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Fox Business: Trump Tips Dow to 20K


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2 hours ago, Springfield said:

Trump has nothing to do with this btw.  Absolutely nothing.  Just in case there was somebody in here dumb enough to believe such a thing.


I knew I should have eaten at the Mexican restaurant today. 


I agree with you, what a freaking farce to me. 

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I sure don't think TRUMP is going to cause a market crash any time soon. (Well, not his handling of the economy. If he does something Trump-like like an executive order defaulting on the national debt or invading Saudi Arabia, that's another matter). 


I assume it would take him a lot longer, to create his own bubble. 


Now, if you want to argue that we're due for one, whether Trump had won or not, I could see that. 

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1 hour ago, Springfield said:

Trump has nothing to do with this btw.  Absolutely nothing.  Just in case there was somebody in here dumb enough to believe such a thing.

Well I could see a small effect of his pro-business rhetoric, but the problem is that gains from rhetoric are bubbly not real.  They are likely to correct eventually.

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15 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Well I could see a small effect of his pro-business rhetoric, but the problem is that gains from rhetoric are bubbly not real.  They are likely to correct eventually.


There was a slight bump after the election, and that's all I'd give him credit for.  Positive earnings reports, housing reports and employment reports were remains of the last administration.  Hell, Trump hasn't had time to formulate any policies yet.


I will say that there seems to be a willingness for large corporations to bring manufacturing jobs back into the US, but to what extent and how that will effect the market is yet to be seen.


I am deeply concerned that Trump's apparent goal to deregulate pretty much every industry will lead us into a heavy bubble (at best).  Unchecked, we could head into recession or depression category.  Fed Interest rates need to increase and fast, for sure.

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