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The Hill: New app to help Trump supporters find MAGA-friendly restaurants

Cooked Crack

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A new app launched this month to help conservatives find “safe” restaurants and other businesses where they won’t be harassed for supporting President Trump.

The 63red Safe app, described as “Yelp for conservatives,” was created in response to reports of Trump administration officials and Trump supporters being asked to leave restaurants.

App creator Scott Wallace on Monday said on “Fox & Friends” that his aim was to get “politics out of local businesses [and] local restaurants.”


The app allows users to label restaurants as “safe” or “unsafe” for conservatives based on four questions: Whether the restaurant serves guests “of every political belief,” if it allows legal concealed carry, will it “protect its customers if they are attacked for political reasons” and if the establishment avoid politics in its ads and social media.

Wallace told the Daily Beast that he thinks the app will grow in popularity ahead of the 2020 election, when he says he thinks Trump supporters are likely to be targeted by “socialist goon squads,” specifically naming the anti-fascist group “Antifa.”



What a bunch of soy boys looking for safe spaces.

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25 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

What keeps anyone from accessing the app and then targeting those restaurants?

Nothing but people probably will target the app itself. Leave bad reviews and mark everything has unsafe.


i run the local raleigh chapter of antifa and i was hoping this app would give me good spots to go to with my super soldiers to harass safe space snowflake conservatives but it barely works. bad design.


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One of the things I enjoy in life is irony, and there's just so much of it in here.  


I mean, an app who's stated purpose is to get politics out of businesses, who's function is to allow people to openly advertise their political ideology?  


A "safe place" for people who think the term is a dirty word?  


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they are everything they think they hate.


Maybe a good way to get people to stop attacking you is to stop advertising how much hatred drives you.


if only there was some book or something that explained how hate begets hate and stuff like that...



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