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Houston Chron: Feds detain Katy High School student from Jordan following President Trump's immigration ban


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So a 16 year old kid is seized and imprisoned for two days for no reason at all. And may be held for an additional 2 weeks to 2 months?  And similar events are happening all over the country. God bless America.


"A minor inconvenience. Nothing to see here." Everything's going smoothly."


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32 minutes ago, Kosher Ham said:

It's not what we are becoming. 

Many of us simply never evolved or took the time to learn. 


Sad really. 


My personal theory is that we are actually going backwards and many people who may not have previously held deeply bigoted and racist views, are starting to adopt them. 

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21 minutes ago, TimmySmith said:

Could be he has the same name as someone on a list somewhere.  Wouldn't be the first time. 


Also his lawyer calls it "unconscionable", yet does not know his "client's" visa status, nor what type of visa he was trying to obtain.  


I doubt this 16 year old had a lawyer on retainer. I imagine this is someone just hired by the family who is trying to determine why the kid is being detained and is not getting any answers from the Feds.


The family is probably confused or not revealing anything, because - remember Civics - it's not up to a person to prove his or her innocence. It's up to the government to present the charges.



Just now, No Excuses said:


My personal theory is that we are actually going backwards and many people who may not have previously held deeply bigoted and racist views, are starting to adopt them. 


I think Trump has just made it safe to let what people have held inside come out freely now.


Completely anecdotal of course, my the n-word has popped up on my Facebook feed twice in the last month. (When I joined in 2009, I basically "friended" anyone I went to high school with). That's never happened before.

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9 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

The family is probably confused or not revealing anything, because - remember Civics - it's not up to a person to prove his or her innocence. It's up to the government to present the charges.

There is still a bit of a gray area in the reality of civics when dealing with non-citizens and Homeland Security.  Deportation is always on the table with no guilt associated.  There is about a 75% chance of an honest mistake here.  20% of of a screw up.  5% that there is no mistake at all.

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11 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


My personal theory is that we are actually going backwards and many people who may not have previously held deeply bigoted and racist views, are starting to adopt them. 


It would be interesting to see some studies on this.  I think one thing for sure is that with the explosion of technology and "alternative news" sources, it is becoming a lot easier to frame narratives and get people so scared and angry, that I would suggest it's a lot easier to flip people into views and thinking they previously didn't have.

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