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Anyone who thinks that this bumbling fool in press conferences belongs under center in the NFL is clueless! He couldn't hit water if he fell off of a pier!

Don't post here a lot been watching Redskins for 40 plus years and this is the bottom of the barrel. I've said he lacks leadership, sounds like a fool in press conferences and is a TURNOVER machine! Slow feet and slower brain. This was the worst performance I've ever seen by a Redskin QB....

I'm so pissed I can't see straight.

Yeah, Shanny should have pulled him sooner, but then again who'd think that he'd throw 4 and the way he did...

If there is an upside it's that this eliminates the questions that have been flying around the last few weeks...

I'd rather rather go down with Beck as he at least will make the game more challenging due to his athleticism rather than watching bumbling GROSS BOY.

You couldn't trade him for a HS prospect...

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He just plain sucks...

He's been in this system for 3 YEARS!!

There is no excuse for this... NONE!!

I saw this coming.... Had a bad feeling about this game and Rex was the center of my fears. He has gotten progressively worse with each week... where the exact opposite should be happening. Not a huge fan of JC but never did he play this badly.

Rex couldn't flip hamburgers for a living, cause they all end up on the floor.

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there's nothing he can say. that's inexcusable. Most, MOST of his throws were possible picks. That was unbelievably bad. Plenty of guys have thrown 4 picks, but you had to have seen it to understand. That's the worst QBing I think I've ever seen.

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lol, the sad thing is that Grossman is in a contract year. That normally motivates players to play at a decent level. Make Beck the starter. He'll be better for this offense IMO because he's more athletic and mobile than Rex. We can draft a QB next draft and sit him behind Beck.

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The Grossman hatters have been hoping for this day...... LOL

Yep, life under center must be great when 2 key o-lineman go down, along with cooley..... This leads to ABSOLUTELY no run game, and then the defense just sits back and waits for you to throw it. I do think Rex played horrible today, but threads like this are also gross man! The first pick he threw hit sleepy in the helmet, you expect your gamers to go up and make a play, but at least not let the other team come down with it. The rest of the picks were just poor decisions though..... but like I said, the defense knew he would be throwing, we couldn’t run it.

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The Grossman hatters have been hoping for this day...... LOL

Yep, life under center must be great when 2 key o-lineman go down, along with cooley..... This leads to ABSOLUTELY no run game, and then the defense just sits back and waits for you to throw it. I do think Rex played horrible today, but threads like this are also gross man! The first pick he threw hit sleepy in the helmet, you expect your gamers to go up and make a play, but at least not let the other team come down with it. The rest of the picks were just poor decisions though..... but like I said, the defense knew he would be throwing, we couldn’t run it.

Rex has been trending downward every week. He hasn't even been streaky. He's been steadily getting worse.

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The Grossman hatters have been hoping for this day...... LOL

Yep, life under center must be great when 2 key o-lineman go down, along with cooley..... This leads to ABSOLUTELY no run game, and then the defense just sits back and waits for you to throw it.

And in spite of all that, "Career Backup" John Beck storms down the field and puts 6 on the board.

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The Grossman hatters have been hoping for this day...... LOL

Yep, life under center must be great when 2 key o-lineman go down, along with cooley..... This leads to ABSOLUTELY no run game, and then the defense just sits back and waits for you to throw it. I do think Rex played horrible today, but threads like this are also gross man! The first pick he threw hit sleepy in the helmet, you expect your gamers to go up and make a play, but at least not let the other team come down with it. The rest of the picks were just poor decisions though..... but like I said, the defense knew he would be throwing, we couldn’t run it.

Grossman was TERRIBLE BEYOND BELIEF today.

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don't get too involved here....shanny made a decision for a reason too. just cuz he came out and was better doesn't mean he doesn't have a downside as well. i personally don't think we have a qb for the future yet....beck? better than grossman? maybe...but not by much, is my bet.

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A bigger problem is he's our backup QB now...

I'd put in 3rd on the depth chart....

I never want to see this guy under center for this team again... Today everybody got a look at what this guy is all about. People can put on Rose Colored glasses if they choose and try to rationalize this away, but there is no way that any coach in the NFL would want this guy to be their back up QB. Think about this...



We win this game had Rex never stepped on the field. Pull him early after second or third and there is a QB controversy in locker room and in the press. Now there is none.

If there is silver lining here is that Grossman won't start and will be our no. 3 QB

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Good post. Beck is the better QB. Grossman doesn't understand system and he clearly can't read defenses well enoigh. I'll catch hell for saying this, but I still think we should kept McNabb.

Damn I was shaking my head like yep, yep until that Mcnabb comment!! you lost me there bro, Mcnabb stinks!

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