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A challenge for Atlanta Skins Fan and bulldog.....


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As ASF hasn't responded, I shall chime in with my solution to the Skins' blocking problems. These commands apply to linemen:

1) Be fat.

2) Collide with the large person in front of you, causing him/her to fall down.

3) Remain perfectly, perfectly still until the brown leather ball moves, then see (2). EXCEPTION: If a person smaller than you is touching your bum, it is your responsibility to move the football, so you cannot wait until it moves of its own accord. Move it only when the bum-toucher tells you to (via a sekret kode), though.

4) The "Counter Tre'" is a complex offensive play that requires you to fight Tre' Johnson. You will lose.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

As ASF hasn't responded, I shall chime in with my solution to the Skins' blocking problems. These commands apply to linemen:

1) Be fat.

2) Collide with the large person in front of you, causing him/her to fall down.

3) Remain perfectly, perfectly still until the brown leather ball moves, then see (2). EXCEPTION: If a person smaller than you is touching your bum, it is your responsibility to move the football, so you cannot wait until it moves of its own accord. Move it only when the bum-toucher tells you to (via a sekret kode), though.

4) The "Counter Tre'" is a complex offensive play that requires you to fight Tre' Johnson. You will lose.

You forgot one:

5) In the event you mess-up #3, point at the guys on the other side of the line and yell something (DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES turn to an official and say 'My Bad'). When you are done pointing, shake your head a lot, ensuring a good shrug or two in the direction of the head coach.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

Tarhog, you've called me out. I admit that I am a fraud and a sham, and am thus unqualified to post my opinion on football message boards. Please stand by for a new thread entitled "I care so little about you guys that I'm going to spend eight pages telling you why and then leave this board forever and ever I mean it!"

I'm calling MYSELF out. I've been living a double-life for years. By night a sexy, hetero (but open-minded) male nurse (Taurus) with a hardbody to kill for. By day, a free-wheeling dealer in antiquities and obsolete nfl paraphenelia with a bent towards self-destruction and aggressive driving. Well I can't take it anymore. I wouldn't know a STRONG SAFETY from STROM THURMOND! Well, I keep watching these games you all are talking about, and unless I'm crazy, Gus Frerotte is not in ANY of them! I think someone's been yanking my chain? In short, I don't even know what a 'protection scheme' IS. I thought this message board was for the tattoo-obsessed! Btw Ancalagon.....you have the cutest syntax....exactly WHERE in Australia are you big fella?

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Actually, it's all of the above factors that could be adjusted only if Spurrier were willing or knew how. Not only Spurrier, but the rest of the lame coaching staff.

Spurrier is like trying to teach a old dog new tricks:laugh: Every now and then he may attempt to try something new. But in the end, he's going to revert back to his old ways.

Look! Spurrier was coaching in college for how many years? He did what worked for him at Duke and carried that on to greener pastures at Florida. Spurrier is intrigued with spreading the offense all over the field and ultimately finding an open receiver or some kind of mis-match. The problem seems to be that he can't understand this is not college. Where he had better talent sometimes on offense and lesser talent sometimes on the opposite side of the field. Not only pertaining to players being lesser, but also the coaches.

In the NFL, most coaches understand X's and O's, especially when it comes to DC's:doh: . But the sad part about it is, it doesn't take a all out Scholar to figure out that "If you send everybody out to receive" theres gonna be open lanes directly to the QB. Also, if your interior line can't hold blocking schemes, send linebackers and have your front defense of 4 create havoc while your LB blitz. In retrospect, it's who beats who to the punch and if your QB's throwing under constant pressure, or barely getting the pass off while being hit. Chances are he's gonna ***

1. Under throw the pass

2. Rush the throw into coverage

3. Make bad choices before throwing

4. Get sacked or hurried or

5. Beat the defense to the punch.

The problem is , if your playing a good team with adequate CB's and better than average DL. 9 times outta 10 your gonna lose.

Unfortunately we haven't faced many teams with bad DL or underacheiving CB's:laugh: other than the falcons and a beat-up injury riddled Pats team. Yet! we barely escaped the Jets.

Furthermore, this is the NFL and not College. You don't find many teams or players that's not NFL caliber. Especially playing 1st string. That's why they're called professionals

That's when the X's and O's come into play. You find mis-matches in personell. You don't leave your QB vulnerable on an island all alone without adequate protection and expect one of these agile 4.5 in the 4o LB's to forget how to B-line toward your QB.

Furthermore, X's and O's with personell. You have a 155 lb. RB trying to block 230 lb. LB/DT. You don't have any adequate blocking TE's and the ones you have are used as decoys, not blocking. You be the judge on who's gonna lose the race to the finish line when the finish line is your QB.

Look! Joe Gibbs had the Hogs and he always had big blocking backs and always kept big blocking TE's. It's also true from what I.ve read above, if your gonna spread the offense and leave your Qb on a island. You better know how to X and O your short passing game and utilize your backs coming outta the backfield more often and not the usual 1-2 screen to Morton which DC's have come accustomed to seeing all the time.


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Btw Ancalagon.....you have the cutest syntax....exactly WHERE in Australia are you big fella?

"Cute syntax"..."big fella"...I thought you were a HETERO nurse! :)

Melbourne--most livable city in the world, they all say--but I'm afraid my syntax is the product of a muddled childhood spent in the weirder corners of the world (including Bethesda, MD--now that's a scary town!).

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

"Cute syntax"..."big fella"...I thought you were a HETERO nurse! :)

Melbourne--most livable city in the world, they all say--but I'm afraid my syntax is the product of a muddled childhood spent in the weirder corners of the world (including Bethesda, MD--now that's a scary town!).

Talk about OT :laugh:

Thought your post was a hoot. Just trying to 'give a little back' :cheers:

Being a nurse, its a little rough...thank God my previous occupation was Marine Infantry so I don't have to combat that stereotype.

Never made it to Australia, one of my few regrets (got as close as Thailand and Hong Kong, but never all the way)....I hear its a great country though.

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Are you all kidding me? You want to see MORE dump-off to the backs and more off tackles? Heck, why don't we get Norv and Gus on the horn and bring them back?

We run screens to the back all the time to keep teams honest. And other than that one horrible moment against the Eagles it usually works. We kill teams with that play.

What we need, IMHO, is to let Ramsey keep learning. I know we forget because he plays so well so often, but the kid is still crazy raw. He's making a lot of mistakes, and no amount of coaching is going to fix it. Experience will. Time will. And (gasp) patience will.

Now I think there are some things coaching needs to fix. But completely re-vamping the offensive scheme isn't one of them. In my opinion.

Oh, and Tarhog, you're kinda freaking me out man. :D

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I disagree about Upshaw, he seems the best option at end right now. Smith only needs to be in on passing situations. That call against upshaw was stupid.

What we need to do if smoot is out is play a 3-4 and send Lavar from every angle possible. He is our best pass rusher and needs to be used that way. Marvin Lewis might have pissed him off last year, but guess what he knew what we know now, without him rushing the passer we have no one that can. Without a passrush and Smoot not playing, we are going to have to score in the 30's every game to win.

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I agree with bulldog on this one. Again, we don't need 5 guys ut in receiving formation to complete passes. Coles and Gardner are as good of a receiving tandem as there is in the league; they don't always need a 3rd, 4th or 5th receiver out there to decoy for them. Ain't having 2 #1 WR's great?

As I said in another thread, we have yet to see virtually any 2 TE/1 RB sets, much less with the 1 RB being someone like Cartwright who actually has the chance to pick up a blitz and can even run the ball or catch it out of the backfield.

In addition, I'd like to see more utilization of designed QB rollouts with Ramsey to buy time. The pocket (such as it is) can be moved, which in and of itself buys time for guys like Coles to get open. While not exactly a scrambler, Ramsey can certainly get outside the hashmarks and throw downfield.

This is the kind of creative adjustment that we're not so far seeing, and that's inexcusable when the guy you agree is the key to the offense's success - Ramsey - is getting butchered every single game, hell, every single play at times!

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Originally posted by Henry

Are you all kidding me? You want to see MORE dump-off to the backs and more off tackles? Heck, why don't we get Norv and Gus on the horn and bring them back?

Henry... I couln't agree more. I thought the same thing when I read that....:doh:

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Okay, so maybe I'm cheating a little here, but let's keep in mind one thing. The point of this exercise isn't just X's and O's. Let's set up the pass with the run, dump the ball here ect.... that's a little easy, despite what the papers are reporting. Remember. We're talking about coaching here. Example. You're Helton,(the evil one), watching game film. What specifically is say Chris Samuels doing wrong? Foot placement? Over all technique problem? Time release sophmore jinx? He in a slump? What about the rest of the Oline? On this or that play, what was the scheme and how do you tell who did what wrong?

Remember this past Sunday and yesterday. Some were destroying Helton for designing a blocking scheme that would leave a back or a tightend on Rice. We found out 2 things thee. Actually 3 things. One. As some suspected, blown assignments. Two. S.S. designs the plays right down to the blocking schems. Again, as some suspected. Three. As a result, we learned that things just aren't as easy as we like them to be.

Or, you're S.S. You've watched game film after game film of the Bucs, (Damn but that defense is stout). Do they have tendencies on certain down and yardage situations? How does the offense take advantage of those? (Answer: Seemed like he had one throughout alot of the game until........ ) What coverages do they like to use? What formations? Ect.... Same goes for Edwards. Okay. You get the point. This ain't Madden 2004.

I need to start drinking decaf.


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I don't think there is any way for outsiders to know exactly what is going on inside the Park. All we have to judge right now is what we see on the field.

Yes, that perspective can be blurred sometimes by what one player should be doing vs. what the fans SEE him do.

A sack can initially look like a blown assignment on a tackle when it is Ramsey getting the ball out late.

But over time the bottom line is the bottom line.

Either the offense is executing and overcoming its problems by working and adapting or it is standing still and stagnating.

In truth, I don't have a clue what Chris Samuels needs to work on to ensure that he doesn't join 2 other players already double-teaming Warren Sapp while allowing Simeon Rice to get a bead on Ramsey with only Robert Royal between them.

Maybe the scheme is too complex for the players. Maybe Samuels is conscious of the microscope on him after a mediocre 2002 season and he is trying too hard. Maybe Ramsey indeed IS not calling out the signals clearly enough or Moore is not relaying the blocking assignments, etc....

BUT, the proof is in the pudding. By Week 6, unless there is a talent gap, I expect to see improvement on the problems in execution that have lingered since Game 1 or even the preseason.

Why? Because that is what makes for successful NFL teams, the ability to improve.

On defense we can shout and scream all we want about pressure but the front four has physical/talent limitations we are going to have to live with.

The coaches are going to have to be somewhat more creative to get the job done on that side of the ball. Much as Bellichick is doing with 5 or 6 starters out of his lineup :)

but on offense the talent is there. we have paid the HC and his staff largely based on what they can do on THAT side of the ball.

and THAT is the part of the team that has to lead us out of the recent funk.

You look at our offseason acquisitions and our draft picks in 2001 and 2002 (almost all on the offensive side) and you see where the club has to win on the field for us to be successful.

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Originally posted by UtahRedskins

Now, I think its only fair to give you guys a chance to address the current problems you guys have done such a fine job of pointing out to the board about the Redskins.

Now, in this challenge, I think you should identify the problem, define the parameters of the problem and then finally present a workable solution to the problem.

This is basically what I've done since July 2002. Apparently that hasn't been enough, despite countless posts on the subject.

So, for the short of attention span, I'll summarize all that and also throw in some new information I'm collecting right now. It'll be a new post of its own. Expect it in a couple of days.

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ancalagon that advice for linemen is priceless! LOL I am with Bulldog i agree that this season can be salvaged but we have the right to expect a winning team with all the talent we have.

More varied run calls and smarter pass pro along with a better rush would help. with arrington rushing more would help. bottom line execution falls on the players but preparation falls on the coaches.

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1> Cut Regan Upshaw to make an example that discipline is required on the team. Bragging about Unsportsmanlike penalties is Not A Good Thing

2> Play Ladarius Jackson. Spurrier's been willing to play unproven players before (hello, Rock, hello, McCants), so why not play Jackson.

3> Sit Samuels for the first series of the next game. Make him lose a start for the year... perhaps it'll light a fire under him.

4> Mr. Betts, follow the jersey in front of you that says THOMAS as he's running people over. Repeat as necessary.

5> Two wide, 1 TE, two backs. Only send 3 receivers, the rest blocking. Get Ramsey into a rhythm.



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