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D. Russell

Thinking Skins

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Whats the status of Mr. Russell right about now? Has he been signed at all this offseason? I'd be interested in hearing if Gibbs agrees with Cerrato's statement earlier that we dont want him? Isn't it kinda a doublestandard that we dont want him back, but we do want Chamberland back? I kinda wish he coulda gotten a better shot at making the team last year.

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Russell and Chamberlain both had been suspended by the NFL in the past for drug issues. Their problem last year was that Vinny wanted them and SS didn't. So SS didn't give them a chance to really play. Russell got discouraged and showed late for practices/meetings and was let go. He got a second chance and didn't do everything in his power to make the most of it. Chamberlain did what he was asked to do so he's still with the team.

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Royal has shown flashes of being a good receiver at te -- he just hasn't stayed healthy for two years in a row. Ware is a good prospect too. It's still early. But when Chamberlain was motivated, in shape, and off drugs wasn't he a probowler?

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You're right BD - just because he has shown a high degree of talent in the past doesn't mean squat today. But we do know that he has done it in the past so it's more possible to contemplate him doing it in the future than from someone who has never done it all.

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Inmate ... you are correct, very different issues suspending them from the league.

Plus, Russell's problems with respect for the coaching staff as well as Trotter's tattle tale to the media last year told Gibbs who has been demonstrating actions publicly detrimental to the team.

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Originally posted by bnacpa

Inmate ... you are correct, very different issues suspending them from the league.

Plus, Russell's problems with respect for the coaching staff as well as Trotter's tattle tale to the media last year told Gibbs who has been demonstrating actions publicly detrimental to the team.

Trotter's tattle tale?...

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Trotter is the one last year who went public about cell phones in team meetings going off and the complete lack of discipline within the organization. After that, numerous players like Jansen joined in, but Trotter was the first with his frustrations.

I would have to imagine that when a team sees a player airing dirty laundry to the media and it isn't about a business/contract dispute, they have even less tolerance for that kind of thing.

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Russell is a poor character guy....not a "Gibbs-Guy".

He had the issues with getting caught taking Ecstacy. During his suspension he had sexual assault charges brought against (that were eventually dropped)him for a situation in which Russell video'ed some of his friends allegedly raping a woman. There was no denial about video taping the sex acts, just whether it was consentual or not......definitely not something that Gibbs is looking for.

Gibbs said he wanted players that first and foremost would not embarrass the Skins right?

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I think Russell's troubles are in the past but his probowl days may be as well. I wouldn't mind the team getting him back. He is cheap and even if he doesn't become a starter he should at least provide above average depth. I don't think he'll be back though. I think Tampa is very likely like others have said in this thread.

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One thing you can expect from the Coach is that he wants players with character - not characters that play. Although, he has had experience with characters on his roster (Dexter, Riggo) even they knew the Coach's boundries. I don't beleive Russell would have been brought in last year if the Coach was here already.

Look at his quotes this year "core group" "intelligent players" - I don't look for him to compromise his ethics to plug a whole in the roster.

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

Russell was rumored to be using cocaine and involved in borderline criminality being charges were unproven against him.

Chamberlain was suspended for using ephedra in the offseason, a dietary supplement. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Russell's all pro season's were like 4 years ago. Ancient history. :)


Exactly. Chamberlain was taking to try to shed some of the extra weight he accumalated.

He never was given a chance in Spurrier's system, mostly because I don't think Spurrier knew how to use TE's. I think (hope) he turns out to be back to form with us, now that there's a more competent coaching staff, because he can block and catch and could turn out to be an important role player.

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