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Washington Redskins: How they can still win the East

Redskins Ruckus

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I wrote a short opinion piece this morning about the Redskins. I can't tell if my prior service experiences in the military are shining through, but I think this team can benefit a lot from intestinal fortitude. Someone needs to get into the heads of the players and get them to dig deep. Starters injured or not, this team is full of professional football players. They have the talent to succeed. Coaching needs to step up. Here's the article:



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Very well-written and very optimistic. I just don't quite see it in this day and age of sports. The men and women of the armed forces have a different mindset than our modern millionaire athletes. The armed forces are full of people who fight for others, they're brave, courageous, dig deep, and find strength when there is none left. War is a matter of life and death and it is treated as such.

There are some football players that have that same intestinal fortitude, but I would venture a guess that there are far more football players that do not. Because at the end of the day football is a sport and it's a sport where you potentially get paid a lotta money. Win or lose, nobody dies, nobody gets paid less money... they're far less motivated to dig deep.

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It took you four paragraphs to say what can be summarized in one sentence: This team needs to try harder.

That's a nice thought and all, but even the example you cite (Joe Gibbs) lost more than he won the second time around with this team. I agree that effort has been lacking from this team, but all the effort in the world can't overcome a talent deficit.

They have the talent to succeed.

No, they really don't.

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The only way this team wins the East is if the other 3 finish 8-8 or worse. I just don't see any way they get more than 8 wins at this point, and I think that would take a tremendous effort and fortunate bounce of the ball.

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I wrote a short opinion piece this morning about the Redskins. I can't tell if my prior service experiences in the military are shining through, but I think this team can benefit a lot from intestinal fortitude. Someone needs to get into the heads of the players and get them to dig deep. Starters injured or not, this team is full of professional football players. They have the talent to succeed. Coaching needs to step up. Here's the article:



I agree with what you said in the article and there needs to be discipline instilled in their heads but it will never happen with this generation of Washington Redskins. Why? Because of the CBA that was signed before the season and the mindset of the NFL player now. They want to win but only if they don't have to work as hard. When they put a limit on the amount of times they could be in pads or have hitting drills then the Washington Redskins were doomed. Only those guys that want to get down and get nasty are the ones that will prevail and there are not enough of those guys on the team. This team wants first class citizens or as Joe Gibbs put it "Core Redskins" instead of guys that are willing to put it all on the line and to be discipline enough to win games. When you are a football player you never want to get your ass handed to you or cost your team a win. If a player really wants to win then he will do anything to reach his goal. Look at guys like Walter Payton, Darren Sproles, Darrel Green, Drew Brees, Doug Flute, and many other guys that were told they couldn't be successful. They worked at being the best they could be and were successful not because they had more opportunities or were given a free pass.OH no. They earned every bit of it because of the very thing that was written in your article. They took their share of @$$ whoopings but they didn't give up until they proved their doubters wrong. So until these guys want to get back their prides then they will continue to get these same results. By the way. Great article.

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Paloosa, You see first class citizens "core Redskins" to be the opposite of hard working? I think you have that backwards. Fletcher is a Core Redskin, Haynesworth was not

Quoted for emphasis. Call me silly, but I still believe there are guys on this team that want to bring a trophy home to Washington, DC. Regardless of salaries and endorsements. I have to believe because I am a fan. If I don't, the game is no longer a game.

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When I saw this thread title, I was excited that someone had possibly finally discovered how to time travel. Because the only way this team wins the East is to roll the clocks back to 1991.

In all seriousness, I share the sentiments you express, but Shanny yesterday on local media pretty much said that "pep talks" are useless. He said the only way to get better is to show the guys the film, show them exactly where they messed up, show them how close they were to actually succeeding on a play and go from there.

It all sounds too clinical to me. But maybe appealing to a team on a deep emotional level or on the level of pride for the team, the fan base, whatever is a thing of the past.

Guys used to associate themselves with the teams they played on, because they were there for entire careers. It's not the same anymore. Hard for someone to get fired up to play for "Redskins pride and tradition" when they've only been there a year and may not be back the next. I miss the pre-free agency days. The game was so much more fun and felt so much more personal.

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Their needs to be a cultural change in the mindset of the coaches and team leaders. I think London Fletcher is by far the best at exhibiting this trait. My thesis is purposefully over the top (winning the East), and is meant to help illustrate this point.

Yup, but my thread calling out Landry based on the the effort shown vs. London's effort on the play in the Carolina game got shot down.

If we could clone 22 Fletchers, we would have a dynasty.

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The only way this team wins the East is if the other 3 finish 8-8 or worse. I just don't see any way they get more than 8 wins at this point, and I think that would take a tremendous effort and fortunate bounce of the ball.

your right about that,,""fortunate bounce of the ball"" although 6 and 10 is more like what we will finish with,,5 and 11 wouldnt suprise me

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As a former military person myself, I agree, we def need some fortitue. As the Sapper instructor at Ft. Wood said to the guy scared to go off the rappell tower a couple of weeks ago on Surviving the Cut...."you need to sack up". And so do the Skins.

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As much as I hate to say it, I hope we lose every remaining game. I hope we keep it close, and I hope we put our young guys out there, and I hope we lose. I am for the lose for Luck campaign. It will hurt every week, I will hate the season, but at least we will be able to draft the weapons we need.

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