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What numbers does Chris Cooley have to put up to satisfy you that he still has it? (merged)


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I've read a lot of the polarized comments about Cooley coming back. My bias is that I am a BIG Cooley fan and I think it is a great move.

OK, but, to me, there is a way to avoid just throwing mud back and forth. Is anybody interested in quantifying how much he would need to produce for you to feel great about the Return of Captain Chaos?

I'll say that I cannot believe ANY player could be expected to just get off the couch and play big against the Steelers. So I am going to say 1-2 catches first couple games with 10-20 yards. Obviously big bonus if any of them are first downs or touchdowns. One drop maximum. No fumbles. Mentioned by the radio crew at least once for his blocking (in a positive way :pfft:).

For the rest of the season, 3-5 catches a game for average around 9-10 yards, one fumble (he's had some killer fumbles), 4-5 TD's, no significant injuries.

Obviously (hope it would be obvious) that's if he gets significant playing time, practices with the first team, etc. If Shanahan has him in strictly a back role to Paulsen, then that would change all the above (I like Paulsen a lot, hope he has a prominent role in the team's future -seeing him wrap up the ball and bowl people over for an extra 4-5 yards is a beautiful thing). I am assuming that in any scenario he will not be targeted all that frequently.

But if Cooley puts up the numbers I listed above or something like it, I'm going to say that his return was a great thing for the Redskins as well as for people like me who think his is one of the most enjoyable players the Skins have ever had.

You guys? Setting the bar too low? Too high? It's all too speculative? After all is said and done you'd really rather just fling some mud around :cool:?

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To me its not about numbers. Im happy w Fred Davis and he didnt have astonishing numbers.

Id just like to see some good blocking to start. CC has never been the best blocking TE, but he can be serviceable.

After a few weeks, Id like to see him start getting seperation and catching balls, which Im confident he can still do. My curiosity lies with what he's capable of doing after the catch, where he used to excel.

He's never been fast but with age and injury, we have no idea what to expect except to not expect much. So any YAC I think would make everyone happy.

What I really expect from Chris is to be able to bail RG3 out in critical situations. Thats always been his thing and I dont think that just goes away. Hope Im right.

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"4-5 TDs? With 9 games left. That's much more than he was getting even in his prime."

Well, he got 8 back in 2007, so 4 for the remaining nine games would fit with THAT. But you are right it would be a high number. I'm kinda thinking they may want to use him in the red zone as much as than any other time because he is known for clutch catches.

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To me its not about numbers. Im happy w Fred Davis and he didnt have astonishing numbers.

Id just like to see some good blocking to start. CC has never been the best blocking TE, but he can be serviceable.

After a few weeks, Id like to see him start getting seperation and catching balls, which Im confident he can still do. My curiosity lies with what he's capable of doing after the catch, where he used to excel.

He's never been fast but with age and injury, we have no idea what to expect except to not expect much. So any YAC I think would make everyone happy.

What I really expect from Chris is to be able to bail RG3 our in critical situations. Thats always been his thing and I dont think that just goes away. Hope Im right.

Agreed! Also I would like to say it doesn't matter about the numbers,I'm just g;ad he gets the opportunity to prove himself again.If this is his last seaon this is the way you want to go out

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Agreed! Also I would like to say it doesn't matter about the numbers,I'm just g;ad he gets the opportunity to prove himself again.If this is his last seaon this is the way you want to go out

Cooley was a better blocker than Fred. I am not saying that now but he was. Fred was a terrible blocker in the beginning

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Its about production in all areas - block how he's supposed to, run his routes like he's supposed to, catch the ball, and hold it.

I have no issues with age, while on ES there seems to be a trend of "OMG if someone is 23 and another player is 30 we HAVE to play teh 23 year old!!!!" Davis is better than Cooley, and the Skins made the right move in starting Davis.

Now Cooley, if he is 100% healthy, and in shape, should be able to pick up quickly (1-2 games) and get the starting role back.

Remember - 4 of the top 5 tight ends in the league are 30 or above (Gronk exception) and Cooley was never fast, but always ended up being open.

So here's to Cooley coming back, and everyone just enjoy :wavetowel

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Honestly as good as davis was doing i dont think he had any touchdowns before he got injured right? In years past Cooley was lined up almost as another reciever because we were so thin at playmaker positions. I think that skewed his stats and hoping for a bunch of tds this season would be unrealistic.

With Griffin and Morris producing so well and the offense scoring 30 every week, i dont think Cooley (or the tight end position in general) is going to be leaned on to make plays nearly as much as in years past. I think hes gonna be used for his blocking more than anything else with occasional dump offs for third down conversions thrown in.

To me his biggest asset will be offering his veteran leadership and getting guys motivated. My biggest concern with our offense right now is HOW MUCH were leaning on Griffin to win every game for us. He is singlehandedly keeping us competitive and it almost looks like some of the players on offense (especially our recievers) are content to sit back and make him do it all on his own.

As talented as he is, he is still a rookie, and when he inevitably has a bad game at some point, he's going to need some of the veterans on the team to step up and help him out. So far weve basically put Griffin in a position where he has to play insanely well for us to even have a chance at winning. Weve made it so hes not allowed to have ANY level of rookie learning curve.

For me to consider Cooley a success, i want to see him take a page from Moss' playbook and help the rookie out when he gets in trouble. Spread the responsibilities around and don't put it all on Griffin EVERY WEEK. Whether its leading by example or saying stuff in the locker room, i think someone as respected as Cooley has a chance to really help this team get motivated and play with some emotion going forward.

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He has to be a better blocker than perhaps I've ever seen him be for me to be thrilled with his return. I had a blast watching him all those years up until the injuries came but right now his most important role comes in protecting Griffin and opening up holes for Morris. That is, of course, assuming that he gets time over Paul... which is not guaranteed at this point. There's no question in my mind that he won't start over Paulsen.

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For me to consider Cooley a success, i want to see him take a page from Moss' playbook and help the rookie out when he gets in trouble. Spread the responsibilities around and don't put it all on Griffin EVERY WEEK. Whether its leading by example or saying stuff in the locker room, i think someone as respected as Cooley has a chance to really help this team get motivated and play with some emotion going forward.

Personally I agree with this, but I was thinking that most people on this forum were saying that motivation and such is the coaches job and production was a players job. This seemed to be a popular way to look at him being cut in the first place and I figured, "ok, you've got a point." So I was hoping to put it in terms of specific production. Looks I got it wrong --people do appreciate the overall contribution of players. So hopefully, several games down the line there won't be a thread like "Cooley averages one catch a game, total bust/waste of space."

Yea, ok, there probably will be a post like that. But clearly it won't represent everyone here. Good post.

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The numbers don't matter so much as his on field play leads to wins. I don't think he is what he used to be, but playing with RG III and an OK bunch of WRs should help him produce. I think we'll manage with TE by committee, Paulson looked pretty good out there last week.

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If he comes in and Shanahan thinks he can help and he gets on the field right away, that is enough for me. You know you will get a guy that can block well and be another leader on the field. If he gets a catch or two each game at critical times (like Paulsen has recently) that is just icing on the cake.

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