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25 Redskin QB's over the last 30 years. Grab a beer or crying towel. Mid-week distraction

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Well, this was something that crossed my mind, as we continue the debate over who should be the starting qb next week, so here's a list of qbs since the Gibbs 1 era. Pick 2 qbs {non-superbowl qb's} you would like to see on the team and why.

If there is an existing thread, I do apologize, just trying to get a little distraction and discussion on who and why.

Theismann-- got the 1st Superbowl title for us, but does like/love to talk.

Schroeder-- Could throw a mile, but had no control.

Ed Rubbert-- I musta been drunk when he hit the field, maybe during strike season?

Doug Williams--achieved a superb goal by winning SBXXII, but couldn't match effort next year.

Mark Rypien-- another great qb who had one of the best seasons ever for the Skins in 91.

Stan Humphries--short and squirrely, but didn't do anything til he hit San Diego.

Jeff Rutledge--Mostly a back-up to Ryp, never materialized.

Rich Gannon--overall a good qb; went to Oakland I think.

Conklin--general failure, never worked out.

Heath Shuler--not enough space to put all the negativity surrounding him.

Friesz--ehhh, would be ok as a back-up.

Gus Frerotte--another hyper qb, tried to make a dent in wall with his head; wall won.

Jeff Hoststler--th' hoss, got up and went, no giddiup and go.

Patrick Ramsey--big arm, promising, but protection and errors arose.

Trent Green--seemed to be promising under Martz's system, but was traded to St.L., then...

Brad Johnson--another hopeful who had a decent year, but could only see forward.

Jeff George--wow, and wow. drama and a big arm but didn't pan out.

Tony Banks--never materialized into anything here.

Shane Matthews--flop # 1 of Spurrier

Danny Wuerffel--flop # 2

Tim Hasselbeck--only 1 of the brothers ever did anything, and it wasn't him.

Mark Brunnel--claim to fame was Monday Night Miracle, but had concrete pillars for legs.

Jason Campbell--a promising qb in college, a.k.a. Capt'n Checkdown never grew into the mold.

Todd Collins--filled in for JC and got the sputtering Skins on a roll, but failed in playoffs.

McNabb--hopes were strong he would turn the team around, but loves to throw at feet.

Grossman--rode Bears coattails to superbowl, overall not starting material.

IMO, I would take Gannon and Johnson; just seems to be the best of a sub-par list.

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The one that bugs me is Trent Green... And we can't really blame this one on Snyder. Instead of making Green the priority, we let him walk and traded for Johnson instead. I know many skins fans have fond memories of BJ, but I don't. He had a phenomenal four game stretch to start 1999 and then steadily declined to the point where he was a major weakness by the playoff game in Tampa. The next year, as silly as it sounds, I think we make the playoffs if Jeff George was the starter from day one.

It's been my one of my many sticking points since I joined ES in 2001... Brad Johnson is the most overrated player in the history of this site. We would have been soooo much better off keeping Green, who went on to have a very nice 5-6 year run depite a major knee injury.

Casserly was clueless.

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I actually liked Ramsey alot, when he played but we had zero offensive line and he took a beating. I also like Gus alot....I remember making "In Gus We Trust" posters as a kid.

I would say we regret as an organization letting go of Humphries, Gannon, and Green all who became very good starters and with the case of Humphries and Gannon took there teams to Superbowl appearances (Gannon was also a Probowler and MVP with the Raiders)

Obviously the best QB on the list is Joey T and in my opinion while Williams and Rypien had a couple good years they were nothing compared to Joey T had he not gotten hurt who knows what else he could have done.

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Brad Johnson because he did enough, I think, to keep his spot and not lose it to Jeff George. But then, no man should have ever lost a job to Jeff George.


Jason Campbell because his stats improved with each season. That, and losing the picks for Donovan McNabb, then trading him for beans, lead us to the hazardous waste we saw behind center for the first 4.5 weeks.

(I celebrated when Rex played well enough for us to win, but I also made ugly faces when he made poopy. Hopefully, he has made his last one in the starter pants).

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Joey T is that last QB truly "good" QB we've had. A few others had good years, and in Rypien's case, one monster year, but Joey T was the last time you would say the QB was a strength for the team over a number of years. Kind of crazy.

As I said, Green is the one that gnaws at me. I thought Ramsey had a chance as well, but he was so immobile, and I don't think his instincts were great either. Great arm, good guy, was put in a bad situation, and never got it together.

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Brad Johnson because he did enough, I think, to keep his spot and not lose it to Jeff George. But then, no man should have ever lost a job to Jeff George.


Jason Campbell because his stats improved with each season. That, and losing the picks for Donovan McNabb, then trading him for beans, lead us to the hazardous waste we saw behind center for the first 4.5 weeks.

(I celebrated when Rex played well enough for us to win, but I also made ugly faces when he made poopy. Hopefully, he has made his last one in the starter pants).

Totally disagree on Johnson. Totally. He was average from the middle of 1999 to the end of that year, horrible in our playoff lose in Tampa, and then terrible in 2000. One of he highlights of the 2000 season was a Monday Night win in ST. Louis when George lit it up. BJ got his job back after he was healthy and promptly was terrible again.... Norv waited too long to pull him against the Giants that year... As soon as he did George led a furious comeback, but of course, Eddie Murray missed a FG...

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Joey T is that last QB truly "good" QB we've had. A few others had good years, and in Rypien's case, one monster year,

Rypien had a great year and cleaned up on the deep stuff but sadly he probably shouldn't get too much credit for it.

If you watch the highlight deep bombs from that season, the receivers are RIDICULOUSLY open. Many of the throws are underthrown too and it doesn't matter cause guys like Clark, Sanders, and Monk have about 10 steps on the defenders.

Besides that, I don't see the point of ****ing about our QBs over the last few decades. It's not some kind of new insight - we see these lists every year.

I'm not bothered at all. QB is a last piece we need. I see no problem with building the rest of the team first. Yeah QB is a priority but if a better lineman is available than a QB at the point in the draft, I'd rather see us bring in another lineman.

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Totally disagree on Johnson. Totally. He was average from the middle of 1999 to the end of that year, horrible in our playoff lose in Tampa, and then terrible in 2000. One of he highlights of the 2000 season was a Monday Night win in ST. Louis when George lit it up. BJ got his job back after he was healthy and promptly was terrible again.... Norv waited too long to pull him against the Giants that year... As soon as he did George led a furious comeback, but of course, Eddie Murray missed a FG...

Well, part of my thinking includes what he did after he moved to Tampa. He may have just been a game manager, but he did enough to get a ring. George never lived up to being a #1 overall, and by the time he got to us, he was even worse. A couple of okay games doesn't change the fact that he was just a loser (meaning W/L only, not judging as a person).

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Rypien had a great year and cleaned up on the deep stuff but sadly he probably shouldn't get too much credit for it.

If you watch the highlight deep bombs from that season, the receivers are RIDICULOUSLY open. Many of the throws are underthrown too and it doesn't matter cause guys like Clark, Sanders, and Monk have about 10 steps on the defenders.

Besides that, I don't see the point of ****ing about our QBs over the last few decades. It's not some kind of new insight - we see these lists every year.

I'm not bothered at all. QB is a last piece we need. I see no problem with building the rest of the team first. Yeah QB is a priority but if a better lineman is available than a QB at the point in the draft, I'd rather see us bring in another lineman.

I kind of agree, you can either build a team from the QB up (surrounding him with players that fit his style) or build a team then get a QB that fits the style of the team....its obvious that the Shannys are doing the latter and wont bring in "there" QB until the team is ready for it.

Both strategies can play out but only if given the time through the draft and free angency to see it through.

and the 91 skins season was just the Perfect storm we had 3 Badass recivers that could have started on and been a number 1 reciver for any team, a great O-line, and a killer Running game....Rypien also had the best year he had ever had...and it was the greates year of my football watching career, a shame it happend so early in my life but at least I was old enough to appareciate it.

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Brad Johnson put up over 4000 yards in 1999. the last year the Redskins actually had an offense. He wasnt perfect but he had a big arm and def. benefited from a great Oline and the breakout of Stephen Davis.

I would take him over any of the chumps that have played since.

Green was not coming back here - he said at the time the Redskins ownership uncertainty was the reason he signed with the Rams... those few months in 1999 when the Skins were in limbo and couldnt make any deals.. That was a big loss. He could've been a great QB for years for the Skins.

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Obviously the best QB on the list is Joey T and in my opinion while Williams and Rypien had a couple good years they were nothing compared to Joey T had he not gotten hurt who knows what else he could have done.

Nothing. Theismann suffered his career-ending injury at age 36. He threw 16 picks against 8 TDs in his final year, with a completion percentage of 55.5% His QB rating was 59.6 -- by way of comparison, Rex Grossman's rating so far this year is 66.5.

Theismann was all done before LT broke his leg, and probably would have been benched before the end of the year.

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A bad list, no doubt. But there's a difference between having a great QB and getting decent QB play out of the position.

We GOT good QB play out of Joe T., Schroeder, Doug Williams, Ryp, Trent Green, Johnson, even Frerotte for a while. We have NOT had a sustained, great QB for a long time. But I'm guessing the same could be said for a number of teams (I know the Bears lament this very point).

I'd say reading the mood of fans right now, the #1 hope the Skins could sell right now is a young, stud QB prospect. It might even be worth it to fans to overpay for one.

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Gannon sucked when he was here. I'd take Brad and Frerotte. Gus was fun, and BJohnson actually had a little talent.

Of course, that excludes our Super Bowl QBs, Joey T being the best of that bunch. Doug was good until injuries started piling up (late 70s buccaneer Doug was on the cusp of specialness). I can't understand to this day why Ryp couldn't at least approximate his success from '91 (other than the aging Hogs and Posse).

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we havent had a great QB since sonny jurgenson, and his last good year was 1970. aside from a few good years by thiesmann and rypien, we have suuuucked at QB for 40 years. i mean hell youd think at some point we would ACCIDENTALLY find a good QB by now.

Not as long as everyone believes we can win a Super Bowl by giving Rex Grossman an offensive line and some receivers. We won't be competitive until we DRAFT a franchise QB. It needs to be this year and it needs to be one of the elite guys. Whatever it takes.

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A bad list, no doubt. But there's a difference between having a great QB and getting decent QB play out of the position.

We GOT good QB play out of Joe T., Schroeder, Doug Williams, Ryp, Trent Green, Johnson, even Frerotte for a while. We have NOT had a sustained, great QB for a long time. But I'm guessing the same could be said for a number of teams (I know the Bears lament this very point).

I'd say reading the mood of fans right now, the #1 hope the Skins could sell right now is a young, stud QB prospect. It might even be worth it to fans to overpay for one.

were one of a few teams that havent had a star QB since 1970. Redskins, Browns, Chiefs, Seahawks, and Bears all havent had a stud.


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A bad list, no doubt. But there's a difference between having a great QB and getting decent QB play out of the position.

We GOT good QB play out of Joe T., Schroeder, Doug Williams, Ryp, Trent Green, Johnson, even Frerotte for a while. We have NOT had a sustained, great QB for a long time. But I'm guessing the same could be said for a number of teams (I know the Bears lament this very point).

I'd say reading the mood of fans right now, the #1 hope the Skins could sell right now is a young, stud QB prospect. It might even be worth it to fans to overpay for one.

they showed a stat on ESPN the other day about most QBs started since 2000 and i think dallas and the browns are the top 2. i'll have to look into that.

actually most teams not named Indy, New England, Green Bay, and i'm struggling to think of more cities that have had good qb play consistently in the last 10 years. green bay just blows my mind though.

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