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When will Tom Brady start getting the proper respect?


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I am baffled at how Tom Brady has been labeled by the media and most fans. To listen to people, you hear them putting him in the Brad Johnson/Jay Fiedler class of "smart, steady" QB's. It's sickening.

Tom Brady has been an NFL starter for 3 years. He has two Super Bowl MVP trophies.

Does he have a good cast around him? Of course, name a multiple Super Bowl winning QB who didn't.

IMO, Brady is the best QB in the NFL. Certainly in the top 3. Manning or Brady? Brady. Vick or Brady? Brady. People scoff at that, but I think the joke is on them.

Four things about Brady make him special:

1. Doesn't make mistakes.

2. Makes up for the few mistakes he does make.

3. Makes HUGE plays .

4. Fantastic leader.

Brady was magnificent last night. Delhomme was awesome too (more on that later), but I'm talking about Brady now.

Brady converted clutch third down after clutch third down late in the game, and made up for his one bonehead mistake by driving right back down the field for the TD.

The Pats were NOT in FG range the play before the winning kick and it was third down. They probably punt and go into OT unless he coverts that third down. Brady drops, back, stays calm, and fires one for about 20 yards right on the money. Game over.

And let's not foget about Super Bowl XXXVI when Brady drove the field tied at 17 to set up the winning kick. Or how about throwing for over 300 yards in a driving snowstorm in the playoffs against Oakland?

Has some fortune been on his side? Certainly. But fortune always seem to shine on the best-- that's what happens when you continually put your team in a good spot.

If we are going to label Brady a "system" guy who would be ordinary on another team, then I guess Joe Montana was a "system" guy as well. Those 49ers teams had great defenses, a great O line, a much better RB crew than the Pats have, and the best WR in history-- not to mention the guru, Bill Walsh. So, does that take away from what Montana did? No way, and it shouldn't hurt Brady either.

It's too premature to put Brady in any sort of "all-time" class-- he needs to keep this up for several more years.

But normally when a young QB wins the Super Bowl in 2 of his fist three of playing, and is the MVP in both games, people consider that to be pretty darn special.

Brady is star. He is amazing to watch. No sacks in the post-season is a testament to his line, his coaches, AND to HIM. He sees the field so well, makes all the reads, never panics, and gives his team the boost they need. He makes plays.

His mistakes are rare and usually not crushing. Against Indy, he threw a pick in the end zone with the Pats up by 14. In the same game, Manning threw a pick in the end zone with the Colts down 7. HUGE difference. Huge.

And Brady now also has that "aura" about him. You just look at him and KNOW the Pats are going to win. I NEVER doubted the outcome of the game last night, even when Carolina took the lead and then tied it up. Brady has reached an elite level. Even if people refuse to acknowledge it.

And was there a better example of how pocket passers and the downfield throw are STILL the way to win games than last night? Those two QB's were tremendous. Staying in the pocket, looking DOWNFIELD, and making plays against good defenses and good defensive coach's.

That's why I like Ramsey. He's in that mold. QB's that rely on their legs too much won't win in the end. QB's that are "system only" and don't have the ability to CONSISTENTLY make plays with their arm won't cut it in the long-run.

You can take Manning and Vick and whoever else. I'll take Brady.......and his two rings....... and his two MVP trophies.

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Huh? Brady gets PLENTY of respect. Were you watching any super bowl week hype? I don't think you can be the youngest QB in NFL history to have two super bowl rings and not get the proper respect.

As for your comparisons, Brady himself will tell you the truth- Vick is more athletic than him. It's not a matter of respect, it's a matter of excitement. The media likes Vick because he's exciting to watch and more athletic than Brady- thus capable of making crazier plays. Who's more consistent right now? Obviously Brady- but that doesn't make him more exciting to watch.

Brady gets plenty of respect. Actually I'm tired of hearing about him, so your comments confuse me a little.

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I just heard today Tom Brady's record in New England is 42-10. I'm assuming that includes playoffs :)

If that's true.. that's phenomenal.

It's funny how everyone begs for the blue-collar type player (ie. a "football" player.. not just an athelete) who gives 100% and is an overachieving producer....

and yet all we continually do is hold the "athletes" up on a pedastal hoping they'll embrace a sport and dedicate themselves to it... because of their "potential".

Then when you get exactly what you wanted (ie. a Tom Brady) all we do is point out his shortcomings.

All the guy does is win. That's all that really matters.

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Originally posted by Even Madder

Tom Brady was not pressured at all yesterday. Give credit where it's due: his OL was phenomenal. They controlled the line of scrimmage.

Brady is good, but not great. His OL was great.

you could say the same about Montana as well. Brady is great because he avoids sacks because he gets rid of it so quick. On those playaction TD's, he threw the ball right when he did the fake, that split second made it possible to work. Most Qb's would just hold onto the ball too long after.

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Rypien only lasted one year.

Originally posted by Even Madder

Have you ever seen a QB survive the entire playoffs without taking a sack? Brady isn't the most mobile guy in the world -- and it wasn't just his quick release. He had time back there because the OL dominated the line of scrimmage. Just my opinion.

Brady can move around in the pocket too. You don't have to be mobile to move a few steps and avoid a sack.

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Sound familiar?

Kicked away

Missed extra point gives Michigan 35-34 Orange Bowl win

MIAMI (AP) -- Michigan came from behind twice, then held on in overtime to win.

Ryan Pflugner missed an extra-point attempt by inches on the final play to give the Wolverines a 35-34 victory over Alabama on Saturday night in the Orange Bowl.

"Everyone is going to blame me," said Pflugner, a senior. "I missed the last kick. It came down to an extra point I should have made. But it's a team game. Everyone probably could have done something to make it better."

Michigan's Tom Brady threw for 369 yards and four touchdowns, including three to David Terrell, and the Wolverines twice overcame 14-point deficits.

After Michigan's Shawn Thompson caught a 25-yard touchdown pass on the first play of overtime, Alabama scored on Andrew Zow's 21-yard pass to Antonio Carter. But Pflugner's extra-point attempt was just wide to the right.

"This is the greatest ending to a game ever," Michigan linebacker Ian Gold said.

His coach, Lloyd Carr, was less exuberant.

"It was a great football game," Carr said. "It was a shame somebody had to lose. As much I enjoy winning, I hate to see it end the way it did, with a missed extra point."

The Wolverines won even though they lost a fumble at the Alabama 1 in the fourth quarter and had a 36-yard field goal attempt blocked to force the overtime.

Shaun Alexander, the Southeastern Conference player of the year, rushed for 161 yards and three touchdowns in his final game for Alabama. His scores came on runs of 5, 6 and 50 yards, and teammate Freddie Milons scored on a 62-yard punt return.

The eighth-ranked Wolverines (10-2) managed just one first down in the opening 28 minutes but completed their third consecutive 10-win season.

"Everybody said we weren't good enough, but we showed them," said Terrell, who caught 10 passes for 150 yards.

The fifth-ranked Crimson Tide (10-3) lost in their 50th bowl game, an NCAA record.

"It hurts," Milons said. "It really, really hurts, especially when you've played as hard as you can."

The Wolverines' first six possessions produced just one first down, which came on a 5-yard gain on a fake punt. The offense finally mustered a first down with 1:18 left in the opening half, then scored two plays later on a 27-yard pass from Brady to Terrell.

The Wolverines erased deficits of 14-0 and 28-14 thanks to Terrell, who tied Orange Bowl and Michigan bowl records with three touchdown receptions.

Brady, who was 34-for-46, led Michigan to three touchdowns in a 12-minute span in the third quarter.

The comeback wasn't the first by the Wolverines, who rallied from fourth-quarter deficits to win three times during the regular season.

"They've done that all year long," Carr said. "I'll be glad to get rid of them; I don't have much heart left."

Phillip Weeks blocked a field-goal attempt by Hayden Epstein as time ran out in the fourth quarter, forcing the overtime. Earlier in the period, Anthony Thomas lost a fumble at the Alabama 1.

"Everything is not rose petals when it's a street fight," Terrell said.

Attendance based on tickets sold was 70,461, but the actual crowd totaled only about 50,000. The no-shows missed a game filled with penalties and punts but also plenty of big plays and swings in momentum.

Alexander turned a third-and-1 run into a 50-yard touchdown, breaking three tackles to give Alabama a 21-14 lead in the third quarter. Less than three minutes later, Milons caught a 51-yard punt, weaved across the field and scored untouched to make it 28-14.

The Wolverines made the score 14-all on their first series of the second half. Terrell caught a short pass from Brady, eluded cornerback Milo Lewis and sprinted the end zone, completing a 57-yard play.

Terrell beat Lewis again in the third quarter for a 20-yard score.

Alabama picked up only one first down in the opening quarter, but a 32-yard run by Alexander got the Tide rolling. The play started a 76-yard drive that ended with Alexander's 5-yard touchdown run.

Three minutes later, Alabama scored again. Milons' 23-punt return and a late-hit penalty gave the Tide the ball at the Michigan 31, and Alexander's 6-yard touchdown run made the score 14-0.

Kind of reminds you a little of Joe Montana in his last game at Notre Dame, though his comeback was in horrible weather, and his squad was down by 23 points if I remember.

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Hmm manning behind the Patriots o line with a very good defense to give him alot of chances to score.............

Nah he'd find a way to lose the way the NE bandwagoneer react.

Heck Delhomme was impressive with less and the outcome wouldve been different with a decent kickoff and fox sticking with kicking the PAT

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I absolutely guarantee this: if the Panthers had won, you guys would be drooling over Delhomme. He played the better game in my opinion and showed a lot of heart overcoming the beating he took in the first two quarters. Wasn't he 1 for 6 to start?

Delhomme played a hell of a second half.

Both guys played really well, but nowhere near the Montana level. Where were the great plays? They played within the offense, took their shots when they were open, and were otherwise unspectacular.

Some nice passes in there and they both played fairly error-free. Brady threw one dumb INT and Delhomme held the ball too long and got stripped, but that's about it. They managed the game well on both sides.

Great? No.

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Managed the game?!?!?!?!?

EM, that Pats O-line ranks in the bottom third of the NFL, talent-wise.

If you really know what you are watching, you would know that Brady gets average protection, even last night. It's Brady's quick release and ability to process the defense quickly that keeps the pressure to a minimum. You could probably count the plays on one hand where Brady held on to the ball more than 3 seconds.

That performance was EXACTLY Montana-like, because that's exactly how Montana played. It's like the game slows down for him, and he almost always finds the open receiver, even when he's got only 1 or 2 seconds against press coverage. The guy's just got "it."

Delhomme surprised and showed he can make plays when the running game is shut down. But Brady has been performing like last night for most of 3 years now, and he just seems to get better.

Did you watch the same game, EM?

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