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Star Wars on DVD...


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Instead, the DVDs will include the much-debated versions director Lucas released in the '90s with new digital effects and plot twists that softened the character of Han Solo - even though DVD makes it easy to offer both the original and director's cut of a movie.

Sigh ...

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I actually didn't mind the redone effects of the Battle of Yavin---those were amazing as were most of the other special effects.

But there are a few parts that are TERRIBLE and it kind of shows where Lucas lost his edge, or got soft or whatever:

1) Han Solo's scene changed with Greedo. Now he doesn't shoot first, despite the fact that Greedo is basically telling him "im going to kill you." No, he has to WAIT like a friggin sat morning cartoon for Greedo to miss from 3 feet away(A BOUNTY HUNTER MISSING FROM THAT DISTANCE!) and THEN shoots. Very gay

2) The whole Luke screaming thing when he falls into the void at Cloud City. I always felt that he calmly resigned himself to his fate and rather than surrended to his newly-discovered father he would die. Adding the scream shows that Lucas doesn't even know what the hell he's doing.

3) The Jedi Rocks scene in RotJ. The original musical number was well-done(in comparison to Jedi Rocks) and the aliens were more realistic. That Yuzzum dude is terrible.

There are others, but to leave those in is god-awful.

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

I actually didn't mind the redone effects of the Battle of Yavin---those were amazing as were most of the other special effects.

But there are a few parts that are TERRIBLE and it kind of shows where Lucas lost his edge, or got soft or whatever:

1) Han Solo's scene changed with Greedo. Now he doesn't shoot first, despite the fact that Greedo is basically telling him "im going to kill you." No, he has to WAIT like a friggin sat morning cartoon for Greedo to miss from 3 feet away(A BOUNTY HUNTER MISSING FROM THAT DISTANCE!) and THEN shoots. Very gay

2) The whole Luke screaming thing when he falls into the void at Cloud City. I always felt that he calmly resigned himself to his fate and rather than surrended to his newly-discovered father he would die. Adding the scream shows that Lucas doesn't even know what the hell he's doing.

3) The Jedi Rocks scene in RotJ. The original musical number was well-done(in comparison to Jedi Rocks) and the aliens were more realistic. That Yuzzum dude is terrible.

There are others, but to leave those in is god-awful.

I never ever noticed that. I just recently D/L'd (I know I know, but Lucas is a $grubbing a*s so he deserves it) all the movies and watched them. Enchanced versions and I kept saying to friends how are the redone effects coupled with the old effects so seemless????????????????????????????

WHy didn't they just do that for the new ones??????????/

Instead of using all comp. animation. Alot of effects on the comp work. Take LOTR. You can't do better than that. Lucas could have but had to keep this cheesy surreal element to it.....

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Lucas lost it--in fact, I believe that it was the input of others that helped reign him in at times.

You could see the mask slipping when Chewy does the tarzan yell in RotJ--and the burp of the Sarlacc, which was funny to me as a six year old was less amusing when I realized that Boba Fett had just been killed and his death capped with a gas release from the Sarlacc.

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I figured they would wait until the third movie was out in theatres to really cash in on the hype. Funny thing is my dad has had them on DVD for a while, the only problem is they have chinese subtitles at the bottom so when Jabba talks, you have to read what he says really fast before the subtitles take over. I will have to tell him to get a real set now.

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