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Official Fallout 4 Thread (all platforms)


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Speaking of Skyrim, did you recognize the voice actors? They seem to have lost the more recognizable actors for this one (I'm sure that saved money) but I recognize a lot of the same voices. The two that stand out are Detective Valentine and Desdemona, I remember their biggest Skyrim characters clear as day.

Lol yes. Skyrim is probably my favorite game ever.

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Skyrim was seriously badass, but I have to give the edge to Witcher 3 even though Projeckt Red made you play Garalt.  I am an RPG guy and I have to say games like Skyrim and Witcher 3 are few and far between.  Compared with titles like DA: Inquisition and Shadow of Mordor... well there is no comparison.  Even FO4 falls short when comparisons are made.  IMHO of course.

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Skyrim was great but had its flaws.  It had a ton of breadth, but not very much depth.  The main storyline wasn't as compelling as DA (original), most other Bioware titles, or even FO3.  Companions had little/no backstory, at least the ones I ran into, and had maybe 8 lines a piece.   It also suffered from "critter overload" particularly with the dragons,  after about the 5th or 6th dragon battle, fighting them just became a chore.   Also I didn't like how they did difficulty increase - enemies do more damage to you, and you do less damage to them, but your companions don't suffer from this handicap, so when I played hire difficult I realized I was just using my companion(s) as a meat shield most of the time.   The combat was too simplistic and Shadow of Mordor had much better system with the combos

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Shadow of Mordor had a beautiful combat system, perhaps the best sword fighting system in any game I've played, but once you mastered it you could fight 100 creatures at the same time with ease.  Especially once you got that stun flip ability.

So true. If Skyrim had that fighting system, it would be nuts.

Skyrim was seriously badass, but I have to give the edge to Witcher 3 even though Projeckt Red made you play Garalt.  I am an RPG guy and I have to say games like Skyrim and Witcher 3 are few and far between.  Compared with titles like DA: Inquisition and Shadow of Mordor... well there is no comparison.  Even FO4 falls short when comparisons are made.  IMHO of course.

I haven't finished Witcher, I just wish you could create your own character.

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Sorry to hear you're not feeling it that much, Codey :(


 I loved FO3 and FO:NV, yet I never got into Skyrim.  Not exactly sure why.  I watched youtube videos of folks playing Skyrim, but I was never interested enough to buy the game.  Guess I'll have to buy the next installment for sure.  I keep hearing a lot about Elder Scrolls...is that like Skyrim and Fallout or is it an MMORPG?  No idea why I haven't gotten into Bethesda's other games.


Elder Scrolls is a series of games, starting with Arena way back in 1993, and then continuing with Daggerfall, Redguard, Morrowind, Obliviion and most recently Skyrim (2011).   I've actually only played Skyrim. But from my limited understanding, they all take place in the same medevial/fantasy type setting.  The plot of each game is only very loosely connected (for instance "the Oblivion crisis"  is briefly mentioned in Skyrim, and I think "Elder scrolls" play a role in each game)


If you want to check out Skyrim, its pretty cheap now as its almost 5 years old.  I think I got for around $20 on steam and that was more than a year ago.  If you're on console second hand sales should be pretty cheap as well

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I feel like new Vegas had a way better plot and dialogue. The conversation wheel thing just plain sucks, and there were wayyyy more factions and player choice in Vegas. I mean, I can't even murder the "good" characters. Lame. (Mama Murphy was asking for it!)


I used to love 1/2 and feel like new Vegas was as close to those as the modern era is going to get.

Anyways, it's still fun, but I think I will prefer the obsidian spinoff again. 4 feels like a simplified version of 3, in much the same way that skyrim didn't appeal to me as much as oblivion did. Oh well.

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Yeah, Fallout 4 is awesome, No Regrets buying it, however, it is a cookie cutter of their past games.  The more I play and the newness factor wears off, I'm noticing more and more that its not "new and unique" as much as it could be.  Its a little disappointing that Bethesda took as long as they did to make it and this is the best they could come up with.


Again, I'm still going to beat it. It's a great game. They more you play, the more you see the "issues".

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Elder Scrolls is a series of games, starting with Arena way back in 1993, and then continuing with Daggerfall, Redguard, Morrowind, Obliviion and most recently Skyrim (2011).   I've actually only played Skyrim. But from my limited understanding, they all take place in the same medevial/fantasy type setting.  The plot of each game is only very loosely connected (for instance "the Oblivion crisis"  is briefly mentioned in Skyrim, and I think "Elder scrolls" play a role in each game)


If you want to check out Skyrim, its pretty cheap now as its almost 5 years old.  I think I got for around $20 on steam and that was more than a year ago.  If you're on console second hand sales should be pretty cheap as well



Daggerfall was sweet but buggy... played it on a Pentium III

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Eh, I never played Fallout games for the story.  I agree it's a negative point when you're considering the objective quality of the game as a whole, but I've never really looked at video games as stories I care about.


Pro tip: When you find junk laying around, google it real quick and see what it scraps for.  Alarm clocks and the Blast Radius board game contain nuclear material for example.  Baseballs give you cork.  Even "used" oil cans give you oil.  Some of that stuff becomes disappointingly scarce when you start doing modding/crafting, and then you shed a tear when you think of that baseball you left behind in some toolbox early in the game because you didn't think it mattered.

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Haven't touched the main story in almost a week. Been doing side quests and fortifying the bases.

Had a base attacked for the first time, got a notification that Sanctuary was under attack. I fast traveled and there were 3 super mutants in the hood, shooting on my people. I have like 6 people there, they were all busting caps. Shotgun turret was DUMPIN'. I love watching fights you're not involved in. But one mutant was giving my man that WORK with the nailboard, had to pull out the 10MM and put a few in his dome.

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I had a super mutant attack at a farm. Two of the four brought nothing but a bucket of grenades. As soon as they got to the useless wire fence they just started lobbing bombs.

Welp farm got a defense upgrade. Two ways in, both designed to let enemies into an automated kill box with defenses and traps that can't be fired upon from a distance.

Can't have dime store hulk wannabes endangering a crucial food supply.

I need more concrete. I want to use those shack foundations to repair some broken walls. If you've been there you know the place in talking about.

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man....you might wanna build some walls.  That's all I'll say about that lol.  Funnel those bad guys through a gauntlet of turrets. 

Yeah I just haven't done much building at all.  When the Sanctuary residents asked me to build sheltered beds I built 3 of the cheap little prefab metal shacks and put two beds in each.  Smaller than a college dorm room, and probably about as sanitary.


My Charisma is 1.  I'm not trying to be mayor or anything, I'm just here to kill raiders.  If it were an option I'd probably just let Preston Garvey handle running the town.  I took him out on a run with me and he started complaining because I picked a lock.  Bruh.  I should just take Dogmeat with me.  He never complains about anything.

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Enjoyin the snow days? LOL


Yes sir.  SW:BF, BO3, and FO4 in  heavy rotation LOL


Is Cait the journalist chick from Diamond City?  i rolled with her but never in battle.  Preston has that sweet ass laser rifle, but I swear he doesn't hit jack with it.  weak ass dude.  I think there's a Charisma perk that makes companions do more damage to baddies in combat.

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Pro tip: When you find junk laying around, google it real quick and see what it scraps for.


You don't have to google it. Just pick it up, go into your pip boy under "Junk", and highlight it. It'll tell you what it breaks down into. I have scrapper lvl. 3 right now, so I can pretty much scrap dirt into nuclear material lol.

yeah, Preston is a cornball brotha.  I should pick up dogmeat again, he's a chill little pup and he tears **** up.


1 Charisma....holy ****, dude.  Fitzy, the wasteland asshole lol.  


Don't forget that if you kill some enemy dogs, you can loot their dog armor, chains, etc., and put them on dogmeat. I don't know if it actually boosts his defense, but it looks pretty cool.


Also, I roll with no companion (except for dog). I have perks that improve carry weight if you go it alone. Right now, without power armor, I can lug around 450 pounds of sweet wasteland treasure.

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I don't really get the point in base building/defending at all, I mean the major NPCs are immortal anyway. It just feels like one big fetch quest with no real goal or reward. To each their own though. I'm glad people enjoy it.

The last time someone attacked one of my settlements, I fast traveled there and killed everyone, settlers included. That was amusing, at least.

Also, I like Cait as a companion. Garvey and codsworth do not care for my ways lol. I have an int/charisma build version of myself with the ****iest eyebrows ever :)

She steals and murders a lot. Gotta relieve my stress from weekdays!

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Cait's from the Combat Zone, kind near Boston Public Library. Heavy Irish accent.


dang.  I need to venture out more.  I've really only been as far south as Diamond City, and as far East as the hospital.  Basically the NW quadrant of the map is all I have explored, and I haven't even found everything yet.

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