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TH: Pelosi plans to reveal information about Gingrich 'when the time is right'


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Pelosi plans to reveal information about Gingrich 'when the time is right'

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is holding back some information on Republican Newt Gingrich that could detract from his presidential campaign, according to a report published Monday.

“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi told Talking Points Memo. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff.”

Gingrich, who served as Speaker of the House, worked with Pelosi in Congress from 1987 to 1999. Pelosi also served on the ethics committee that investigated Gingrich for tax cheating and campaign finance violations in the late ’90s.

Gingrich filmed an ad with then-House Speaker Pelosi in 2008 to urge action on climate change, which haunted him early in his presidential bid this year. Gingrich called the ad “probably the dumbest single thing I’ve done in recent years” last month.

Republicans in Congress have been slow to rally around Gingrich’s rise to front-runner status in the polls, with former GOP colleague Sen. Tom Coburn (Okla.) stating publicly over the weekend he is not “inclined to be a supporter” of Gingrich due to that past experience.

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Funny how they tell us "if you see something say something" but when it comes to each other "if you see something wait until its politically beneficial to say something". If there really is something that voters will find bad about him why the hell is she waiting until the right time to say it. Put the information out there and let voters decide if he is the right candidate.

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Newt's problem is that he doesn't know how to hide the fact that he's a arrogant jerk. I think he'd have had a great deal more success if he just learned to act like a likable person while in front of the media.

I would say that Newt's biggest asset is his propensity for out of the box thinking. Often times that makes him a target and sound like an arrogant jerk. This has always been his path to power and his promary appeal as a national candidate.

I think with the current cabal of GOP candidates, Newt doesn't really need to "act" to come off as vastly superior. Newt is an intellectual, and with the current GOP field as a backdrop he looks to be Einstein's illigitamate son with Hawkings. A real breath of fresh air, for the GOP...

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Wouldn't all the ads that go back and forth during election season be considered the same? I know you don't actually meant blackmail. Its just the continued circle-jerk of politics.
I am pretty sure he means actual blackmail, because that is exactly what this is. Pelosi is a dumb-dumb, she now either has to come up with the goods immediately, or not at all.
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I am pretty sure he means actual blackmail, because that is exactly what this is. Pelosi is a dumb-dumb, she now either has to come up with the goods immediately, or not at all.

It is? What specifically is she asking from him in return? Money? To sign over his half of the family fortune?

Sounds like she thinks she'll sit on something and then let it out when it embarrasses him the most.

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It is? What specifically is she asking from him in return? Money? To sign over his half of the family fortune?

Sounds like she thinks she'll sit on something and then let it out when it embarrasses him the most.

It's actually extortion. She could have just revealed it with no issue, but the threat of conditionally revealing it is a different game. There does not have to be anything in return.
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Guilty but covered up by Pelosi so she could get him on the couch

ain't politics fun?

Exactly, which is the exact reason I won't ever be in politics, just imagine a room full of people sitting around a table looking for ways to destroy you only to show it to you in order to force you out of a job while always holding it over your head to bash you in case you ever become a political threath again.

And people wonder why the Amish believe that Christians shouldn't be in politics.

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ok, if its extortion, what specifically is she trying to extort from Newt then?

I'm telling you its politics. Dirty filthy politics. Doesn't matter if its true or not.

It does not matter what she wants from Newt. Extortion is damaging by it's nature. You and I cannot go around publicly saying "wait til I drop this bombshell about Jim down the street". She should have just released the info, that would be dirty politics.
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I am pretty sure he means actual blackmail, because that is exactly what this is. Pelosi is a dumb-dumb, she now either has to come up with the goods immediately, or not at all.

Yeah Pelosi is a real moron, that's why she became the third highest ranking elected official in the country and third in line to the presidency....because morons can manage that. She is a chess player and if she didn't have anything she wouldn't be playing this card. You can absolutely hate her politics but it is pretty naive to think that she is an idiot and doesn't know how to play the political game.

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It does not matter what she wants from Newt. Extortion is damaging by it's nature. You and I cannot go around publicly saying "wait til I drop this bombshell about Jim down the street". She should have just released the info, that would be dirty politics.

I just don't agree with that....or that its either blackmail/extortion.

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And people wonder why the Amish believe that Christians shouldn't be in politics.

The Amish ain't the only ones,though I usually just restrict it to church leaders.

Timmy Smith....it isn't extortion w/o a demand he drop out ect,just scummy behavior

here's a legal definition of sorts


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Newt's response.


Gingrich fires back at Pelosi over threat

Newt Gingrich said that a threat from ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to disclose information she learned while serving on an ethics committee investigating him during his time as Speaker of the House would "totally abuse the ethics process" and violate rules of the House of Representatives.

"I want to thank Speaker Pelosi for what I regard as an early Christmas gift," Gingrich said at a press conference in Manhattan Monday.

*click link for more*

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Yeah Pelosi is a real moron, that's why she became the third highest ranking elected official in the country and third in line to the presidency....because morons can manage that. She is a chess player and if she didn't have anything she wouldn't be playing this card. You can absolutely hate her politics but it is pretty naive to think that she is an idiot and doesn't know how to play the political game.
She was smart enough to find one of the 2 or 3 districts in the US that would elect her ad nauseam, so I'll give her that. Other than that she is as corrupt and lacking in charm as any other 12 term politician from either side. She has stepped on her tongue enough for anyone to know she has little clue how the average American thinks. If she was Republican, this little gaffe would be on the evening news. We'll see.
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