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Bazooka Tooth

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Do you think the Broncos will resign Portis? They would be crazy not to. Their cap situation is not very good. Just thinking about it. Wouldnt it be unreal to see Portis wear Burgundy and Gold? I understand that we have other concerns and we will not have enough to sign a premeire back like that, but think how unreal the running game would be with CP running for Gibbs.

:cool: :2cents:

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they have to rework his contract this offseason or he threatens that he will sit out camp. he does make a palty sum for one of his caliber, but then, when you sign a contract you are supposed to honor it (not that the franchise always does...).

as portis said in an interview, "there are special team guys making more than i am." he's got a point.

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I doubt he will, too, but what if Denver comes back with a hefty offer -- just not what Portis is exactly looking for? He might sit out until he gets the deal he wants, even if Denver is showing him scads of respect. It's just an unfair tactic.

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John Riggins sat out a season in a dispute with the Redskins.

No contract in the NFL is worth the paper it's printed on.

They have serious cap issues, thanks to 'mastermind' Mike Shanahan and his idiotic handling of their cap. That should preclude them coming up with a 'hefty offer." Even if a contract is heavily backloaded, they wil also hope he agrees to spread his signing bonus out over a LOT of years to make it feasible, especially considering the money he SHOULD be able to ask for.

Brian Griese alone counts for nearly 7 mil off of next year's cap. They may not be able to afford Portis, and then their option is to allow him to sit out, or deal him.

Or hope he continues to work for 380k a year, which is what he gets. And yes, LOTS of special teams guys make more than he does.

As far as his coming to DC? Well, that would be just ducky.


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Sitting out is lame? Give me a fricken break.

The man is a monster and he's scheduled to make 380k. In his position, where one injury is all it takes to end it all I can't blame the guy for wanting to earn what he's worth. You earn while you can so you don't have to go without later, that's life. It's far more important to protect your future after football then it is to look honorable to a bunch of fans.

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Exactly,, an avg NFL career lasts 4 years, and if it goes longer, the game takes a SERIOUS toll on the body, especially RBs.

Did anyone else notice Earl Campbell hobbling around the SB festivities on a cane?

Maybe the braces that were obviously under his jeans holding him up when they tossed the coin?

Think he wishes he had made more money? Absolutely


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The problem is if they pay Portis the money, which I think they ultimately will, they won't be able to afford some of the other guys they want to keep. More than likely that could mean Bert Berry and Al Wilson. BOTH of those guys are Gibbs-type players. Wilson is a locker room leader and a Pro-Bowl caliber LB who could play inside OR outside. Berry is coming off of a great season. If they show Portis the money, I doubt BOTH of these guys stay with the Broncos.

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It's a win-win for us, if you think about it. If they do resign him, we have a shot at Wilson/Gold and Bert Berry. If they don't, and they release him, we WILL sign him. The Dan gets what he wants, and he isn't blind or dumb, so Portis is what he wants. If they don't resign him or release him, he'll be a RFA, like someone else said. Win-win, baby, win-win.

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Originally posted by Jimbo

The problem is if they pay Portis the money, which I think they ultimately will, they won't be able to afford some of the other guys they want to keep. More than likely that could mean Bert Berry and Al Wilson. BOTH of those guys are Gibbs-type players. Wilson is a locker room leader and a Pro-Bowl caliber LB who could play inside OR outside. Berry is coming off of a great season. If they show Portis the money, I doubt BOTH of these guys stay with the Broncos.

I agree man. I think that we could benefit by getting Berry. That guy was a beast this year. :D

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Hard to believe that the Donkeys would allow Portis to get away. Bowlen's pockets aren't as deep as Snyder's, but he has always pulled out the checkbook when necessary.

I'll keep this forum posted if I hear anything here in Denver, but right now, everyone's still gushing over Smelway's election to the HOF.

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