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ESPN: Observation Deck: Redskins-Bills

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Here's some other stuff I noticed in the Redskins' preseason opener:

1. Trent Williams made the most impressive play of the game. The Redskins' mercurial left tackle got downfield quickly and blocked two defenders at once on the Garcon touchdown catch. Williams is fast, athletic and as talented as any left tackle in the league, and the sense in Redskins camp is that he's more focused and motivated than he's been in his first two seasons. He looked tremendous on that play and is capable of dominating at the point of attack and at the second level. Williams injured his foot on the extra point, but Mike Shanahan said after the game that X-rays were negative. It would be bad for Washington if Williams were seriously injured. He is by far the best thing the Redskins' offensive line has going for it.

2. Garcon is a very big receiver who plays big. He went over the middle to catch the ball, didn't shy away from contact and looked more than willing to use his frame to help him add yards after the catch. I believe he will be Griffin's go-to receiver and, assuming health all the way around, is almost a sure thing to lead the team in catches this year.

3. Evan Royster can't afford to fumble. I think Royster had moved ahead of Roy Helu in the race to be the starting running back in Tim Hightower's absence. But he couldn't hold on to the ball as Griffin handed it to him, and that's the kind of thing the Redskins can't and won't abide. I still don't see what all the fuss is about with Helu, who's fine in space but doesn't break tackles. But whatever separation there may be between the two in the coaches' eyes will be easily negated if Royster can't hold on to the ball.

4. Ryan Kerrigan is a very good player. We know he can get after the passer, but in this game I thought he showed improvements in pass coverage and other key areas. He stayed home and batted down a Ryan Fitzpatrick pass at one point, and he was his usual disruptive self when he did get into the backfield.

5. The Redskins' coverages are a team effort. There are major questions at cornerback and safety, and they showed up, especially when Buffalo's Stevie Johnson was in the game. But you can see that the Redskins believe it's important their cornerbacks not be isolated. They're always getting help from a linebacker underneath or a safety over the top. Washington's hope is to make up for the lack of quality in the secondary with quantity and teamwork.

6. They have lots of defensive line depth. The performances of guys like Jarvis Jenkins, Chris Baker and Chris Neild -- especially at the goal line -- showed why the Redskins consider the defensive line a strength of their team. They should be stout against the run and able to create pressure with their defensive front, which also should take some pressure off the secondary.

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I was terribly disappointed by Royster's play and the running game overall last night. I hope we see better things next week.

I was told on the chat last night that it looked to be the lines fault Royster wasn't doing well. However, after looking at all the RG3 highlights, the line looked surprisingly solid. Can someone who got to watch the game give some more info on this?

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I was told on the chat last night that it looked to be the lines fault Royster wasn't doing well. However, after looking at all the RG3 highlights, the line looked surprisingly solid. Can someone who got to watch the game give some more info on this?

The line was definitely getting blown back on early run plays, especially on the right side (which is where the runs were called). But they played much better in pass protection.

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You guys realize they aren't going 100% and they don't gameplan on either side of the ball. They were playing, essentially, sandlot football. Neither said wants players hurt so basically they are not playing at top speed. Wait until it "counts" against the Saints, and then fom some observations.

I mean, the Bills ran no huddle on the first series and we did NOT substitute a "nickel" package in there. We stayed in our base 3-4 to see what we could do.

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The line was definitely getting blown back on early run plays, especially on the right side (which is where the runs were called). But they played much better in pass protection.

Well our ZBS is based on rhythm. So when you're missing 3 starters, its a little tougher.

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I was told on the chat last night that it looked to be the lines fault Royster wasn't doing well. However, after looking at all the RG3 highlights, the line looked surprisingly solid. Can someone who got to watch the game give some more info on this?

Royster's fumble occurred BEFORE he even got to the line. If the line couldn't open lanes, that's one thing, but when you let the ball slip through your hands before you even get to the los, that is awfully disconcerting. I doubt Shanny will have much patience with that.

And, yes, the OL was surprisingly solid in pass protection. It was a pleasure to watch the OL down a couple of players due to injury come out and prove that we have done nothing less than develop depth at those positions. And if there was any play that proves Trent Williams is on a mission, it was the play on which we scored when Williams got downfield to block two players that reveals to me he is tired of being judged by last year's mistake.

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I knew Williams got hurt you could see it at the end of the play when the dude fell on him. I was kinda shocked no one was talking about it. Oh well...give him all the time off he needs, we can't afford anything slowing him down.

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Royster's fumble occurred BEFORE he even gotnto the line. If the line couldn't open lanes, that's one thing, but when you let the ball slip through your hands before you even get to the los, that is awfully disconcerting. I doubt Shanny will have much patience with that.

True. I found this to be the most disappointing thing about last night's game. I have been wanting an explosive RB to give some added confusion to defenses and it honestly didn't feel like we had much going in that position last night.

Did Helu do much? I can't remember.

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Did Helu do much? I can't remember.

Helu was pedestrian, but he was running behind the second string OL most of his time on the field. Of all the RBs, however, Morris impressed me the most. He has size and I can see him dragging defenders down the field. I must temper that remark by adding that he was obviously running against the Bills defensive scrubs. Still, he appeared to me to be a great draft pick in the later rounds.

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Two things stood out to me, the line is going to take time to gel considering Lich and Brown being out, and Buffaloes DL is a good one. Still they held their own on passing downs.

As for the secondary, they did not convert to nickel even though Bills ran three or four wr sets. And never ran the ball. They didn't take the bait and held their own considering it is a new group playing together.

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I was very impressed with the first team offense. The running game was obviously concerned, but when it worked it really worked. There was the handoff fiasco, but that's gonna get corrected by week 1. It's what we play pre-season games for.

I know it's the Bills, but I really liked the defense. From the top to bottom, only giving up 6 points is only giving up 6 points.

If Rex is going to be that bad all year then I have another reason why I don't want RGIII to be hurt!

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I thought Royster looked ok. There were a couple of runs that were poised to break open but a couple missed backside blocks shut them down quickly. I thought Helu looked nothing but average. Morris, i thought looked great. Played with power and speed and great cutting ability, but again, he was going against third stringers. But for some reason, after watching, i wouldnt count Morris out of the starting job (assuming they dont just hand it to Hightower.)

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The front 7, both starters and backups looked STOUT.

I'm excited to see how they do in the regular season, but everyone was looking good, especially in the 1st qtr when the bills kept their starters in vs the 2nd team defense. There was no letup in run D or pass rush. (one breakdown on that VY run)

Speaking of VY, how he's fallen from grace. From being bandied about here as a potential savior and starter 2 years ago, to vicks "dream team" backup last year, and now 3rd string scrub for the bills.

suck it vy.

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It wasn't a great game for Helu, but we'll need to see him with the starters to compare him against Royster. Morris looked the best fit to the offense out of the three last night, but I'm not sure he'll get a chance in preseason to run with the starters, assuming Hightower is given a run out. On a related note it also looked on a couple of occasions like we missed having Young out there.

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I thought he got hurt on the extra point attempt?

Oh maybe, I didn't see it credited to anywhere specific by the team - but I seem to recall him getting hit from behind in the lower leg on the screen, and then sort of deadlegging it for a moment before he went over to congratulate Garcon. It looked awkward to me so I assumed that was it.

But either/or I'm glad to hear it's not serious and will be crossing my fingers he gets the right about of rest and treatment. We're going nowhere without him.

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Well our ZBS is based on rhythm. So when you're missing 3 starters, its a little tougher.

To add on to this, the line did a very good job blocking on inside zone plays, it was the stretch right that was giving them trouble, they were allowing to much penetration. Get this line moving forward and not laterally and they'll have a lot more success in my opinion.

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Thought LeRibeus could have blocked better for the run especially the Cooley run he missed his block completely. Thought Adam Gettis improved his stock and has quick feet. Paul did not look like Sharp and Banks did not look like Randle El. Money spent on Receivers looks like it was well spent as this was the best showing compared to last year.

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