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Perrish Cox (played for Shanny in Denver, Wash tried him out last year) found not guilty of sex assault.


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Facing two years to life in prison, former Denver Broncos cornerback Perrish Cox walked out of the Douglas County courthouse on Friday morning breathing a sigh of relief after being found not guilty of two felony sexual-assault charges.

He said he felt "great," and then let out a heavy sigh after leaving the courtroom. "I'm grateful for all of my supporters."

"It's been a long, tough two years," Cox said Friday afternoon. "I've got my life back. I just want to put it all behind me."

The six-man, six-woman jury reached its decision after less than six hours of deliberation. The group left the courthouse through a back passage and did not talk to reporters.

Cox's accuser cried out when the verdicts were read, then was ushered out by family and friends. "Why did this happen to me?" she cried.

The courtroom drama capped a weeklong trial that left many wondering how the prosecution could have lost the case — many except Cox's attorney, Harvey Steinberg.

"We always felt there were substantial holes in the prosecution's case," Steinberg said outside the courthouse.

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OS, I think he was drafted after Shanny was their but yes, according to LL he was tried out last year by us. I would love to have him in DC. You'd have to think that Morris could coach him up to be very good in our system.

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This is bull****. The guy was clearly guilty. His OWN TEAMMATE testified against him. Guy should have gotten a minimum of 2 years. I would have given him 10 just to make an example out of him. Now this cycle of jocks thinking they can rape women will continue.

Seriously, what kind of loser carries a drunken woman (and passed out) into his room and has sex with her?

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OS, I think he was drafted after Shanny was their but yes, according to LL he was tried out last year by us. I would love to have him in DC. You'd have to think that Morris could coach him up to be very good in our system.

You can't be serious. He may not have been found guilty in a court of law, but it is clear he was guilty. He denied ever having sex with her to the police and then plead the fifth in court despite the unborn fetus matching his DNA. Huge coincidence? Or do you not mind adding a rapist to our lockerroom?

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I'm not sure rape was clearly proven. No one seemed to know exactly what happened. They had sex, this is clear, but the when and how wasn't. She was carried into a room but I couldn't find anything concerning when P. Cox came back out. Was he drunk? Did they have sex then or later when she might have been awake. Blacked out memories doesn't mean unconscious. They can pass out and wake up. I've had friends do that and walk off only to wake up blocks away on someone's lawn with no idea how they got there.

Sex was proven but rape is tough in the middle of a party if everyone was drinking and timing isn't clearly established. This is based entirely on the facts I've seen, which are incomplete and based on media reports. I don't believe in assuming anything in a criminal trial. She doesn't know if she was unconscious during sex only that she doesn't remember it. If both were drunk and awake is it rape and how is it determined?

Having said that this guy doesn't strike me as upstanding or a great decision maker, at best. Redskins don't need that.

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Ahh the CSI jury strikes again. Juries now days think all criminal cases are like CSI. They expect the irrefutable piece of evidence that breaks the defendant down into a blabbering mess of despair while he confesses to it all. Problem is that type of evidence is rare and the schools have successfully eradicated common sense from the human genome in large segments of the population.

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The courtroom where he was tried in Castle Rock is about 4 miles from my house :)

The guy is definitely an idiot though. All of Bronco nation that called into the radio stations does NOT want this guy back. But the local sports guys said that he had a pretty good season as a rookie..

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Ahh the CSI jury strikes again. Juries now days think all criminal cases are like CSI. They expect the irrefutable piece of evidence that breaks the defendant down into a blabbering mess of despair while he confesses to it all. Problem is that type of evidence is rare and the schools have successfully eradicated common sense from the human genome in large segments of the population.

Beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Ahh the CSI jury strikes again. Juries now days think all criminal cases are like CSI. They expect the irrefutable piece of evidence that breaks the defendant down into a blabbering mess of despair while he confesses to it all. Problem is that type of evidence is rare and the schools have successfully eradicated common sense from the human genome in large segments of the population.

Kind of hard to say he is guilty when you haven't seen all the evidence the jury saw. I can't make that determination based on what has been presented. There are way to many unknowns.

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The fact that the jury wasn't the only one's to hear the testimony of both parties and people are shocked of the verdict tells me that Cox had a helluva lawyer and the prosecutor mucked up big time. No thank you on bringing him here. He failed to get signed last year. What in the hell has he done to improve his chances if he were to get another looksie? Not a damn thing.

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Kind of hard to say he is guilty when you haven't seen all the evidence the jury saw. I can't make that determination based on what has been presented. There are way to many unknowns.

Of course you do realize it only takes one person to make a defendent not guilty. Reread the article they had much less on many other people who are sitting in jail.

BTW my response was to the poster above me, and in not necessarily a comment on this particular case. It is more a commentary on the judicial system and a fairly common complaint amoung prosecutors.

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