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SiriusXM NFL Radio Training Camp Tour Live @ Redskins Park **UPDATED: Transcript**


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Moving the Chains with Tim Ryan and Pat Kirwan. Just passing along the info. Some links are saying it's at 5:00pm but this one says 4-8pm.


For anyone interested it begins @ 5:00pm.

It'll be a good show, a lot of interviews.

**UPDATE: Transcript post #9**

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That would be great if you could do that Blitzepackage

It's pretty in depth normal cliche questions but also x's and o's stuff/ I guess give me till about 8:15 I can probably get it in a readable version by then.

So far interviewed: DHall, Armstrong, Bruce Allen, Mike Shanahan, Fletcher

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Disclaimer: Not word for word, just what was being discussed or general point of discussion.

To start, generalized roster talk. New additions draft picks etc. QB competition, Landry and Cooley injury concerns.

Banter.....On Kerrigan...he'll play well rushing the passer using twists and stunts, bringing corners and safeties from his side to get him 1 on 1. Really watch his drops....sure he can get out to flat like a robot but how fast can he learn to cut off the slant first. Teams will tease him with the slant until he starts getting depth like he is supposed to then they will work the shallow cross to see how he reacts. Basically teams will gameplan to attack him. He can play man to man better, rookies usually can so they probably have him attacking on pass downs and not letting the RB out on pass patterns.


Anthony Armstrong.... his story coming into the league. competition against Gaffney. Told Coach Shanahan he was mad at him for bringing in recievers but told him he was going to raise his game and make decision tough. Team will be better....getting off press at 185lbs, like a DE against a OT a lot of hand palcement, hand to hand combat . You want early to use your speed now you need to give him a double move or double punch to get around. May see 3 wide sets with Cooley hurt maybe early might use more 3 WR, he feels good about Rex making the reads and recievers getting open,


Deangelo Hall...being a big corner grinding staying in shape in off season...his lady hates the beard. On OJ addition communication is great watched a long time being in film room practice was great no nonsenese. him and laron really bonded. He jokes with Laron that he lost his best friend cause OJ and laron are always together. If OJ can rub off he'll be great. Play run with 7 in box now working on it in practivce with the better front. Kerrigan so phyiscal so big still trying to get him in his spots, london freerun to ball now, when we get laron back throw him in the box. When safety was down there before you have to defend everything with man or three deep. now we can roll [1/4 1/4 half] or trap concepts because we can now get off blocks and make plays. New guys bring toughness mentality leadership...can see OL getting better now because of DLine.

QB's....battling. you like to have a guy like Rex who has led teams to win games. Rex showed why we wanted him back. Beck can lead us but Rex feels good, didn't help him out at end of last year in Dallas the offense put up 30 points we let him down. Everyone talks about CHI rex, this is a more mature Rex, manage offense with D and run game we'll be fine. Feel better about Rex than any draft pick, didn't just get a guy to get a guy. We were smart about making our team better in draft..you can't just throw a guy in you have to really study to be great.

You gonna match up with WR or stay on right side... We matched up 1on1 some last yr...some in Dallas, not in Houston, didnt v Eagles, did w TEN followed Randy Moss around. We'll do it more this yr getting better, now he wants to face the QB for picks instead of run with back to QB. u get weak on comebacks and digs without that practice and his DB coach gets on him. Wants to be better in press he's working on it.

On Calvin Johnson..guy is top 5 no doubt. He is a monster I had one hit on him at the 3 he drug me 3 yds for a TD. He huge...always open above his head.

On his personality..not guy in ATL he's older, mellow. Can remember being 3rd yr kinda being a big shot been humbled by playing bad and getting cut. Now he's home. now just blessed to be in sitution now I left ATL like I did I shouldn't have been like that but I was young and I did it wrong. Wouldn't be who I was now needed to struggle get cut be in Washington grew up watching them right down the road.


Caller....does the team really think Rex or Beck do they think they can win with these guys? Yes they do, they had draft possibilities and they passed. They feel they made right decision all of us can sit on outside and say they are making a mistake but really 50 percent of coaches are putting a guy in there they hope can do it. Not a throw away year..can't tell all new additions to not play. We are in a brutal division. Watching Rex on tape and practice we could have an argument buy coaches think they have baet chance this way and they'll ride with them.

Caller....not a lot of mistakes. But worried about getting beat deep. #1 you had back up safeties ~the end of that. Also, Rex Grossman in CHI he's matured, hes always been streaky..he'll look great then oh my god can't believe he just did that. Doesn't mean he's gotta be best guy but you have to look at reality of who was available and let him use the system and get the most out of him


London Fletcher....doing great how you keeping streak alive god blessed me to stay healty. Excited about additions second yr we understand better. Cofield and Bowen, 2 good palyers watched in division both made plays in first game make opponent weaker at same time. Pilfered those guys. On Rocky being back...both our 2nd year he'll be better play faster now. Alot of 1 gap prinicples for us not typical t wo gap 3 yds off guard head buttin like people think of a 3-4... Qb Situation ..connecting dots throw away year? No absolutely not. Yes with Rex he's very familiar exp superbowl and we've added pieces on OL, phyisical recievers, backs that can run,. Not all on Rex but whover wins QB spot will play good for us.

On Kerrigan earning respect. He's humble quiet wants to learn, studying in class no sense of entitlement. He asks questions and does well in the meetings and fits in. Tell us about Beck...he really stepped up leadership in off season looking to meet up and throw to WR he also showed hes capable of making plays. Chris Chester, athletic quick guy he has quick feet, he can get up to next level he was a pest in BAL. always aggravating melike he was a gnat like get away from me *laugh...How's Shanahan, he expect s a standard he set them last yr no distraction treats us with respect expect us to be professional on and off the field. More trust in his players..he had to feel out guys last year see who has commitment work ethic. New guy Keyaron Fox, hes been in great D in PITT for 3 years plays Mike and Jack backer for us both inside def a good addition. Hightower, pass protection, reciever, runner..everything expected big run running well picking up blitz experience has speed hits holes. Helu and Roysters both good at catching ball Royster all time leader at PSU and they had some greats you know hes good both are sponges now absorbing all they can. Now we know Orakpo and Kerrigan will cause some double fan principles from OL's now guard will step out you can see inside blitzes. London laughs says yes we'll bring inside pressure. Compare to PIT ILB's inside blitzes. How you help Kerrigan with routh concepts expose him as much as possible in practice lou spanos working all the time to get him in depths and responsibilities.

On getting older retirement feel like hes still play at a high level begged him not to leave anytime soon *laugh...

Haslett, him and Haslett having conversations on practive field, walking off laughing together. London has now played in 3-4 he understands concepts and fits so Haslett trusts him. They discuss plays, London saying well we could play it like that but what if we did it this way instead? Compared to Derrick Brooks and Monty Kiffin. We can look together at plays. London can look at weakness of defense weeks before and him and Has are already on same page before gameplan goes in.


Bruce Allen ....welcome to redskins park thanks for having us... thanks for all access during drills considering CIA is 9 miles away. helicopter hovering overhead. Bruce: That's ours. * laughing. Talk about upgrades on DL. We got to see them alot extra scouting like thier play and their character. Getting OJ brings a lot. Good football player excellent leader bonded very well with team already work well with Laron in Haslett is very creative has some ideas for those guys. Laron injury...dying to play feels sorry for first person he hits hopefully not our guy *laugh. Johs Wilson we require different things in CB Josh allows flexibility with him out there Haslett has ideas on how to use him. On new team coming together, its a challenge with all 12 draft choices character was the #1 attribute after talent all have assimilated well working good together. Kerrigan...started slow got nicked we showed patience. first game was good but of course made mistakes, he's physical and has been jacking Jamal Brown in practice. gonna be good for years to come.

On depth and filling up back end of roster after cuts, still good players out there but sure we're looking. With shortened offeseason there will be opputunites well into regular season. On Locklear, we had to improve OL and DL. We flat out had to play better. We targeted 2 fortunate to get both. Really pleased with how players came back in shape. Trent growth from rookie and year 2? very talented terrific shape this year. He wants to play better we want him to and he can we're counting on him. Chris Samuels really helped him last year he bonded but he thinks he really looks up to Jamal because he is a tremendous leader and role model off the field.

46 man roster what will be different? Final roster don't have 3rd QB be curious to see how many teams will dress the 3rd so teams will probably use another guy for special teams. WR, extra kicker, etc..Gonna be interesting how we manage that this season and if we'll dress 3 or use extra ST. On Beck v Rex. Got to see Rex last year we thought he could give us a chance. Looking at film on Beck felt same thing. Looking at draft yes we liked some QB but we need an infusion of youth we have to look down the road and get younger. We had to block better and do other things to elevate play of our QB. Hankerson really like him but also brought in veteran FA's...we wanted to add competition to every position. Gaffney trade they wanted a DE so we got good value. Same day got Stallworth to add competition., We wanted Hightower only good things will happen with competition and if everyone stays healthy we'll see our team get better.

Ed Sabol in HOF...On of last inventors our league will know. Had vision of beauty in the game. Saw art in catching ball also with DL?OL he stuck with it when everyone thought he was crazy. He influenced football and how it was seen contribution off the charts. Linked up the fans with zoom and slow motion saw the good in every play didn't put a coach or player in bad light. Bruce's Mom liked it cause she didn't know George was like that as a coach in some ways He got only standing ovation at HOF he absolutely deserves it.


Mike Shanahan...gotta be excited about direction. Thaks for having us and letting us stand in between the practice fields also for coming over and spending time with us, we know you're busy. Fred Davis...like Shannon Sharpe? he's feeling more comfy now at 242 from 260 he is blocking well. Moving really well and still has the strength to block. Chris Chester skills work better in our scheme from what they were doing in BAL. 290lbs in 4.7 range hard to find. RB young guys you really don't know until game situation but got great skills but need to see more. Hightower IU'm a big fan talk about addition..excellent runner does a great job with one cut he's fearless cutting back on anyone doesn't matter if it's a DL or LB. excellent hands pass protectiuon fits perfect in system. Cooley playing soon? If he can play he'll play he's a warrior. but he's getting treatment hopefully in 10 days he can come back be ready for last preseason games be ready for Giants. Moving ball on offense..great getting out of own endzone we moved the ball well. Really pleased on competition and Rex's performance..

Santana Moss coming back, bringing in Gaffney.. hes very impressive you can tell why he's started so much made plays pleased with how he handles himself. Kerrigan is doing a great job missed some days but really impressed with how he handled himself in the game overall. Good effort.

On potentially 11 new starters. Feel very good about character hard work right people right attitude hopefully it'll show. Everyone came back in pretty good shape, says a lot.

Shannon Sharpe...one of the best always in shape always prepared awalys came back in better shape than year before. That's whay he has 3 SB's he has my respect more than anyone. The bigger the game the better he played.


Caller......finally see an organization moving forward last few years they would keep bad locker room guys because of coach and FO ego. Bruce is smart with contracts so he can get those guys out of there. Just basically a call about direction and bringing in the right guys. No primma donnas no superstars, have to create competition all positions with exception of London is locked in, etc. But everyone thinks they have a chance to play. Really builds a good football team. Like handing job to Portis, no one is set at any position. Bruce says we have competition for this year with these 2 guys at QB. Doesn't mean won't look somewhere else for 2012.

Caller....will we get Lofa or Hayden? No on Lofa not a 3-4 Mike or Jack backer don't think he's is healthy. Hayden, they feel good about Hall, Buch, Wilson, Barnes. Buchanon out 4 games, Barnes will step in. What will look better is adding Kerrigan won't be great but good 6-8 sacks. Also Bowen and Cofield but they could make a trade around labor day for someone's 4th corner.

Caller.......Needed a change in culture. Albert had entitlement, needed to get out its over for Albert from the neck up. Our pass rush will help us out, v PIT I think when we get safties back you won't see us get beat. Rex has an urgency now that we have a new direction good luck to Philly with trying to do what we did. Very happy building with ground up couple old guys who'll compete or theyll be gone.


Caller......loves to hear the great stuff London was talking about. Bruce Allen has made me a believer. really excited character keeps coming up. Are we looking more like a draft building team like GB. I think Bruce will do a combo of all.., draft 3 WR and bring in 2 vets is a perfect example. I don't think they are done. They'll add more guys who get cut. Maybe 2-3 more signings of players they know old Broncos old Bucs. OJ has a hammy, Laron a achilles, Torain a hand. Torain will be ready for 3rd preseason game.

Caller.....Great to be excited about Skins again traveling with Marine Corps, other fans are beating me down cause Skins fan. Looking for character just excited. You win with charccter in this league John Fox says. That is the theme but it will require patience in this brutal division. Don't judge on Giant game alone, please give time. We need to comptete and put together best team. Started to weed out the garbage last year. Seeing Santana block just doing his part everyone doing what's needed to win.

Caller......All gonna come down to the RB position. run first play action in Shanny's offense really upgraded with hightower. Really like Chester's fit. Center position Casey was not a good player last year beat all to hell, Monty and Chester will be better for run game. All starts upfront. Protections are going in for new stuff. Bruce Allen thinks 1st 2 weeks will be brutal on QB's because D's don't think OL and QBs will be down with assignements. Probably make sure

they get more situational stuff from coaches short yardage watch alot of depth over next few weeks. Commitment to run is here. How will it all sort out? we'll see there will be a battle when Torain gets back in the mix.


Banter....Brian Orakpo.....Just looking at practivce today v Trent he has a wicked counter move now. Looks sick he's ready to have a big season. Especially with Kerrigan on other side, I wanna see a double inside blitz in first game. If ILBs get 2 sacks in first game it will be because of Orakpo. They liked Rocky but no big market so he came back at a better deal. He thinks he'll reinvent himself here in a system he knows and come back and get another solid year and new contract. Solid expectations on both sides of ball.


Brian Orakpo......What up fellas? Hot out there but good day. Last year challenging are ya'll fiired up with upgrades? Of course last year we feel like the new guys produced we know the system better ups and downs last year but I like how we look. How can you help Kerrigan with challenges of DE to LB? You really dont know anything at DE it's like being in a phone booth, now you see WR and backs and TE rushing from 2point. How's the 2 point stance for you now? In 3 point you can explode better you have to get used to coming out the same in a 2. How about DL. We can play games with those guys now with twists. My job will be easier I can tell, don't have to rely on me those guys will produce too. How bout pace of installation. Very fast about to go to another meeting to install another scheme. Tough for young guys been good so far but well see how they do. How was it after lockeout. 5 min of meet and greet now get to wortk as soon as we got in building. How will you blitz. We have 3 and 4 man looks try to disguise better bring inside backers into middle, don't give away but it'll be the basic formula of me and Kerrigan coming and dropping we'll mix it up well. How is Trent. I love Trent. We've been battling, phenomal big guy with TE feet with so much power. Had a guantlet of pass rushers last year but he is better for it.

Hows Fred Davis with Cooley hurt. Since I came knew he was special both will be on the field for us. He is underrated as a blocker very strong he's able to hold his own on me without much help from tackle. Guys...ya'll need to look out for Rob Jackson I catch myself learning from each him out there he's older he's a guy to look out for man he had a sack in JAX last year he will be great for us.

On London...fletch is our QB. he is phenomenal getting guys into position all over field he should go to HOF in my opinion he is great.


Banter......I just feel like Bowen and Cofield are going to kill it also with Jarvis Jenkins Adam Carriker looks terrific like he spends 12 hours a day in weight room. Bryant looks like hes going to battle for back up he's looked good in practice. Gotta link offense to defense from last year there was no synergy. Josh Wilson, personally I'd like to see Carlos instead in this system but they made a decision. He has to get honed into their techniques tough for a vet who's been in a few systems. QB position battle will be interesting.


Rex Grossman....played well talk about it. Yeah getting out of our own endzone putiing together a good drive really got us in a rythym for first half. Got a lot of work in everyone was healthy got some important 2 min drill work. You rarely get that. 452 yds offense ever a doubt you would be back here. No it was just a matter of deal. Had a plan to bring me back but you didn't know for sure cause they haven't already. Talk about competition and what Beck said in offseason he's just going to compete and he was letting people know that. What about installation pace from last year? It was tough last year but everyone here did a good job I don't see any difference missing OTA's everyone knows their assignements well. Gaffney has played good, he takes pride in what he's doing so has Stallworth. Fred Davis, looks terrific in conditioning. He's one of the fastest TE in the league mismatch, weapon, we are going to use both when Cooley gets back. Cooley is saavy how he slides in and out of breaks. Hightower..he goes N and S. I would not want to tackle that guys and he is a lot like CP in pass pro he sticks them and they don't move any further...Helu is fast he would have been helped by OTA but he looks good. How's Kerrigan looked...today he got under a comeback really well I had to come off him he's learning fast wants to work hard to be better.


Trent Williams......how many times has Rak whipped you in 1v1's *laughs maybe twice. Have you gone against Kerrigan no but he has given Jamal a run for his money coming back from knee injury. Gonna be good. Bowen, I'd rather block him as a teammate than Cowboy, power and great pad level, very quick with good hands lower body strentgh...Fans got to see what he can do v PIT with stunts he will contribute. QB battle don't matter coach will make right decision I'll do what I can do to get better but Rex looked good. Installation, still going in, I don't get much help I didn't get many chips last year that's why I make the big bucks *laughs. Last year I was raw I didn't know game as well as I thought I did. opponents took advantage of my mistakes and I didn't correct them like I should. This year you have to be a pro and really work hard no one is going to push you. you have to push yourself. I over set a lot and didn't use my hands very well...Chester is perfect fit for our offense great hands feet and pad level. How bout Fred Davis, he's much improved he is a great blocker dominating guys. Talked to him a lot over lockout he was going to be stronger faster he's dedicated. Strong in weight room but he can run and catch...I like Jarvis a lot , I told Haslett that. I can get him one play and the next play he fixed it the sky is the limit for Jarvis...Osi is a great pass rusher, Pierre is really long they are both great but both kinda different. Hightower? *Laughs he's a great addition you gottta get out his way he'll run up your back I gotta learn him about putting train tracks up my back. Chris Samuels really helped I still talk to him all the time and I still get help from time to time.


Banter...I feel like I got a good feel but I (Tim Ryan will get to do a game wk 2 v ARZ) With Bruce we really were given access. We felt like we were guided all the way through just really hospitable. Open up v NYG, Barry and Bowen will really open up inside blitz, OJ addition. A lot of 1 gap principles this year, they were 25th in sacks not gonna happen this year, if OL fans out because Kerrigan can get pressure, ILBs should get more chances. Theyd like Kerrigan to be a 6-8 sack guy. Offensive side....Chester, Gaffney, Stallworth, Hightower, upgrades. End of day it is QB Rex v Beck. Experience v no experience Rex came in and looked good in NFCE last year I don't see how you go with an unexperienced guy they'll go with Rex. What about Cooley down, really think Fred Davis will have a big year and when Cooley comes back they'll use both of them.

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Good job Blitz - you've got a lot of information there and really like the fact that those guys got the indepth treatment. Also like who they interviewed and what they had to say.

I haven't heard a lot of good stuff from A.Schein lately and maybe this will shut him (and other Sirius guys) up about the Skins being at the bottom of the NFC (not just the NFCE).

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Awesome write up, thanks for that.

I went out on an "errand" just to hear some of the show, but couldn't linger long enough to get more than a few snippets.

For those of you who don't know, Moving the Chains with Ryan and Kirwan is by far the best football show on the radio.

These guy love talking football, are very respectful of their callers, and spend a lot of time just trying to teach the game.

They talk a lot about concepts, formations, etc.

They just flat out blow every other sports program away.

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Awesome write up, thanks for that.

I went out on an "errand" just to hear some of the show, but couldn't linger long enough to get more than a few snippets.

For those of you who don't know, Moving the Chains with Ryan and Kirwan is by far the best football show on the radio.

These guy love talking football, are very respectful of their callers, and spend a lot of time just trying to teach the game.

They talk a lot about concepts, formations, etc.

They just flat out blow every other sports program away.

You're all welcome. Sorry for a bunch of run-on sentences and incorrectly spelled names, I did the best I could. You can pretty much deduce where the question is and when Tim and Pat jump back in and comment. I second this though. Tim and Pat are the best. For those that don't have Sirius consider it during the season. You won't be disappointed from 3-7pm M-F with Moving the Chains.

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Bruce Allen ....

46 man roster what will be different? Final roster don't have 3rd QB be curious to see how many teams will dress the 3rd so teams will probably use another guy for special teams. WR, extra kicker, etc..Gonna be interesting how we manage that this season and if we'll dress 3 or use extra ST.

Spot for Banks, and still being able to keep 6 wideouts?

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Great write up. What sucks is that Anthony Armstrong is again having to prove himself. He played very well for us last season and I thought for sure he'd start opposite Moss. I have nothing against Gaffney I just think Armstrong is a very good WR.


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