gibbs' decision to draft him?

:doh: Thought it was THIS Saturday...OOPS.

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