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Little Miracles (Got really lucky today)


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A small New Years miracle. Today, my wallet fell out of my pocket at one of the busiest subway stops in the city. As you can imagine I felt dumb and frustrated. However, a half hour later aaa called. Some lovely person found it, figured out how to contact me, and arranged a meet up.

Not only did I get back the wallet, but everything was in it including the money!

So, I didn't have to sing may all your money, credit cards, and ID be forget as my New Year's Song. :cheers:

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That's pretty awesome. It really sucks to lose a wallet. Sometimes this town really surprises me.

Last year my tickets fell out of my pocket somewhere on the metro going to the game. Went to will call to get them reprinted, and they said that someone had found them and turned them in.

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This happened to me in April. Went to an O's game and didn't realize I didn't have my wallet when I got home. The lady ended up finding me on Twitter and sent me a message that she had my wallet. I tried to give her money and a gift card but she didn't want it. I was so thankful.

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My exgirlfriend dumped me again, my dog died, my car broke down and I'm about to go to work with an absolute ******* who has it out for me. Glad the luck is going your way.

Cut off my fingers in the

Door of my car

How could I do it?

My wife is proud to tell me

Of her love affairs

How could she do this to me?

My wife has burned the scrambled eggs

The dog just bit my leg

My teenage daughter ran away

My fine young son has turned out gay

And it would be OK on any other day

And it would be OK on any other day

Throw down the morning papers

And spill my tea

I don't know what's wrong with me

The cups and plates are in a Conspiracy

I'm covered in misery

Look at it this way, things are bound to get better. Sorry to hear about your dog.

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Aw, glad to hear a nice soul was able to get it back to you :) Now you can have a happy New Year!

Had something similar occur in college. Of course, my dumb butt was drunk and forgot my purse in a cab in downtown Balitmore. Amazingly, around 2:30 am, my roommate got a call from these frat boys saying they had my purse. Of course they wanted to "meet up" to return it. Obviously that was a major hell no, so we sent one of our male friends to retrieve it and alls well that ended well :)

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Yet another real-life porno story thwarted by common sense.

Special K: wait, here's a reward for returning my purse.

Frat Boys: We don't need a reward. Just doing what's right.

Special K: trust me. You WANT a reward. (Cue music)


Damn that common sense. Always kicking in at the most inopportune times!!!

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My exgirlfriend dumped me again, my dog died, my car broke down and I'm about to go to work with an absolute ******* who has it out for me. Glad the luck is going your way.

Hang in there Koolblue. It's tough losing a dear dog friend. At least you're living in a paradise.

China, here's another.

Dear Abby, Dear abby

My fountain pen leaks

My wife hollers at me and my kids are all freaks.

Every side I wake up on is the wrong side of bed.

If it weren't so expensive I'd wish I were dead.

Signed, Unhappy

Unhappy, Unhappy

You have no complaint

You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't.

So listen up buster and listen up good.

Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.

Dear Abby, Dear Abby...

You won't believe this

But my stomach makes noises whenever I kiss

My girlfriend tells me it's all in my head

But my stomach tells me to write you instead

Signed, Noise-maker

Noise-maker, Noise-maker

You have no complaint

You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't.

So listen up buster and listen up good.

Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood

Dear Abby, Dear Abby...

Well I never thought

That me and my girlfriend would ever get caught .

We were sitting in the back seat just shooting the breeze

With her hair up in curlers and her pants to her knees

Signed, Just Married

Just Married, Just Married... etc. etc.

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Way to go Burgold. I really believe in Karma and perhaps you were due what you had put out there. A couple years back my wallet fell out of my jeans @ an Angels baseball game. One of the cleaning crew found it and called me. I knew this chap likely didn't make much money and my wallet was full of money at the time I lost it/he found it. I made sure to reward him because it was something he certainly didn't have to do (and that others might not have done).

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This happened to me in April. Went to an O's game and didn't realize I didn't have my wallet when I got home. The lady ended up finding me on Twitter and sent me a message that she had my wallet. I tried to give her money and a gift card but she didn't want it. I was so thankful.

Yeah, mine wouldn't except a reward either. Pretty darn amazing.

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