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Would what the risk be to RGIII if he plays this week?

Tom [Giants fan]

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I admire the way RGIII plays this game. I saw him having to be basically carried off last week before he was ready to admit he couldn't go any longer. This guy is everything you want in your franchise QB. Now, if this was Vick, I would have hoped for permanent damage. I know, it is harsh to wish that on a player but I will never get past what he did off the field. I hate him.

On the other hand, I admire RGIII and what he has done already in his rookie season. So, the question I have is, what are the risks, if any, to him playing just one week after what looked like a pretty bad leg injury? The way this guy plays, he is very dependent on his legs. I can't imagine he would have even close to full use of the injured leg. Is it worth risking further damage for one game? I know the Skins need this game for their playoff chances but at what risk is it worth it?

Have you guys heard anything on his condition? The chances he will play? What damage there is to the leg?

Hey, I'll be honest, the Skins effect the Giants as this is a legit race for the division. My thoughts are definitely with the playoff race, I'm not going to deny it. But I also wonder what risks he would be taking by playing. I think the Skins can beat the Browns with Cousins and wonder if they feel the same in the back of their minds.

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I don't think anyone knows except RGIII the team and the doctors, and I don't look for that to change. His dad was interviewed and said he was fine and will play, Garcon has said in an interview that Cousins was starting, so who knows. The Official word is a Grade 1(mildest) sprain of the LCL and that's really all we've gotten that's concrete.

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we don't really know until the doctors evaluate him and the details start leaking out. if there is a significant risk of re injury he will sit. if there isn't and he's able to go at 80-90% he will play.

also, i don't have confidence in beating the browns with a healthy RG3 let alone Cousins and his sample size of 3 passes we've seen

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the press conference at 3pm today will be the first peice of information worth paying attention to since the MRI results sunday night.

personally, i'd put a stout amount on him actually playing, but like anyone else, i'm just speculating (and we can go back and forth on the reasoning behind those speculations, but we've kind of done that to death already).

the one point i'd like to make in this thread is that the doctors, coaches, and griffin himself know a lot more about his condition than folks sitting at home. they would not allow him to go out there if it were putting him in significantly greater danger than usual. it's a little annoying to see so many armchair knee specialists arguing we should sit griffin based not on an examination of his leg or evaluation of his recovery, but on nothing more than replays of the hit itself.

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As others have said no one who is not a doctor and has seen the MRIs and examined RGIII knows. Even the guys who have done this will be guessing to an extent.

However playing hurt is part of football - if he can practice some on Friday and there is no reaction Saturday or during warm ups I think he will play.

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