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WT: Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress


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I thought **** like this was going to end when Bush was gone.

Meet the new boss.

Nope. There will never be a change until people quit electing establishment puppets. Presidents are like musicians in a band taking turns recording their tracks in the studio. When I say "tracks", think of "The Patriot Act" and the "NDAA".

The drummer records his beat. Then the bass player lays down his bass track over the drums. Then the rhythm guitarist records his playing over the bass and drums, followed by the lead guitarist filling in spaces with lead guitar. After that, the singer records his voice over the other tracks. Eventually you have a studio song completed. All the presidents in recent decades have laid down their recording tracks. The next president will just add on to the song. At some point, the song will be complete. What will the song sound like once it's done? The way it's looking is "Das Lied der Deutschen" or "The Song of the Germans") or "Horst-Wessel-Lied".

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Nothing else really needs to be said, does it? :(

Indeed. Oddly enough this realization that I've come back to once again has been the leading cause in my life to refocus my energies in the church and it as the leader in the world. I had really hoped that the gov't could play a vital role in that, but it just seems that at every turn there is too much corruption, too much power, and too little guidance. So instead of being a force for good in the world the gov't is instead a force for itself. But that's another topic.

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It's only a matter of time before they can do that as well...
Trust me, Drones can see through walls. They can use infrared and thermal optics. What these things can do is mind blowing. The zoom on these things is incredible. When we were in Kosovo in 2002, the technology was "advanced" enough for us to fly in thermal and see dudes pissin in the woods. With the technological advances in the past decade, this thing can watch you sleep from high enough you won't see it or hear it. Of course, if they image your house and store that data anywhere without serving you a warrant, they have violated your 4th amendment rights. With the USSC decision that attaching a GPS to a suspects vehicle without a warrant was an invasion, I imagine a thermal image of Joe Smith would really be a violation.
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Trust me, Drones can see through walls. They can use infrared and thermal optics. What these things can do is mind blowing. The zoom on these things is incredible. When we were in Kosovo in 2002, the technology was "advanced" enough for us to fly in thermal and see dudes pissin in the woods. With the technological advances in the past decade, this thing can watch you sleep from high enough you won't see it or hear it. Of course, if they image your house and store that data anywhere without serving you a warrant, they have violated your 4th amendment rights. With the USSC decision that attaching a GPS to a suspects vehicle without a warrant was an invasion, I imagine a thermal image of Joe Smith would really be a violation.

But you'd have to have evidence that they did it before you could prove that they violated your rights, and since the technology is still a matter of national security then they can claim that you cannot have the evidence that they violated your rights because the evidence that they committed a crime is protected. This is the same argument that they used in the warrantless wiretapping cases. But, hey it keeps us safer.

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