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WP: Redskins, D. Russell will part company

Zen-like Todd

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Redskins, D. Russell Will Part Company

Free Agent Defender Won't Be Asked Back

By Mark Maske

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, December 29, 2003; Page D10

The Washington Redskins have decided to sever their ties with Darrell Russell, in large part because of last week's incident in which the former Pro Bowl defensive tackle was late to a practice, team officials said yesterday.

Russell, 27, is eligible for unrestricted free agency after signing a contract with the Redskins in late October that ran through the end of the season. Russell, tight end Zeron Flemister and linebacker Antonio Pierce were placed on the Redskins' inactive list for Saturday night's season-ending, 31-7 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles at FedEx Field. Russell acknowledged yesterday that he arrived late to practice on Thursday, saying that he had gotten lost on his way to Redskins Park.

"He had eight weeks to evaluate us," said Vinny Cerrato, the Redskins' vice president of football operations. "We had eight weeks to evaluate him. We were looking for a guy who loved to play and loved to practice, who had a passion and a love for the game. After our eight-week evaluation, we'll move in a different direction and we'll let him move in a different direction. With all the players we'll be looking at, we'll be looking for guys with passion and love for the game."

Coach Steve Spurrier said earlier in the day that the episode could affect Russell's future with the team. Russell said earlier that he had no problem with Spurrier's decision to place him on the inactive list Saturday and remained open to the possibility of re-signing with the Redskins.

"He did what he thought is right," Russell said. "He's the coach, and you have to abide by his rules. I didn't. I showed up late. . . . I'm not going to sit here and be bitter and say he didn't treat other players like that before so he shouldn't do that in this instance with these three players. We're not supposed to be late. . . . A coach has to be liked by his players. But it all starts with getting respect from players. If a coach has to reprimand players, that's okay. That's a step in the right direction. . . . If I have to be an example, so be it. I've been one before."

Russell was not available to comment later, after the Redskins' decision became clear. Cerrato said it was not clear how the incident would affect the other players' status with the team since circumstances perhaps were different for them. According to club officials, Flemister also showed up late for Thursday's Christmas Day practice, and Pierce was late for a practice on Wednesday or Thursday.

"I got lost," Russell said. "I don't know my way around here yet."

Russell previously had left open the possibility of re-signing with the Redskins if he were given the chance to earn increased playing time. Before last week, team officials had expressed satisfaction with Russell's off-field behavior during his brief tenure with the club.

Redskins officials had been wary of Russell's history of off-field problems before signing him just after he was released by the Oakland Raiders on the heels of being reinstated by the NFL from a drug-related suspension, reportedly for testing positive for ecstasy. During his suspension, Russell was charged with 25 felony counts for allegedly videotaping two of his friends reportedly raping a woman. Prosecutors dropped the charges in September 2002, citing a lack of evidence.

Russell signed with the Redskins for just less than $800,000, a prorated portion of a full-year salary of $1.5 million, but was overweight and rusty from his layoff and didn't recapture his Pro Bowl form. He played little as a reserve behind starters Bernard Holsey and Lional Dalton. The Redskins plan to rebuild their defensive line in the offseason. They could sign Daryl Gardener, the team's most valuable player in 2002, if he's released by the Denver Broncos in June.

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Originally posted by CrankyTodd

"I got lost," Russell said. "I don't know my way around here yet."

"I coulda signed a blockbuster deal with the Skins, but I got high..."

"I could made $10 million bucks, but I got high..."

"Now I'm baggin' groceries, Oh Yeah, cuz I got high, cuz I got high, cuz I got hiiiigh..."

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Originally posted by Buddha

"I coulda signed a blockbuster deal with the Skins, but I got high..."

"I could made $10 million bucks, but I got high..."

"Now I'm baggin' groceries, Oh Yeah, cuz I got high, cuz I got high, cuz I got hiiiigh..."

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Now we get to be the club that taught him a lesson about being professional so that he can mend his ways and become a major force on someone else's DL. This was a a dumb move. We would have been better off having a heart to heart with him after the season and re-signing him to a modest long term deal.

Stoopid move.

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I totally agree with Yusuf....you let guys mouth off about coaches and who's starting or getting playing time, but you're going to release a guy who might be able to help us next year because he was late for a meeting???

I'm all for discipline. But this makes little sense.

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I still can't figure out all this desire for Daryl Gardner.

The guy is an attitude proble, an injury problem and a loose cannon off the field.

why on EARTH would anyone want that kind of crap in this locker room?

Discipline is a problem on our team, and Gardner is best served in Arizona or sopmeplace else with no history or tradition (or desire to get better).

Seriously, if some of you guys are serious about wanting to fix this team, forget about that headache. His last negotiation with the team proved he is not in it for anything but himself.. isn't that what we're trying to get away from?


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That is disappointing news.

I mean, who HASN'T gotten lost in DC?

We had a perfect setup to sign a guy who, with a good offseason workout program, could be a pro bowler. And we probably could've done it on the cheap. I was hoping that was our plan all along, to not play him much so we could sign him cheaper. But no...

Now we have that Crank-freak Cerrato bad-mouthing him in the press. Brilliant.

Instead, we will resign Gardener, who badmouths his coach and fights when his Rooty-Tootie Fresh and Fruity is late? Geez.

We have to get rid of Cerrato. I think he is the biggest problem we have.

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Originally posted by Bang

I still can't figure out all this desire for Daryl Gardner.

The guy is an attitude proble, an injury problem and a loose cannon off the field.

why on EARTH would anyone want that kind of crap in this locker room?

Discipline is a problem on our team, and Gardner is best served in Arizona or sopmeplace else with no history or tradition (or desire to get better).

Seriously, if some of you guys are serious about wanting to fix this team, forget about that headache. His last negotiation with the team proved he is not in it for anything but himself.. isn't that what we're trying to get away from?


Woah, who said they wanted Gardener? I just said we were going to sign him.

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"He had eight weeks to evaluate us," said Vinny Cerrato, the Redskins' vice president of football operations. "We had eight weeks to evaluate him. We were looking for a guy who loved to play and loved to practice, who had a passion and a love for the game. After our eight-week evaluation, we'll move in a different direction and we'll let him move in a different direction. With all the players we'll be looking at, we'll be looking for guys with passion and love for the game."

Yeah, passion and love for the game -- this from the same guy who signed four drug-addict rapist wife-beater types this offseason, and from the same organization that's celebrating Bruce "I don't need to practice" Smith.

Vinny, we've had a 4 year evaluation of you -- and we'd love to move in a different direction.

Don't get me wrong -- I thought signing Russell was stupid in the first place because he's a scumbag who doesn't deserve another chance because he's shown no sign of changing. Same with the other miscreants. But it's a little late to get religion about it now.

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Originally posted by Buddha

"I coulda signed a blockbuster deal with the Skins, but I got high..."

"I could made $10 million bucks, but I got high..."

"Now I'm baggin' groceries, Oh Yeah, cuz I got high, cuz I got high, cuz I got hiiiigh..."

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Why are people so AGAINST bringing Gardener in? Say what you want about him being trouble, but he was a model citizen in the locker room when he played for Washington. The guy's a manchild: 6'6", 325 with no fat. He was one of the few that actually got pressure on our line last year. I would take him if we could sign him to a reasonable deal with some behavior/injury clauses in the contract...

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Originally posted by JeffSchmeff

Why are people so AGAINST bringing Gardener in? Say what you want about him being trouble, but he was a model citizen in the locker room when he played for Washington. The guy's a manchild: 6'6", 325 with no fat. He was one of the few that actually got pressure on our line last year. I would take him if we could sign him to a reasonable deal with some behavior/injury clauses in the contract...

It's the three Bs...Bad Back and baggage.

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