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I have no skill at all with the shottys. Get hit-markers galore but cant get a damn kill with it. 


I have unlocked all the Carbines and LMGS, have like 1 more assault rifle to go and like two PDW to unlock.


DMR's, shotguns and sniper rifles....well lets just say im glad when you start the game the give you one of each or else i would probably have nada. lol


It's a different adjustment to get used to with the shottys.  You gotta find one you love the best, with high damage and the right attachments that work well with you.  I know my boy Chewy used to love that duckbill, me, I can't ****ing stand it.  


It also depends on what game mode you are playing in and what map, which I'm sure you know already.  My shotty of choice is the UTS-15, cause I don't have to reload for 15 shots.  I run with the RDS (reflex), green laser sight (or red- really just color preference lol), standard barrel (no attachment here) and buckshot.


That works best for me because I like having max hip fire damage and regular damage.  Plus, I need the circle thing (area where the buckshot should hit).  It spreads more, but it can easily one shot kill an enemy right up on them and gives me just enough range where if I'm chasing them or at a slight distance, I can two shot kill (or one shot if they already have damage).


Chewy has some nice set-ups that modify it for longer range/less spread, but I couldn't get them to work for my play style, so I had to revert to my original set-up.  When I say I couldn't get it to work, I mean, it didn't work as efficient for me, it worked just fine, but felt slightly awkward running with it.  


Like the duckbill makes your shot spray more horizontal instead of vertical (thus the oval/duckbill shape), the oval pissed me off lol.  I prefer the circle.  Stick with them until you find the one you like best and try out the attachments.  Once you get that down, shottys are a beast like dat DEAGLE baby!

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Man, I finally sucked it up the past two days and did the single player campaign so I could unlock the machete.  I was looking at all the actual unlocks and you can unlock a ton of weapons just by doing the campaigns.  Granted, its boring as **** and more fun to unlock them at the demise of your online enemies :D.


Now, it's officially time to Omar and Jason Voorhees in TDM........aka shottys/machete combo baby!

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For the record, I'm in a really good mood.  Have been for a long while.  Life is good and being angry all the time, well, it's unhealthy and a waste of time.  


But I am going to post a few of my BF4 rants/pet peeves:


1]  Getting behind that teammate that somehow gets in front of you only to not either sprint/run or has that ****ty dial-up AOL connection.  I mean crap, its like you zig they zig, you zag they zag, then you die.  


2]  Getting a teammate behind you, basically violating your back-door orifice.  To the extreme, where you sense that you need to turn around and get cover to avoid death (you see the laser dots or enemies coming around the corner).  But you can't move, cause homeboy is federal prison pounding dat ass and you become his human shield.


3]  In hardcore mode, your idiot teammate shoots you and kills you.  Lets forget the green or blue over your head, **** you.......shoot first ask questions later.  The only thing forgivable is dying to their claymores, etc. Anything else = nerd rage.


4]  Getting off a point blank shot, specifically from your shotty, buddy has his back to you, you die.  He turns around and starts firing 1 million rounds into air, and the camera pans to orange hue of the guy that killed you from where ever.

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@ ST, that blows major.  But I've seen it to be a pretty common issue on the BF forums.  :(


@ Tazie, ugh...the dreaded "teammate is behind me and I'm out in the open but can't take cover" situation.  Get the **** outta my ass already!  really annoying. 


And the laggers suck too.  I've been killed by somebody, only to watch the kill cam and they are in a "kneel" position sliding across the map really fast.  wtf?  upgrade your interwebs, bruh.  :angry:  same with the guys who eat half your mag and turn around and kill you in what feels like one shot.

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oh, and I finally found a good secondary for the main battle tanks and IFVs.  I know i'm about 9 months late to the party, but I hardly ever used vehicles up until a few weeks ago, so I'm still unlocking some basic stuff for big ground vehicles.


besides the standard big gun on the tank, there's a secondary that has two missles.  NOT the missles that require lock ons, but the free fire missles that you can steer after shooting.  i'll pump a couple rounds of the big tank gun into another vehicle, then switch to the free fire rockets.  almost a guaranteed kill. 


also, dat moment when you put 3 rockets into a tank, then some random puts just 1 rocket into him and steals your triple kill and vehicle destroy :(

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Is anyone still having the issue of the single player resetting? It just reset on me again after putting in a good 4-5 hours....not doing that **** again. 

I didn't this time around.  But it happened to me 3-4 times after launch and I wasted 5-6 hours on that ****.  The only reason I tried it again was because of the issues TWC was having with connecting to the PSN servers.  So I gave it a shot and it saved correctly.  I figured out how to work around the connection issues, but since it saved, I did another mission each day through last night to unlock the machete.


I feel your pain man.  It blows that the game won't save properly.  I have no idea why it started working for me now.

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oh, and I finally found a good secondary for the main battle tanks and IFVs.  I know i'm about 9 months late to the party, but I hardly ever used vehicles up until a few weeks ago, so I'm still unlocking some basic stuff for big ground vehicles.


besides the standard big gun on the tank, there's a secondary that has two missles.  NOT the missles that require lock ons, but the free fire missles that you can steer after shooting.  i'll pump a couple rounds of the big tank gun into another vehicle, then switch to the free fire rockets.  almost a guaranteed kill. 


also, dat moment when you put 3 rockets into a tank, then some random puts just 1 rocket into him and steals your triple kill and vehicle destroy :(


Damn man you have been missing out. Driving tanks is where its at. If you can get a good gunner in there with you you can really take control of a map. So much fun.

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yeah, i'm finally starting to get good as the primary driver.  for months, i'd flat out get my ass whooped in head to head vehicle combat.  to the point where I felt like I was wasting a tank when some other, more qualified driver could drive.  I'm a pretty decent gunner, though.


i've alwas preferred to be on foot.  I'll take a jeep or dune buggy and smash it across the map just to get to objectives LOL

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yeah, i'm finally starting to get good as the primary driver.  for months, i'd flat out get my ass whooped in head to head vehicle combat.  to the point where I felt like I was wasting a tank when some other, more qualified driver could drive.  I'm a pretty decent gunner, though.


i've alwas preferred to be on foot.  I'll take a jeep or dune buggy and smash it across the map just to get to objectives LOL


Yea if you dont have active camo unlocked it is definitely difficult to take out a tank that does have it. 

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I destroyed with the QBU 88 before I went to LMGs. Only 11 rounds, but the trigger pull is faster and the lack of recoil makes follow-ups much faster. Once you get the hang of the necessary wait time for follow ups to be accurate, it turns into a hell machine. Trust me - there is a HUGE reason they limited the magazine so much, and the trade off is 110% worth it.

Set up for lower first shot recoil and less horizontal recoil. First 2 shots can be pretty quick (not max trigger pull speed, but close). Pause about half a second before third shot.

If you want audio help, those 3 shots are about the speed of the drum intro to Cochise by Audioslave lol. Maybe the same rhythm, just a hair faster.

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god damn ****ing DMRs.  I've got everything unlocked but those pieces of ****. 


Part of me wants to finally take the challenge and work through them.  lag makes it so frustrating....maybe I'll go hard for a few weeks and just DMR the **** out of this game.  :(

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god damn ****ing DMRs.  I've got everything unlocked but those pieces of ****. 


Part of me wants to finally take the challenge and work through them.  lag makes it so frustrating....maybe I'll go hard for a few weeks and just DMR the **** out of this game.  :(

lol, I hear ya man.  I think I got some free unlock on all the DMRs, can't remember why though.  I seriously think I might just run DEAGLE/Machete and see how I do in some TDM.

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god damn ****ing DMRs. I've got everything unlocked but those pieces of ****.

Part of me wants to finally take the challenge and work through them. lag makes it so frustrating....maybe I'll go hard for a few weeks and just DMR the **** out of this game. :(

No joke man: if you get used to the DMRs, you will love them. They take some work and trigger discipline (see above), but they WRECK when it clicks.

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ha!  siriusly man, the deagle gets her done in close quarters sitcheashins.  sometimes makes me feel like my M10 iss underpowered LOL.  blam blam, 2 piece with the deagle.  man down. 


it would be really neat if each knife had a different animation, but I guess that would mean a lot of extra programming. 


I really need to play more TDM.  its so fun.  kill or be killed.  take it on the chin, or lay it on another man's forehead.  TDM!

No joke man: if you get used to the DMRs, you will love them. They take some work and trigger discipline (see above), but they WRECK when it clicks.


yeah DTR, I keep hearing that, if you can learn to work with them, DMRs are the bees knees.  I'll have to swallow the load and give them a try.  dammit. 


I admit i get slaughtered by DMRs all the time

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