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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Lots of buzz about Rubio doing well but to me it looks like he has already coalesced the establishment vote and it is still only good for third place.

Rubio was in the single digits not to long ago in IA.  Rubio's performance tonight helps him next week.


Christie, Bush, Kasich are fighting Rubio for the establishment vote.  Rubio can finish 2nd next week, it's over for all 3.  Bush won't drop out yet but Christie and Kasich will be done.   If Trump stumbles, maybe Rubio can win NH. 

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That's true. What do you think happens if he loses NH? Game over? Time to worry, or no big deal?



Iowa and New Hampshire get all the press because they are first but they mostly don't mean jack, unless you are a marginal candidate trying to hang on.  Rural caucuses are always weird, and New Hampshire is tiny.   Rick Santorum won the Iowa caucuses and it kept him in the race for a while, but he was doomed from the start.  


For the big boys, it's all about Super Tuesday.  

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i disagree. Trump already has a built in excuse. IA was more inclined towards Evangelicals, hence a Cruz victory. Trump is still going to come in a close second. It's NH and beyond where you statements are more valid. He loses NH,NV and SC after leading; then he's probably done and dropping out of the race.

I don't agree. Trump lead in the polls, so many of them, and now he's barely fighting Rubio off for second. This is a big win for Cruz. Trump skipping the debate is going to loom large and it's going to look like his supporters jumped ship.
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LOL I'm sure any Dem crossing party lines would vote for Trump. Like I've been saying a Vote for Trump is vote for Hillary.



Really?  Cruz seems like the utterly unelectable one to me.   If I was gaming things for the Democrats, I'd be trying to get Cruz the nomination.   Or maybe Santorum.  


but gaming like that never works

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Bush,Christie and Kasich have to be depressed tonight. No, they didn't expect to do much tonight but with Rubio's strong showing; Rubio can now make the case that he's the alternative to Trump and Cruz.  I fully expect Rubio's NH numbers to jump to be at least second.



How are you going to tell NH voters that you are better option than Rubio if your Christie,Kasich and Bush.  You don't. 

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All the stragglers who support Jeb and Carly and Kacich and so on will gravitate to him eventually. And when Cruz and Trump punch each other in the face, some of each of their followers will end up with Rubio too.

I think the Carson votes go to Cruz or Trump, and he got more than Bush, Fiorina and Kasich combined. But I do believe Rubio is the establishment guy going forward, and is far more viable in the general election. Probably about to get a boatload of money.

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Iowa and New Hampshire get all the press because they are first but they mostly don't mean jack, unless you are a marginal candidate trying to hang on.  Rural caucuses are always weird, and New Hampshire is tiny.   Rick Santorum won the Iowa caucuses and it kept him in the race for a while, but he was doomed from the start.  


For the big boys, it's all about Super Tuesday.

They're extremely important for momentum. The last candidate to win the presidency who didn't win Iowa or New Hampshire was Bill Clinton.

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I wanted a surprise tonight and I may get it.

I think we're all shocked about this one!

They're extremely important for momentum. The last candidate to win the presidency who didn't win Iowa or New Hampshire was Bill Clinton.

Interesting. That was the first election I was old enough to vote in.

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