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Originally posted by Die Hard

For those who came from the Washington Post boards... I've got a serious question.

Why would you post there?

I'm not bashing the "community" itself... but that software is absolutely horrible. I cringe when I see it. And I can't believe the traffic they have over there.

So what's the deal over there?

I have often wondered the same thing. It hurts my eyes to try and follow the stuff on the pages there.

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I, too, am a die hard Skins fan - ;) and a woman fan at that!

I drive my husband crazy each year and I've been faithful. My sister and I used to party it up (with boyfriends just dazed and wondering) at each and every Gibbs game - yelled at the tv and all!

We've decided to start the chips and salsa times again to revivie our tradition!

C'mon ladies - let's hear it!!!


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Originally posted by Die Hard

For those who came from the Washington Post boards... I've got a serious question.

Why would you post there?

I'm not bashing the "community" itself... but that software is absolutely horrible. I cringe when I see it. And I can't believe the traffic they have over there.

So what's the deal over there?

I dunno. I generally like the Posts Skins coverage over the Times. I would always just end up on their board. As bad as it may be, it is how I heard about this site....so it can't be all bad!

What sucks, is that I never came across this sites when searching before.

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ive been following the redskins since i was 9-10 yrs old, through the good, and the horrible (93 and beyond).

i learned of the site when i did a search for redskins tickets, and was on the next page, clicked the link, and signed up.

there are always gonna be ppl who jump on the bandwagon, in any sport, but for the true redskins fan, you know who you are, and we (as faithful followers) know there will be no other:paranoid:

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Well for me, I've really only been here about a year and a half posting. I found the board back in my computer illiterate days and only read posts and news. When Marty got canned, I was freaked and felt like we were in just as big of a dilemma after SOS quit. Once SOS came on board, I checked the board almost daily. Started seeing how things worked and then came on right after the 2002 draft and haven't looked back. With the Redskins changes, so go the changes at extremeskins I guess.:)

It also helped to have a job that didn't take me away from the computer screen all the time. In 2001, I was all over the place when I first discovered the board and never really checked up on it that much. When I landed a job where I had to use a computer daily, well naturally I found myself gravitating here......;)

I wonder about bandwagoneers. Don't think many would take the effort to log on here and post like crazy, but still wonder. The last few gigs I have had (whilst wearing various redskin gear and extremeskin gear) so many people have come up to me screaming "SKINS BABY" that I am starting to see the wagon wheels buckling...........

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I found my way here about 2 years ago. Started searching for some skins sites. The Post just wasn't enough to get my fix. Came across this link. Lurked for a while. Liked what I saw. Signed up a few months later & haven't left yet. Can'y begin to imagine what the dt's would feel like if I did.

DH, you're not the only one that cringes when looking at the Post's board. Nothing against the people there, but that's got to be one of the worst set ups I've ever seen. To me it's a just a real pain to follow anything there, the way it's set up.

Thanks for spoiling us. :)


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You mean with have to share our precious site with others!? :shhh:

DH you better gear this puppy up to handle all of the additional traffic JG's coming back seems to be generating. :)

cut to the film clip at the end of Field of Dreams as camera pulls back to show miles of car light heading for field now changed to FedEx

:wave: :wave: :wave:

....news flash..... Extremeskins goes global ...now rivals Amazon and Ebay for number of hits per day :thud:

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Originally posted by Rabblerouser

You mean with have to share our precious site with others!? :shhh:

DH you better gear this puppy up to handle all of the additional traffic JG's coming back seems to be generating. :)

cut to the film clip at the end of Field of Dreams as camera pulls back to show miles of car light heading for field now changed to FedEx

:wave: :wave: :wave:

....news flash..... Extremeskins goes global ...now rivals Amazon and Ebay for number of hits per day :thud:

I'll be honest with everyone here... you've seen the traffic here at peak times. We're maxing our box out. We spent about as much as we can upgrading our box to its peak of efficiency.

We're still good for now... but we could burst at the seams in the near future. The next step is an upgraded server which requires a significant increase in expenditure. It's almost inevitable.

And at that time... it'll be imperative to get contributions from members to sustain the site.

That's the brutal truth.

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Fine by me. Well worth it!!

SO long as you won't have the power to change my name to IAMGAY.

Don't know where you got that idea. It's just that I'm a beautiful, balding male who loves interior decorating.


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Originally posted by Die Hard

And at that time... it'll be imperative to get contributions from members to sustain the site.

Just start a couple more Playoff Survivor Bowls... :D

Apparently I'm prepared to quickly depart from more 20's anytime. Ravens. Sheeesh! :doh:

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I welcome all the new members, especially the ladies. New members bring new perspectives. Like bareskin, a lot of these ladies know their Redskins and football.

:flowers: for the ladies.

I will glady do my share if we need to upgrade the server. Small price to pay for all the enjoyment I get in return. Any $$ spent here has a great ROI.

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Hi everyone...I'm new, and I'm a lady...well, I'm female anyway. After a few cold, adult beverages I've been told that I'm anything BUT a lady.

Anyhow...definately NOT a bandwagon jumper..in fact here at my office I have pictures of myself with Mark Rypien, Dave Butz and one of the Hoggettes on my wall. :D

I've 'lurked' for awhile....but, I forgot my original screenname...*sigh* so I had to re-register.

So....with that I say Hello Everyone!:ciao:

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I actually signed up the weekend before Gibbs was revealed to have signed on. To be honest, I haven't been much of a message board guy - but I figured I'd give this place a go...since its fellow Redskins fans and not some depressing conversation (depressing in how many people are really negative and senseless) about the Patriot Act or the existence of God or something.

Just gimme some burgundy and gold. I'm happy.

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A life long Redskin fan, I tripped over this site last week doing a Google search for news on the Gibbs hiring. Had no clue it even exhisted before that. Had to join since it is so darn tough to get reliable news or hang with Skins fans while living in Dallas.

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I for one didn't know this site was here until a few days before Coach Gibbs was hired.

As far as jumpping on the band wagon, ask GRIDIORNMIKE what kind of Skins fan I am.

REDSKIN1 is my car licence #.

I watched this board for a few days and really liked it, so I joined.


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Been a Skins fan my whole life, but I've only been here about a year now. Wish I had found this place sooner. I don't post a great deal, but I don't always have something to add to a discussion either. To all the new members, welcome. And to anyone who wants to label the newcomers as bandwagoners, think about this... If this site is loading up on new members, just imagine what Fed Ex will be like next season. That place is going to be complete hell for every opponent.

The Skins are returning to prominence. We all win. Enjoy the ride.

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I think the sudden influx you see is just Skin fans getting excited, seeking out news, and discovering this site.

Plus, as many have mentioned, poeple just check out the site w/o posting.

Lurkers. Small hands. Smell like cabbage. :silly:

It's not so much bandwagoners, as it is excited fans bursting at the seams from Gibbs-overload. Or something like that.

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I found out about this site a few weeks into last season. I think as more people hear about it the more people will hear about it. It is such a great site once I found out about it I told everyone about it. I'm sure everyone does the same. I execpt this site to grow like weeds if it isn't already.

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