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Former 49er, Raider Kwame Harris charged with assaulting ex-boyfriend

The Sir

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In that video posted they kept pronouncing his name Kwame (rhymes with "Claim") but I thought it was Kwa-may like Kwame Brown?

Maybe that's why he kept messing up... because they couldn't even pronounce his name right?

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Guy was the definition of a turnstyle. What a wasted draft pick. I suspect more NFL players past and present are homosexuals, but they could never let anybody know in an environment such as that.

I wouldn't doubt it. But hey, if the dude sucks (seriously no pun intended) he sucks. The guy is a 1st rd bust. Worst than that he's a petty bully.

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Yahoo: Niners CB says openly gay players would not be welcomed on the team

NEW ORLEANS – San Francisco 49ers cornerback Chris Culliver has made inflammatory comments regarding homosexuality in football just a few days before Super Bowl XLVII.

Shock jock Artie Lange revealed he had interviewed Culliver at media day Tuesday and aired a segment on his show that night, where the player insisted that any gay players would not be welcome on the team.

Continued at Link

My favorite aspect of this story is that he goes from this:

"I don't do the gay guys man"

"I don't do that. No, we don't got no gay people on the team, they gotta get up out of here if they do."

"Can't be with that sweet stuff. Nah…can't be…in the locker room man. Nah."

To this:

"The derogatory comments I made yesterday were a reflection of thoughts in my head, but they are not how I feel," Culliver said in a statement. "It has taken me seeing them in print to realize that they are hurtful and ugly. Those discriminating feelings are truly not in my heart. Further, I apologize to those who I have hurt and offended, and I pledge to learn and grow from this experience."


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