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Back Off Champ, He's a Pro Bowler!!!


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Champ has 1 bad game and you want him gone. If he is such a bad corner then why was he selected to the pro bowl? If Smoot is so much better then why is he NOT in the pro bowl? If the Redskins D is so bad and Edwards can't coach then why were there 2 players selected to start in the Pro Bowl??? Champ is great and worth every dime the Skins are going to pay him!!! No I am not Champ Bailey or a friend or relative.

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Originally posted by BVSkinsfan

Champ has 1 bad game and you want him gone. If he is such a bad corner then why was he selected to the pro bowl?

It's called name recognition. He had more than one bad game. How about against the Giants in week 3, the Bills? Even in the first game versus Dallas, he was beaten by Joey Galloway. Fortunately, Quincy Carter underthrew the pass an Bowen picked it off.

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The bottom line is that no way in hell should a guy who has had as mediocre a season as Bailey be worth 55 million over 9 years. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that he has given us some great years, and that maybe we don't know how good we've had it with Bailey taking away half the field over the years. However, with that being said, we seriously have to rethink this perception that many of us seem to hold regarding how he is the best corner in the league.

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i opened up this thread expecting sarcasm, but uh...didn't find it. seriously, you're gonna give the guy a huge contract just cuz he made the probowl? i mean, come on, chris samuels is an alternate, can you think of other left tackles that you'd rather have at their respective prices? i definately can, it means nothing, hell, trotter made the probowl two years ago, and he sucked today. champ is a solid corner, a very good one, but he's not "the best corner in the league" as some would have you believe. i mean, how scared were you when our quarterbacks would throw to deion's man?? how scared to you think grossman was to throw to bailey's man? not scared enough to burn him for a touchdown....but then again, bailey pussed out of the game in the second half with a scratch on his face.

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My problem with Champ is, he doesn't seem to be as fast as he used to be. Maybe he is playing with too many injuries, but it just is depressing to watch him get beat deep all the time.

It is one thing to give up a catch and then make the tackle, however Bailey is giving up the deep catches and then getting beat for another 10-15+ yards.

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there is know true shut down corner in the nfl at this time, but if there was a vote to who was the closest, i'd pick champ. he's been hurt and no one can shut down everyone they play!!! that's asking too much from this guys and he's given it all he's got. again, just half of champ is better then most in this leauge. imagine letting him go then becoming the shut down corner in this leauge and we let him go. he'll end up with a ring and we'll just be pouting, again. keep him here, u wont regret it.


0-16, 16-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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4 straight pro bowls and u say he's sucks after one bad season?! its one thing to say he's not livin up to expectations is one thing, but to say he sucks plain and simple, u're no better then those skins-fans-turn-cowgirls fans who switch only cuz of their dissapointment. u're not a skins fan, and those no reason chance in hell that u could do half of what champ has done. damn.


0-16, 16-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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y not have a dominat front 4 and a shut down cb? champ hasn't had a great year, and i bet u he knows it. maybe now he wont be askin for 7 mil a year, cuz no one is goin to give 7 mil to anyone unless they are the best of the best. maybe the lions, but champ has already said that he wants to win, and he wont get that in detroit, or even arizona. this maybe his one bad year, so sign him to a reasonable deal, cuz he'll be worth twice as much in the future.


0-16, 16-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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The only way I buy Champ not asking for TOP DOLLAR, is if we sign him before, Woodson/Surtain are signed. If they get signed first, and Champ still considers himself in their league he is going to ask for just as much if not more, however if we can get Champ signed FIRST then there is no barometer to go by.

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Champ has benefited since his rookie season of haveing D. Green playing with him and covering the #1 reciever on important plays. D.Green is gone and Champ has fallen off .

I am a TRUE REDSKIN fan and always will be so in the best interest of the team he needs to be traded for picks . Champ doesnt make any big plays not even by accident and teams always appear to game plan towards Champ or when they need a big play they go right at Champ so is this the guy you want to give a 20 million dollar bonus 2???

Pro-bowl is a joke anyone with half a brain should know that Champ should be sitting at home and Smoot should be in his place. Its funny how you say im not a true redskin fan ??? Is that because i am not blinded by the hype of the players we have enough to keep the ones we should get rid of in interest of the TEAM ?? Champ would be a good Corner here if we had a good d-LINE but we dont so in the best interest of the team he needs to leave so we can upgrade the D-line.

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Surtain is signed through 2005...

I still think both Woodson and Bailey will command $15M signing bonuses. The thing is both will likely get franchised and face the prospects of having to show their worth all over again.

Since Bailey has had an off year and since he is a lot younger, playing for a cool $6-7M salary next year and having a chance to up his market value with a better season might be in his best interest.

Woodson on the other hand has had his best season as a pro despite getting the shaft in Pro Bowl voting. I'll be curious to see if Woodson gets the more legit 1st Team All Pro despite the suspect Pro Bowl shank... Either way, Woodson may be more inclined to take the Raiders best offer and avoid the tag because he'll be 28 next year and it will be tough to repeat what he did this year...

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Originally posted by lavarleap56

Champ has benefited since his rookie season of haveing D. Green playing with him and covering the #1 reciever on important plays. D.Green is gone and Champ has fallen off .

Please, please, stop making stuff up. That isn't even half way true, Champ was covering Michael Irvin in his first professional game EVER. Since he's been drafted, he's always drawn the top assignment and shut the best recievers down, prior to this season.

Last season, when Green was the nickel back and played even less as the season went on, Champ was still covering all the top recievers. To suggest Green retiring has anything to do with the way Champ has played is ridiculous. :thud:

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oh look Champs grandma is back , hi gamebreaker. Champ has covered the number 1 most of the time since his rookie season byt Darrell would cover the number 1 on third and so forth until last season and Champ would move into the slot. Why is it that you are so in favor of keeping a player that isnt worth the money he wants??? Maybe if he started to return punts i would give him that money , oh wait we tried that and he sucked at that.

Since you are such a big Champ fan you must not like the redskins since he contributes to us not being able to win. Oh i got it you must be a closet Cowboys fan and want us to keep him so he can be taken advantage of twice a year.

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