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30 Day Ab Challenge


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They want you to blast your abs, every single day.  It screams of desperation and insecurity, and forgoes logic.  Building muscle is 1/3 exercise, 1/3 diet, and 1/3 REST.  Everybody wants to get on their horse and go full speed ahead.  Whether it's P90X, running like crazy twice a day, or targeting one specific muscle group every damn day.  I am so good at predicting friends and acquaintances hitting the proverbial "wall", I should get a damn trophy for it.  They brag about this new workout they're doing all the damn time, and gradually I sense them getting sick of it, subconsciously.  Before you know it, they're overtrained and on the couch all week.  Workout DVD collects dust for 3 months after that.

This is a fair point.  There are other exercises that work the abs a lot that I'm sure would be somewhat less effective if you focus so strongly on just these ab workouts all the time.  I'd say that unless you're bodybuilding and can deal with all the extra crunches etc.  that you're better off doing pullups, pushups, squats etc. with a more reasonable ab workout at the end if you want.

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Btw I strongly disagree that feeling to sore to even walk after a workout is a good thing. To me it shows lack of conditioning. Squatting 3x a week is perfectly acceptable, unless you are too sore to walk. What that means to me is your not conditioned to squat 3x a week, that's fine, you can get conditioned to that point.


I'll add that abs are the only muscle group in your body that don't need a recovery day. 


They may be sore after a great workout, but as long as you are stretching them out you aren't being silly with your workouts you should be fine.

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When you exercise, you are creating small tears in muscle tissue.  These tears heal back stronger when you aren't exercising.  It is when you are not exercising, that muscle is built and strengthened.


To get the full benefit of an exercise, a full recovery is key.  Springfield, it is commonplace in gyms and schools across the country to over train.  So, so, so many people do it.  The worst thing is that they spread this misinformation and everyone eats it right up.  Hell, up until a few years ago, I would target the same muscle groups every day.




i'm currently on a routine thats basically chest day one, shoulders day two, back and arms day three. i mix in some light tabata and abs during or after every workout and probably take one day off a week. 


i should say that i'm not doing heavy weights at all. i'm focusing on higher reps, super sets, quick sets with little rest between. i'll get maybe 12-20 reps of an exercise for 3 sets, (but still making that third set count).


(i do drink a whey protein shake before and after exercise and drink a casein shake every morning, and load up on chicken and tuna.)


i'm also more concerned with getting more lean as opposed to gaining size.


anything i should change? 

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Do Itch, I do a speedy 3 mile hike carrying weight on my back the mornings after my leg blast.  The walk isn't comfortable, I'm sore and walking funny, but it flushes the lactic acid out of my legs, speeding up recovery time.  Also a great low impact, light cardio, that works your calves like crazy.  I avoid working calves when I work my quads/hams/glutes.


Targeting a certain body part 3x a week is good!  Two days in between lifting sessions.  Still too often for me.  Doesn't mean my muscles are out of condition, just means that I pushed them to their brink, to muscle failure, and want to give them all the time neccessary to regenerate and grow.  I consider the conditioning of muscles my heavy cardio sessions.  I have no use for lifting more often, but I do want to be able to throw 200 punches in a row without my arms collapsing.  It's a delicate balance that fighters like Georges St. Pierre has down pat.  He builds muscle and has amazing cardio.  Phenominal approach, I'm sure it's streamlined and smart.  On the other hand, someone like Can Velasquez could give less of a crap about building muscle mass.  He just wants to go go go, and go some more.  The best fighter in the damn world looks like he barely lifts.  His head is the strongest looking thing about him.


I'm sure he lifts, but not slow, controlled reps with heavy weight.  He does a ton of explosive reps at high speed, conditioning the muscles for a different task than what the goal seems to be with this ab exercise.  Which is to get that strong, cut stomach that women love.

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grego, your lifting and protein intake will add muscle.  You want to get leaner, start doing more light/medium/heavy cardio.  Don't quit the lifting though, just don't go crazy on it if you don't want to add a lot of muscle.  Would recommend that you work every muscle group through the week.  Unbalanced strength can cause injuries and weird proportions. 


The protein you are eating is awesome.  Tuna used to be my favorite source of protein, until I got sick from the mercury content.  No more than 15g of tuna a week, they say.  And trust me, mercury poisoning SUCKS.  Seafood, though, is amazing protein.  The best on earth, IMO.  Salmon may be a good replacement.


Also, I used to take Casein but stopped.  It's a slow digesting protein so a lot of people take it before bed, so their muscles aren't starving for protein overnight.  Good sleep is extremely important, but it IS a 6-8 hour fasting session.  So casein is pretty popular.  I stopped because it gives me major gas, holy crap.  Whey is the opposite of Casein as far as quickly it digests.  It's completely absorbed and used by your body within a half hour or so.  That's why it's great immediately after a workout.

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If you wanna lose body fat but stil gain muscle, ypur best option as far as cardio is HIIT. High intensity interview training, it has been proven to be more efficient in losing bf and reducing muscle loss. Look it up, there has been numerous scientific studies done on it.

Double what are your thoughts on IF? I use to always consume my protein right after lifting, but since I've read about it, I no longer get in panic mode if I can't have some protein.

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Wind sprints are the one exercise I see results from the following day.  A good set of ten one-hundred yard dashes strips fat like crazy.  Also revs all of your muscles up, amazing full body pump.


What is IF?  I consume a lot of protein right after exercising, even cardio.  Have it sitting there waiting.  In fact, I pick at high protein meals starting in the middle of my lifting sessions.  For example, if I'm doing 2 hours of lifting, I will start taking periodic bites of a high protein meal 1 hour in to it.  The consensus has been it's best to get a meal in within an hour of finishing your workout.  New study suggesting that's not right?

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I think it's more important what you eat and how much you eat, rather than when you eat it.  I'm keeping my body fueled all day, thank you very much.  If intermittent fasting is your thing, works for you, and gets you optimistic, then by all means, do it.  Some people may feel better eating like that.  When I miss breakfast, and I do sometimes, my brain is drained by mid-day.  I'm in good shape and drink water like crazy, so I don't really feel my body lagging too much, but mentally I'm screwed.


Hershel Walker and Ronda Rousey have both stated before that they don't eat until late at night.


I had a large egg white/spinach omelet this morning, with a blender pitcher full of lemon water smoothie.  Just peal the lemon, take the seeds out, put the lemon in there, add some ice, and fill it up with water.  Blend it and drink it all.  Woosh.  I felt way better in the middle of the day.

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grego, your lifting and protein intake will add muscle.  You want to get leaner, start doing more light/medium/heavy cardio.  Don't quit the lifting though, just don't go crazy on it if you don't want to add a lot of muscle.  Would recommend that you work every muscle group through the week.  Unbalanced strength can cause injuries and weird proportions. 


The protein you are eating is awesome.  Tuna used to be my favorite source of protein, until I got sick from the mercury content.  No more than 15g of tuna a week, they say.  And trust me, mercury poisoning SUCKS.  Seafood, though, is amazing protein.  The best on earth, IMO.  Salmon may be a good replacement.


Also, I used to take Casein but stopped.  It's a slow digesting protein so a lot of people take it before bed, so their muscles aren't starving for protein overnight.  Good sleep is extremely important, but it IS a 6-8 hour fasting session.  So casein is pretty popular.  I stopped because it gives me major gas, holy crap.  Whey is the opposite of Casein as far as quickly it digests.  It's completely absorbed and used by your body within a half hour or so.  That's why it's great immediately after a workout.



i think you mean 15 oz? 15 g of tuna is a pretty small amount :)


i know what you mean, though. awhile ago i had looked online to see just how much tuna is safe- i think one respectable looking site said something like one 5oz can a day should be safe, but i'll have to double check. thats pretty much what i've been eating 5 days a week. ill have to look into that- i damn sure dont want mercury poisoning. 


i think it was consumer reports that did the study on protein shakes and said muscle milk had toxic levels of lead, but thats only if you have like 6 servings a day.


i will say that muscle milk vanilla is absolutely delicious. i feel you on the gas situation. its pretty brutal, but worse than that, when i was drinking a shake right before bed, i was getting horrific heartburn. i dont mean standard heartburn, i'm talking about waking up feeling like your heart is in a vice and antacid doesnt do crap for it. (its a kind of G.E.R.D.) its awful, so i avoid eating anything late at night. 



One of the issues with P90X is that the videos are ridiculously long.  


I actually picked up Insanity ~18 months ago and it's been great for me.  I travel a LOT for work (150 Marriott nights last year), and the DVDs are a godsend.  I can knock out my workout in 45 minutes in the morning and I don't have to worry about what equipment is/isnt in the hotel gym.  I've barely used anything beyond the first 4 video.





i had to laugh when i read that. when i was looking into getting one of those two, i saw that insanitys workouts were overall shorter than p90x, so i got insanity. 


i'm so wierd about my time- its practically an OCD thing where i feel like i need to do any particular task as quickly and efficiently as possible or i get all antsy. not sure where the hell that comes from. 


but i also looked at all the workouts and started on the ones that were shorter. i was feeling so good about myself cuz i was actually keeping up with them- no rest, no vomiting- i was all proud of myself. 


then one day i decided to do one of the 'max' routines that were about 10 or 15 minutes longer. boy, that was an ass kicker. 


at that point i realized that the first few were basically your 'off week' workouts. :D still a challenge, no doubt. but they really step it up on the longer ones. 

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Thats cool guys, whatever gets you motivated. I am going to start a bear crawl regiment up a local hill that is super popular for sledding. Pondering what kind of gloves I should use. Something like a soccer goalie's gloves, lol.

I get off work at noon on weekdays, so I can go there with practically nobody watching me. One of the worst things for an intense workout is distraction. When you want to be fully dialed-in, and that one person in the corner of your eye is starring like you're naked and jerking off.

When I do workouts at home, my dogs will periodically make me laugh. Middle of a set, mid-rep, bust out laughing. Have to stop right there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So... Did anyone else continue this?

I didn't follow the exact regimen but I'm still doing it and now starting to see some results.

I've been doing 4 days on, 3 days off. Monday through Thursday I'll follow one week and repeat the 3rd day of the week on Thursday. Friday through Sunday I rest. I've also been doing bicep curls and push ups in between the different ab workouts. Takes about 15 minutes.

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So... Did anyone else continue this?

I didn't follow the exact regimen but I'm still doing it and now starting to see some results.

I've been doing 4 days on, 3 days off. Monday through Thursday I'll follow one week and repeat the 3rd day of the week on Thursday. Friday through Sunday I rest. I've also been doing bicep curls and push ups in between the different ab workouts. Takes about 15 minutes.

This is my rest day. I'll continue on Monday.


That'll be Day 17 for me.

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I got through day 14 then went on vacation to the beach for two weeks.

Day 7 today, doing 5 of these 30 days currently.

Ab, Squat, Arm, Pushups, Little Black Dress. There isn't much overlap. Today for example:

40 Situps, 20 Crunch, 20 Leg Raise, 30sec Plank, 80 squats, 8 Tri-dips, 8 push-ups, 12 mountain climbers, 21 pushups, LBD is a rest day (yesterday it was 25 jumping jacks, 20 burpies, 20 high knees)

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