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Per JLC, Rexy to start versus Giants (Merged 2x)


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I did not care either way. Each has their own positives and negatives, each is an average passer, and I expect either to be a top 15 passer in this system. Think Kyle Orton in McDaniels offense. I am of the opinion that the importance of the QB is overrated when compared to the importance of the other units of an offense and the scheme. If we can continue to have success with the ZBS and the running game, that will be far more important than which QB we choose.

I also am of the opinion that neither QB is part of the long term plans, so the most important thing to get out of Beck/Grossman is competent play so that we can evaluate the rest of offensive talent - and if this was truly an open competition, I'm not sure how you reach any other conclusion that Rex is the most competent QB as of today.

Completely agree again. I'm a system man, and believe in finding a QB with the right attributes for your scheme rather than forcing square pegs into round holes (Donovan), especially in the ZBS. I must admit, I was somewhat cheering for Beck, mostly because I was intrigued as to how he could develop in Kyle's offense. I guess I was hoping Beck could thrive in our system much like Schaub did when Kyle was in Houston. Regardless, I'm pleased that the best man won, who, as you mentioned, was clearly Rex.

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Interesting decision, and it signals again just how stupid the media is. For the entire offseason they reported that Beck was "Shanahan's guy" and that he drew that he would be the starter just because Shanahan said some positive things about him. I even heard certain members of the media say Shanahan would name Beck the starter just so he could be "right".

I'm glad that Shanahan held a competition and awarded the job to the winner of that competition.

You nailed it! Truth be known the only place there was a real QB competition was with the media, and they named there starter months ago. I don't think this was ever even close to the Shanahans.

As a Bears fan I have seen every snap rex took up to becoming a Redskin. I can see from reading here that the media has turned many a redskin fan against Rex. Give this guy a chance, the media hates this guy and has dumped on him unfairly for years. Lord knows as a Bears fan I have watched many a QB come and go. Rex was one of the Best....not one of the worst like the media makes it out to be.

He's a gunslinger, some will hate that. Do you really think if Beck plays your going to see less turnovers? More production? Be carefull what you wish for.

Good luck this year.

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It's the correct decision thus far, and I'm glad I felt Grossman deserved the start all along so I'm definitely in no way disappointed. That being said, I'm excited about Beck's upside though and think we've got two more than capable QBs. I would be far from surprised to see Beck starting some time down the road even with Grossman not injured or playing poorly, just that the Shanahan's are more comfortable with him executing the offense.

Sadly, I think the most amusing part of this for me is the fact that the Post looks as moronic as they should. :ols:

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Ya'll didn't really think we were going into the season with John Beck starting did you?

Some people on this board are still pimping the idea that he's the next coming of Brees. Those are the same ones that are saying "we don't need Brandon Banks and all his long returns that he's good for just about every game".

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It amazes me that Kyle's system has been successful for basically one season and as a result a large percentage of Redskins Nation has annointed him the Dalai Lama of NFL offense. I'm definitely in favor of giving Kyle all the time he needs to implement his precious invincible unstoppable offensive scheme but the "God of Offense" endorsements have got to stop until Kyle leads an NFL offense to a conference championship or at the very least a playoff appearance. Until then... can we start acknowledging the fact that PLAYERS win games... not coaches. For example... when Kyle's offense in Houston finished first the year before he was hired here, do knowledgeable football fans really believe that offense would have finished #1 without Schaub under center and with Rex running the show instead and also without Andre Johnson, the most freakish WR in the league, with say Joey Galloway or Anthony Armstrong at WR instead? Come on people... Effe a system!!! Give me some studs who can play football at a high level.

Rex may never be as skilled and polished as Schaub and Beck may never be as experienced or accomplished as Rex but they're all we got for now so can we please stop crying like babies about our QB situation, get behind these guys for the rest of this season and hope for the best. Doug Williams isn't walking through the clubhouse door anytime soon and neither is Joey T. And can we forget about drafting Andrew Luck in the next draft... That's beyond unrealistic because we're just not bad enough to finish with the worst record in the league this season. I can't even fathom why some skins fans still have Luck on their radar at this point???

I don't dislike Kyle. I think he's a very dynamic offensive mind and I hope he succeeds at the highest possible level but I am sick and tired of people giving him "Air Coryell" status at this point in his career.

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