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Georgia Football - Minor Violations: Classiest Violations Ever!


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Richt also paid a total of $15,227 when the school -- citing "difficult economic conditions being experienced by the University" -- refused bowl bonuses to 10 non-coach staff members: director of sports medicine Ron Courson, video coordinator Joe Tereshinski, strength coaches Keith Gray and Clay Walker, football operations manager Josh Brooks, high school liaison Ray Lamb and four administrative assistants.
I don't understand how common sense does not supersede things of this nature. I applaud Mark Richt for his actions especially when those at the University stiff people they don't have to deal with but contribute to the team (and essentially the $$$ the school brings in for it).
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Oh, and yeah, this is stupid. Meanwhile, OSU skates with the same punishment as Boise.

The NCAA needs to focus on the BCS corruption instead of this.

To be fair, OSU needs to 'skate' because some players traded some trophy pants for tattoos.

This is a "violation". :ols:

It's only a violation because the NCAA and it's archaic rules make it so none of these players.. these young men and women,. none of them can have an income. They can't get jobs, that's a violation.

They basically are there to play football or basketball, and that's it. (They don't even really care if they get an education. That is their secondary responsibility.)

A few of them get a ride on their education, but the overwhelming majority of student athletes do not. And yet because they fall under the umbrella of the NCAA, they are subjected to these asinine rules.

The NCAA Cartel cashes in, and they get nothing. Oh, some of them get a scholarship.. a small fraction. And oh, some of them might go pro.. an even smaller fraction.. an infinitesimally small fraction. And the rest... what do they get?

It' nice to say that they get the experience of extracurricular activities in college, and that might be a nice enough thing,, except the Cartel is hauling in BILLIONS and BILLIONS.

And people say, well, that money the football team makes funds so much of the university... blah blah blah.

No it doesn't. They keep the money. The football team gets gigantic new stadiums, amazing workout facilities, assistant coaches now averaging nearly 600,000 dollars a year in salary.

They don't give any money to the volleyball team. they don't use any of it to improve the Chemistry dept.

the NCAA is an antiquated joke. It's practically a criminal organization if you look at it. And the fact is, largely, the people who commit the 'violations' that get a school in trouble never have to pay for it. The players and coaches who follow them in do.

The ONLY thing good about college sports is the actual game between the whistles.. everything.. and i mean EVERYTHING else associated with the NCAA is a complete crock of ****.


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Please, these kids don't have it bad.

They get a free education. Free food. Free books. No $100k in debt after 4 years.

I would have gladly sacrificed my free time in college for that - had I been blessed with size and speed. 99.9% of the people here would have.

Uh, how many of them do you think get this?

In the whole of the NCAA, what percentage of players do you think are there on a full scholarship?

Besides,, would you be happy if i gave you a nice loaf of bread while i made literally billions on your work? (and lets not forget that if you get hurt and can't ever play again, I take away all your nice scholarship and free meals and such. Bye! Your usefullness is over.)

And not only do I make billions, but you have to live under a microscope, and you can't do anything for fear of it being a violation of a ridiculous hundred year old rule book.

Someone gave you a ride across campus! Suspended!

You legally bartered for a tattoo because you're not allowed to earn any money.. destroy the entire program!

It's not that they have it 'so bad'... it's that they are exploited.. badly.

It's total bull****.


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To be fair, OSU needs to 'skate' because some players traded some trophy pants for tattoos.

This is a "violation". :ols:

It's only a violation because the NCAA and it's archaic rules make it so none of these players.. these young men and women,. none of them can have an income. They can't get jobs, that's a violation.

They basically are there to play football or basketball, and that's it. (They don't even really care if they get an education. That is their secondary responsibility.)

A few of them get a ride on their education, but the overwhelming majority of student athletes do not. And yet because they fall under the umbrella of the NCAA, they are subjected to these asinine rules.

The NCAA Cartel cashes in, and they get nothing. Oh, some of them get a scholarship.. a small fraction. And oh, some of them might go pro.. an even smaller fraction.. an infinitesimally small fraction. And the rest... what do they get?

It' nice to say that they get the experience of extracurricular activities in college, and that might be a nice enough thing,, except the Cartel is hauling in BILLIONS and BILLIONS.

And people say, well, that money the football team makes funds so much of the university... blah blah blah.

No it doesn't. They keep the money. The football team gets gigantic new stadiums, amazing workout facilities, assistant coaches now averaging nearly 600,000 dollars a year in salary.

They don't give any money to the volleyball team. they don't use any of it to improve the Chemistry dept.

the NCAA is an antiquated joke. It's practically a criminal organization if you look at it. And the fact is, largely, the people who commit the 'violations' that get a school in trouble never have to pay for it. The players and coaches who follow them in do.

The ONLY thing good about college sports is the actual game between the whistles.. everything.. and i mean EVERYTHING else associated with the NCAA is a complete crock of ****.


While i dont disagree with the direction of your post, one thing to note is that the days where the players cant have jobs are past. NCAA athletes have been allowed to hold jobs for several years now, although there are some controls on how much they can get paid and who they can work for.

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While i dont disagree with the direction of your post, one thing to note is that the days where the players cant have jobs are past. NCAA athletes have been allowed to hold jobs for several years now, although there are some controls on how much they can get paid and who they can work for.

Thanks, I was unaware that had changed.


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Uh, how many of them do you think get this?

In the whole of the NCAA, what percentage of players do you think are there on a full scholarship?

Besides,, would you be happy if i gave you a nice loaf of bread while i made literally billions on your work? (and lets not forget that if you get hurt and can't ever play again, I take away all your nice scholarship and free meals and such. Bye! Your usefullness is over.)

And not only do I make billions, but you have to live under a microscope, and you can't do anything for fear of it being a violation of a ridiculous hundred year old rule book.

Someone gave you a ride across campus! Suspended!

You legally bartered for a tattoo because you're not allowed to earn any money.. destroy the entire program!

It's total bull****.


Noted. That said, I still think athletes in the major sports do not have it bad. I dated a scholared athlete in college. And hers was in a fringe sport (diving). She got free room and board. Free tuition. Free books. Spending money on trips. It was insane.

And the major athletes (football and basketball) got it even better.

Sure, not all of them have scholarships. The ones who don't, they choose to go to that school sholarship free. More than likely, they turned down offers from "lesser" schools to do so. I don't feel bad for them. Guess that's where we differ, man.

While i dont disagree with the direction of your post, one thing to note is that the days where the players cant have jobs are past. NCAA athletes have been allowed to hold jobs for several years now, although there are some controls on how much they can get paid and who they can work for.

With good reason. Can you imagine how much boosters would overpay the star athletes?

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Well, I can't say that I've known any top flight NCAA athletes, so my beliefs on this are secondhand at best.

I've already found out iwas wrong about one of my major sticking points.

I just think the tradeoff isn't exactly fair, considering what the NCAA pulls in, and how they make these people dance on eggshells.

Didn't Boise St get in trouble because their women's tennis team somehow obtained like less than 50 dollars in non NCAA approved funds, and got suspended over it?

I don't recall the exact details, but that was pretty rcent, and ridiculous.

The "violations" that have upended Ohio State are laughable. Jim Tressel ran a good program and is a decent guy, and is railroaded out because of a violation that is absolutely ludicrous. The punishment certainly has not fit the crime by any stretch.

Pete Carrol commits a lot of legitimate violations, the kind of thing the NCAA is actually trying to prevent, and he skates on up to Seattle without a care in the world. Got a raise, got a better job, and all the players he recruited that are playing now are paying for his misdeeds.

That sort of thing sticks in my craw.

If a booster decides to give a kid a high paying do-nothing job, I don't see how it's going to change anything. It's not like the largest schools need that sort of thing to aid in recruitment. The big schools will remain powers, they always do.

In my mind, I think one way to force the NCAA to come into the modern world is for top athletes to get agents directly out of high school and make colleges bid for their talents.

After all, they're making an investment.. the player is expected to bring in money.

Besides.. it's one thing that the NCAA makes bank off of these kids backs, but now ESPN is making "committment day" an all day TV event, for which these kids get absolutely NOTHING.

Get an agent kid. Right out of high school. Get a piece of that lucrative pie they're using you to bake.


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I agree Bang. Coaches and players need to be equally punished.

Yeah, but what do you do to Pete Carroll?

He didn't break any actual laws,, he's gone from the NCAA..it's a F'd up situation that allows for this sort of thing. He had his cake, and ate it too.

I don't know the answer.


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Although, someone might argue that perhaps Richt could give up some of his salary (above the board in this case) so that his assistants could get paid more.

He did make over $3 million last year.

It's still $15k to the guy who's NOT making that kind of bank. Do we discount Gates' charitable work because he has billions?

A kind act is a kind act.

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It's still $15k to the guy who's NOT making that kind of bank. Do we discount Gates' charitable work because he has billions?

A kind act is a kind act.

Don't misunderstand - I applaud what Richt was doing.

I am just saying that some would claim (prob the UGA AD) that his (Richt's) salary demands cut into what his assistants are getting paid.

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