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Who will win the NFC East?


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I think the next few years every game is going to be the division title game because the difference between 1st and 3rd will come down to 1 game.

Dallas has a tougher schedule next year and didn't do so well during the tough part of their schedule this past year.

The Eagles are most likely going to lose Vincent & Taylor and have upgraded their DL, however last year they weren't that good agains the run.

I feel the Skins will make the playoffs, but in a wildcard spot and Dallas & the Eagles will be fighting for first with it most likely going to the Eagles.

However this is assuming all teams are healthy throughout the year.

The following year will be our year for first in the division.

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Too early to make any reasonable assessment. We don't know what teams are going to do to improve themselves before the beginning of camp. I think it's unlikely the Redskins should be the favorites despite what appears to be the most complete and talented team in the division at this moment. Gibbs will take some time to get things going and I would expect us to do much better next year as opposed to this year.

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Honestly, I am looking at this coming season as a learning experience and building team unity for the Giants. New coaching staff, new system, and there is going to be a lot of new players. If the Giants get a wildcard spot I will be thrilled. If they win eight games I will be thrilled.

Of course, it is usually these kinds of offseasons and this kind of thinking where the Giants come out of nowhere.

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Its going to be close. Probably so close it may come down to a tiebreaker. I think Gibbs and the coachng staff will do their jobs and get us a good passrush so we dont have to fully relay on the 2nd tier of our defense. If our new acquisitions have decent seasons we will come out on top.

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I think the eagles will win 10+ games again, they're still a solid team and although they got found out a bit in the NFC championship game they keep finding ways to get to the playoffs and I dont see that changing next year. I hate to say it but McNabb will always make them competetive.

I dont think the Cowboys will get as many wins as last year but I still expect them to have a winning record, they took advantage of a soft schedule and beat all of the teams you would expect them to beat.

The Giants should finish about .500, they've got too much talent to repeat what happened last year and should have a nice schedule, but I think they've got way too many holes to win 10+ games.

That leaves us with the redskins. With Gibbs and our off-season aquisitions we will be much improved from last year and I think we will win between 8 and 11 games. The talent and coaching is there but next year should be too soon for it all to come together I think. Anyone who has ever played organised sport knows that there's no substitute for continuity in a team where everyone turns up for games expecting to win. Even when not at their best these teams still find a way to win and I dont think we can have that next year. We will definetly have a rocky patch at some point next year and it is how Gibbs and the players deal with it that should determine if we're still playing in January or not.

All in all there are going to be 4 good football teams in this division next year and somebody is going to have a good season and still not make the playoffs. Meanwhile the NFC central will be sending two teams (green bay Minnesota) even thought the entire NFC east will take it in turns to hand their a$$es to them, but thats the NFL I suppose.

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Originally posted by bird_1972

what were the rest of the results from the ESPN poll (out of curiosity)?

This should kill tom. The giants only had 4% of the vote. The skins and the cowgirls each had a little bit over 25% each. The Eagles had the rest of the vote, about 45% to 50%. Sick, isn't it.


0-16, 19-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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i just voted , of course the bias way :laugh: i do however think the differance for this season will be the coaching staff. how many games this past season were lost by 7 points or less .

in my opinion by the coaching that this team had. only blown out in another 3 games ,i think we remember them well or i do i was at those games. additions to the d-line and if we can get taylor in the #5 spot this draft and with the other FA'S that have been signed this team has nowhere to go but up. take a good look at the offence we have now !! the new defence being built now will be good if not great with the right 2 additions . i have no doubt that J.G. and williams have a plan for that defence .

hence people i'm a believer . i must be i'm a REDSKINS FAN !!!

as 98% of the rest of the people on the site are.

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :ravensuck

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I think it will be a dog fight, as usual, but it's hard not to acknowledge the improvements made by the Redskins in the coaching staff and the roster.

I don't believe there is a better staff in the game and they appear to be making well thought out moves to fill needs.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see us challenge for the division title.

People who discount the Redskins are not looking objectively at the facts.

This is a vastly improved team.:)

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I think it will be the Redskins. I am a little biased.....however, I will attempt to back it up. The eagles have no WRs, and they let Bobby Taylor and Troy Vincent go. They will not be able to draft a WR that will have an impact next year......and I don't see any gamebreakers on the market right now. Their replacement CBs are not shut down guys like the two they lost. So, unless Kearse can get a sack just about every time the opposing QB drops back, it will be tough for them to control the game the way they usually do. Remember, there are ways to beat evn the most creative blitz......especially if you know the blitz is coming. They won't be able to leave that secondary exposed for very long. I really feel like the Eagles are approaching the end of their run. The Cowboys will find that they cannot put up more than 10 wins without a decent QB. They also will not be able to find an impact starter at their position of need. The Giants.......well..........nothing really needs to be said about them. If the Eages were just a bit more aggressive in player acquisition, they could dominate. Thank God for Snyder. I think that with real coaching now present, the talent he acquires will not go to waste.

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Originally posted by Renegade7

The giants only had 4% of the vote. The skins and the cowgirls each had a little bit over 25% each. The Eagles had the rest of the vote, about 45% to 50%. Sick, isn't it.

Sick? Maybe. But realistic. :D

1. Eagles (15-1, SB champions)

2. Redskins (8-8)

2. Cowboys (7-9)

4. Giants (2-14)

Or was that biased? :D

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I went with The Skins mainly because I like the upgrades on Offense and hiring Gregg Williams will be huge...now if the Eagles managed to get T-O I might be feeling different they need more offensive weapons...the Giants could be better with Coughlin (it'll be interesting to see how the players repsond)...the Cowboys Parcells isn't sure he wants Carter as his QB and might be looking at Couch but they are certainly not to be overlooked

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I honestly think that this year will be more wide open than it has been in years. With everybody making upgrades (and needing more) it should be a great race. Right now the Eagles are the front runners, but to be honest without their three headed running attack and a very questionable receiving core, they are primed to be knocked off of the mountain top.

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