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If Dan gave Spurrier 5 why not give Gibbs 10


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Gibbs lived at Redskins Park 3-4 days a week during the NFL season, hardly had time for his family, and ate a TON of fast food during that time. When he left the Redskins, he lost over 30 pounds and his health got better as a result.

He wouldn't come back no matter how much you paid him to

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Originally posted by bubba9497

You can't recreate lightning in a bottle


Stay the course another year...see what happens.

With the way the NFL is today, with parity and all, you can't keep changing.

Next year, this years playoff teams won't make the postseason and those teams will want to fire their coach. It's a roller coaster ride. It's harder on coaches than it used to be. You draft a guy and 4 years later he's down the road. How are you supposed to build a team??

The guy never coached in the NFL before..cut him a little slack.

I'd love for once, for this offseason to be a quiet one. No Sapp, no Owens, no friggin free agents.

Draft wisely :rolleyes: ...get us some kids with something to prove and lets ride the wave.

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Originally posted by ljer


Stay the course another year...see what happens.

With the way the NFL is today, with parity and all, you can't keep changing.

Next year, this years playoff teams won't make the postseason and those teams will want to fire their coach. It's a roller coaster ride. It's harder on coaches than it used to be. You draft a guy and 4 years later he's down the road. How are you supposed to build a team??

The guy never coached in the NFL before..cut him a little slack.

I'd love for once, for this offseason to be a quiet one. No Sapp, no Owens, no friggin free agents.

Draft wisely :rolleyes: ...get us some kids with something to prove and lets ride the wave.

Thank goodness....

Finally someone talking some sense here. :applause: :applause: :cheers:

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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

And full controll and a contract that says he gets 10 years with no say from Snyder. Dan will not be allowed to talk to the press and Joe getts a 15mill signing bonus and part ownership of the team.

Could Joe refuse?

Yes he could and would!

Face it, the Good Ship Gibbs has sailed................get over it.

Also, there is NO guarentee he could do it again. He did operate in the pre-cap NFL after all.

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Originally posted by TC4

Gibbs lived at Redskins Park 3-4 days a week during the NFL season, hardly had time for his family, and ate a TON of fast food during that time. When he left the Redskins, he lost over 30 pounds and his health got better as a result.

He wouldn't come back no matter how much you paid him to

Yup, plus he doesn't really need the money.

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And just for the record ... for all the thing Snyder can justly be criticized for, "talking to the press" is not one of them.

The man does not talk to the media or demand face time during the season.

Credit where it's due.

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Originally posted by StevieSuperior

As much as i love Joe, I question if he would be effective today. His teams were built on role players that had been here for years. I am not sure the cap would allow him to coach his style.

I know Gibbs is not coming back. But I believe if he did,he could win in today's NFL. Gibbs system allowed him to adapt to his players' strengths. That would be huge with our current squad. Also,on the FA front, Gibbs' offense was basically 5-6 basic plays with alot of motion and formation changes to disguise it ,which would be a big plus as far as new players having to acclimate themselves to the team. One more thing, if Vermeil and Parcells can have lengthy layoffs and come back with success,Joe could too. ;)
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Joe Gibbs. True offensive genius. He came here after a stint in San Diego, if I'm not mistaken, and tried to incorporate the Air Coryell system that was working so well out west. They started 0-5...he developed a style better for his personnel, and it worked to perfection.

His success with 3 different QB's and somewhat differing personnel for all of his super bowls is ironically similar to how Spurrier did in college. In Spurrier's college days, his offense would win conference titles and blow people out no matter what, he had great personnel, and his system could unravel any defense.

Gibbs' system of ball-control, viscious ground attack with the deep throw mixed in, that worked for many years and with different players in a very tight division. Damn I wish I'd seen more of him. Alas, I was but 10 years old when he retired.

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Sometimes after a layoff things just sort of pass you by and even though you're still everything you were, the game isn't what it was. Some can either adapt or their old methods are still effective even though things have changed (Parcells/Vermeil). Others cannot adapt and get embarrassed (Marty).

I don't know if Gibbs would be one of the former or the later. However, my gut tells me he'd probably be just as good as he always was. Even so, he's not the type of guy for whom $$$ is a prime consideration so I couldn't ever see him returning to coaching. He totally burned himself out and I think he probably promised his family he'd never coach again.

:cheers: to a guy with principles.

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I'm with you RF4L, but I still don't think he'd do it. I can't believe all of the Gibbs doubters on this thread. Football hasn't changed that much since Gibbs was coach cap or no cap. It's not like he was a coach in the fifties. Gibbs didn't need a bunch of allstars to win. I bet he might do better now than he did then.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Sorry I just had to bump this thread up and show how we were thinking in December.

Thank goodness football is starting again. Hopefully this December we are talking playoffs

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Guest Westbrook36

Holy Crap. This is the greatest thread ever! Man, look at all the people saying Gibbs couldn't win today. :D

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