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Has any team started a re-build while in 1st place in the Division? We Should


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On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 11:57 AM, JSSkinz said:

This team is actually set up quite well to do a fairly quick rebuild, we have some good young talent and can get out of all the veteran contracts with minimal cap penalties.


The thing that screws it up is the Alex contract, the cap penalty is huge for the next 2 years and that's gonna hurt if we do want to pursue free agents.


I hate to quote Mike Lombardi, but he's an idiot. But I do like his idea of blue chip players. Those are what you win with.


Who are our blue-chippers or potential blue chippers?

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6 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


I hate to quote Mike Lombardi, but he's an idiot. But I do like his idea of blue chip players. Those are what you win with.


Who are our blue-chippers or potential blue chippers?


I think the 4 young guys in the interior of our D line are the closest thing we have, after that I've got nothing for you.


The post you responded to was from 2 months ago, so much has changed since then and I'm not sure what we have anymore.


The entire offense needs an overhaul and that includes Trent, I like Scherff but once the season concludes he will have missed 10 games over the past 2 years, I still think we need to lock him up.


We can't buy ourselves out of this, free agency doesn't work, its good to compliment an already competitive team but not to build one.


We're gonna have to take it up the rear for a couple years an hope we draft well, I would do everything possible to get Fromm in 2020.

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11 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


I hate to quote Mike Lombardi, but he's an idiot. But I do like his idea of blue chip players. Those are what you win with.


Who are our blue-chippers or potential blue chippers?


I think we have 5 or fewer...







Some guys who were or were close to being blue-chippers are aging now (Williams, for example). I would hope that Guice becomes one, but he hasn't played a snap yet. Whatever we do, I hope those are the only 4-5 players we worry about building around. I'd get any value we possibly could (be it picks or younger players) for the rest. 

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4 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:





The top 3 have potential to be blue chippers, but certainly aren’t consistent game changing elite players at this time.


Scherff, healthy, is a blue chip player....only he’s a guard.


Back during all the old QB controversy about how much he was worth or wasn’t, I’d bring up all the other guys we pay a lot of money to relative to their position, and how they aren’t elite game changing playmakers either.  That’s a big problem for us.  All those years of missing draft picks or misses don’t help at all with that either.

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