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How should we attack the Seahawk's defense?


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the problem with that breakdown... SF does not really run the read option as well as we do.. also even in the breakdowns they show in the article.. the offense was not running read option on the play...

Yeah the examples weren't that great. SF barely even tried to run at all so the Hawks had no reason to respect the fake.

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the problem with that breakdown... SF does not really run the read option as well as we do.. also even in the breakdowns they show in the article.. the offense was not running read option on the play...

I agree with that, the problem is Seattle's offense uses read option and does it at a good level.

They actually took a lot of our offense, which is why Wilson has looked great the last two months.

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Personally while I believe the Seahawks are a good team, I think they are overhyped right now. Yes they have a tough defense, but other teams have put up points on their D. Since they bye, though, their D hasn't faced a tough offense, and their own team and players have admitted that road games are their weakness.

Plus, they have to travel over here, which does have an affect. They traveled to Miami and lost to them.

Seattle's offense has been better since putting in the read option stuff that our own Redskins have popularized. If any defense is prepared for that stuff, it's ours. The Rams are the only team to give them a recent tougher match up, whereas we have had most of our 7 game win-streak be tough games. We get physical with Seattle, have our WRs blocking and being physical, play smashmouth football with Morris, and we should be able to control the clock and deflate their spirits, especially with a rockin' home crowd.

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Anyone know anything about the Seagull's defense and what the best way to attack it is? I keep hearing how their defense has no weaknesses. May be we should keep changing up our offensive strategy so often that we just confuse them and keep the defense on their heels so they lose a step trying to figure out what we're doing. I hope Kyle can figure something out.

I hear their corners are big and physical. Our receivers are mostly small and fast. That sounds good for us, but while they're bigger, are they really slower or are they both big AND fast?

If we can't get into the end-zone, Kai's performance will definitely be important in this game.

This is gonna be a tough one. We gotta be at our very best.

To answer your question about attacking the seahags defense, I think that first a look at the NFC east is in order.

Looking at the 3 teams of the NFC east before this season started, what were they all known for? (before they all **** the bed) all 3 were known for having a pretty ferocious pass rush and aggressive front 7's. The total sack #'s for the iggs (50) giants (48) and girls (42) were good for 1st, 3rd and 7th in the league

I think this offensive scheme was crafted specifically to combat the gnats, (as they were the kings of the NFC when Shanny took over)

During those 2.5 years, guys like Cole, JPP, Osi, and Ware have been virtually useless vs the skins.. when before they used to terrorize them... sure they will make plays here and there, but as the Dallass game illustrated this week (and the gnats games previously) guys like JPP and Ware were basically left unaccounted for/paralyzed by the option, and the scheme handled them quite well.

(Hence the skins success vs the giants the last 2.5 years, they match up VERY well against them)

Now looking at the upcoming hags game, they appear to have a similar defense to the gnats from 2-3 years ago, and I think the skins offense being taylormade to neutralize defenses like that, they will not have as big a problem with the overall defense as everyone supposes..

at least that's my .02, and why :)

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Here is a good article....gives some good breakdowns ( with pics) on what the Seahawk defense does to opponents and how they are successful. I think we'll be ready though. :



Hard for me to entertain that article when it doesn't even know what the plays are..

1.Carolina is not anywhere close to running the offense as efficient as the Redskins do

2. Carolina runs a lot of outside zone which you have seen the Redskins run 1 time this entire year... In Pre- Season with Tim Hightower.

3. 49ers where playing at home where they are a completely different team.

4. San Fran got down early and abandoned the run game ... Defense had no reason to respect the run game.


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Looking at their games they have played really against one elite RB and AP with 17 carries got 189 yards and 2 TDs.

Against very good RBs you have the following.

Jackson in their 2nd game just rushed 11 times but got 52 yards for a 4.7 average. In their first game which the Hawks lost Jackson was stopped with 18 carries 55 yard performance.

Gore in their first game 16 rushes for 131 yards, the second game really he only had 6 carries and yet he got 28 yards for 4.7 average.

All the other teams they played I would say their running abilities are average to below average.

So the Hawks are not IMO even good at stopping the run, just above average.

Right now our running attack with Morris and Royster even is the best in football. That is how we beat them. Throw a few play action passes, the slant pass a few times (they are susceptible to that) and I think we can be very effective on O. The question mark is RGIII. if he gets a little better by game time I think we have a good chance against them.

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Whatever Griffin does, he better get down quick if he sees Chancellor coming. He loves to knock people into next week and I don't want to see RG3 take any hits like that.

I don't think Seattle will sell out to stop the pass the way Dallas does because I think they trust their corners can stop us. After Alfreds big day I think they will really push to contain our ground attack, especially since run defense is the weaker aspect of their defense. Against a cover one look I think Griffin can have a big passing day if we establish the run early.

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don't believe the hype. The defense is good but you can run on them. Expect a lot of man to man on our receivers. RG3 just has to by some time with his feet and the receivers moving w/o the ball. But all in all....run run run! Call me crazy again, but this team does not scare me. The media is picking a Seahawks win but my $$ on RGIII, the Skins, and our 12th man!!

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I don't think Seattle will sell out to stop the pass the way Dallas does because I think they trust their corners can stop us. After Alfreds big day I think they will really push to contain our ground attack, especially since run defense is the weaker aspect of their defense. Against a cover one look I think Griffin can have a big passing day if we establish the run early.

I agree. I see us getting big chunks in the passing game. I really hope their team comes out as aggressive and overconfident as their fans seem to be.

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Run, run, run then beat them deep off play action. Dallas was afraid of getting beat deep so Alf ran wild. I think Seattle will creep up their safeties to try to contain, which hopefully opens up big play opportunities down field. Once that happens they'll fall back again and Alf can then run wild again. I'm hoping for this scenario

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I've been cautious all year about our team simply because of the past. But before the cowboys game I realized that this is a totally different team than year's past or even before the bye week for that matter. This team is confident in the plays and the personnel on offense and defense, And I knew we would dominate the cowboys because the facts prove we were just the better team! But the X factor on our team is RG3 and the pistol formation.

We've played our division rivals twice. And the cowboys, eagles and giants all got blasted the first games. You would think that the second time seeing this offense they would fair better but nope!! Each team got abused again by our offense.None of them could stop it!!!! It's so confusing to the linemen and linebackers that its almost impossible to prepare for. Demarcus Ware , Anthony Spencer, JPP, Tuck, they all looked like fools trying to figure it out in real game speed. Now you have a team who has never seen it before. The zone read the seahawks and 49ers ( only team they've seen twice with mobile QBs) run is basic and simple... Nothing compared to the pistol formation that the Shanahans have incorporated into a west coast offense. So their defense may stop some plays like the cowboys and giants did the second go round. But there are so many different formations, various assignments by blockers that eventually Morris or RG3 will bust long game changing plays. You cant stop it!! The only we you stop it is if we stop ourselves, and our QB doesn't turn the ball over. Line up in the pistol and run your offense.. Plain and Simple!

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LL was doing a break down where most if not all of the time they have a single high safety playing 20 yards off the ball, and drops back even farther at the snap. The corners play man most the game as well. We have to get our run game going early and use our PA/Post route combination in front of that deep safety that weve had great success with all year. Suck that safety up and take our shots then. Keep them on their heels.

I don't remember who it was exactly, but didn't someone a few weeks ago post some stats about RG3 against single high safeties and how he absolutely killed that type of coverage?

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Run, Run, Run....wear that defense down.
...and then play action; that has killed defenses all year long. According to Alfred (the Butler to Batman) Morris, he said they wanted to give the Redskins receivers a break during the game against the Cowboys, so that they will be ready for the game against the Seahawks.


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I don't remember who it was exactly, but didn't someone a few weeks ago post some stats about RG3 against single high safeties and how he absolutely killed that type of coverage?


What the tape shows

Griffin has shredded single-safety defenses this season.

A single-high safety is like a centerfielder in coverage, typically requiring man-to-man defense from cornerbacks, while the other safety prowls the line of scrimmage.

Griffin has averaged 10.3 yards per pass attempt against such coverage. When he faces split-safety defense (meaning a defense with two safeties split deep), he is averaging 6.5 yards per attempt.

Griffin has aired it out more against single-safety coverage. His average pass travels 10.3 yards downfield against such coverage, and 5.8 yards against split-safety defense.

Griffin III saw single-safety coverage on 21 of his 26 (81 percent) pass attempts in Week 7, the second-highest percentage of single-high looks he has seen this season.

He exploited that coverage downfield, as he completed seven of 10 passes more than 10 yards downfield, including a go-ahead 30-yard touchdown pass to Santana Moss late in the fourth quarter.

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Their corners are big and physical. We have to beat them on the LOS to have a chance to pass on them. IF you can beat them off the line, we're lucky because RG3 will need exceptional ball placement....these guys are ball hawks. pun intended. I watch a lot of their games living in the area. We can run them all day long, but we have to get the big play to put them away. They essentially run the same thing we do on offense / more west coast style passing trees. Our corners will be under attack all game, even when Lynch has the ball. Their OL has been suspect at times, but we can't sell out with the pass rush - Wilson can run a little bit too. We're in for a battle. If we execute and pull our heads out of our butts when it comes to penalties, we can win this one.

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Their corners being "big and physical" is being pumped up too much. Sherman is 6-3 but weighs less than RG3 at under 200. Browner is the bigger dude but he lacks speed.

I'd give much more props to the saftey Chancellor as he reminds me of a slightly smaller version ST a little with his size and mobility. That dudes a beast.

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