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What Big Names Will Be Caught With HGH Testing?


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HGH testing has been rumored since the negotiations. These players should be smart enough to have stopped taking the supplements that have HGH and cleaned their system out. If they get caught, failure on their player union and agents to guide them in the right direction.

That being said, there are some dumb***** players out there...

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HGH testing has been rumored since the negotiations. These players should be smart enough to have stopped taking the supplements that have HGH and cleaned their system out. If they get caught, failure on their player union and agents to guide them in the right direction.

That being said, there are some dumb***** players out there...

Manny Ramirez ands Rod to name a few

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there are some that learn from it but others that can't get enough. Like steroids, it takes away the pain of injuries, you're non stop all day every day, you perform at higher levels you ever though possible, bust through plateaus, you are a freak of nature... just look at the difference from Merriman in San Diego his first few years... to now. When he was forced to stop HGH and 'Roids, his spaghetti knee plagued him and he couldnt register a sack, also much slower on the field.

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Probably many, many more than you think. Fletcher, Rak, Landry, Bowen, Cofield, Carriker, Kerrigan, Lo, the entire O line, heck, all players (even Banks) are suspect.

I might be in the minority here but, personally, I could care less if they continue to use it. HGH vastly improves healing time, is generally good for you, and has shown to have low instance of side effects. If it makes a better on-field product then so be it.

It's naive to think 50-75% of the league hasn't been using PEDs (roids included) since the 80s. I know it's not fair and it's cheating, but that's the way it is.

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Just to make sure we're all up to date on this,(would have been nice to see in the OP btw).


NFL: HGH testing to begin as early as next week

The NFL and the NFLPA are in agreement on how to conduct HGH testing after both sides met today with House Representatives Darrell Issa (R-Cal.) and Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), according to NFL spokesman Greg Aiello.

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All the players on this list would be my first guess as well


---------- Post added October-14th-2011 at 02:06 PM ----------

im guessing this is what Buchanon got busted for as well

Not super related to this thread, but they have Orakpo at #9 on the list and the last picture in his set is actually PD93.

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I'm not saying Laron Landry isn't using (I have no idea), but I've seen way too many dudes with the proper tools, time and motivation become as muscular as him to automatically assume he is.

I'm talking of course, about prison inmates, but still, its not impossible to get that big without using drugs.

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