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ESPN: Hector and Victor sink us again!


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QB Patrick Ramsey Still needs to find his groove in the system

RB Ladell Betts More suited as the featured back

RB Trung Canidate Better served as a third-down guy

WR Laveranues Coles Showed rapport with Ramsey in first half

WR Taylor Jacobs Likely out with stomach injury

WR Darnerian McCants Scored the Redskins' only TD in opener

WR Rod Gardner Had only 32 yards in opener

TE Zeron Flemister Decent receiver

TE Robert Royal Unproven

K John Hall Improves 'Skins kicking game

D Washington Redskins Suspect line, but LBs make a lot of plays


QB Doug Johnson Filling in admirably

QB Michael Vick Will likely be out for at least four more games

RB Warrick Dunn Had 13 carries compared to Duckett's 5

RB T.J. Duckett Bruiser can't wear down a defense without touches

WR Quentin McCord Will play more now

WR Brian Finneran Out for at least a month

WR Peerless Price He's the only veteran option

TE Alge Crumpler He becomes the second-best receiver with Finneran's injury

K Jay Feely Good from anywhere

D Atlanta Falcons The sum is greater than the parts


Sleeper: Ladell Betts

Upgrade: Warrick Dunn

Betts received 18 carries compared to starter Trung Canidate's 10 carries

Dunn had 13 carries compared to T.J. Duckett's five

Caution: Trung Canidate

Downgrade: T.J. Duckett

Canidate's role may be decreased with the presence of Betts

Dunn and rookie Justin Griffith received the goal-line carries

PREDICTION: Falcons 20 Redskins 17

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There's no way that you cant' put Ramsey on at least equal footing with Johnson. They both have something to prove in the NFL, but Ramsey has more in-game NFL experience and continues to improve. We may be seeing all there is to see from Johnson right now.

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Pat Ramsey 17 of 23 185yds 73.9%completed 1 td 1 int sacked 4 times ran a Huge 20 yrd run .

Doug Johnson 16 of 27 228yds 59.3%completed 2td 1int Sacked twice ... didnt run a big one to set up gw field goal .

Ramsey faced the Jets defense Johnson faced the Pokes , hmmm . Its only one game true but I see why Ramsey is questionnable and Johnson is filling in admirably :fart:

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Originally posted by MAP16

Funny how Ramsey "still needs to find his groove in the system" and Doug Johnson is "filling in admirably"

What is it with these major media outlets hating on the Skins???

After almost 40 years of rootin' for the skins (I was saying "go Redskins!" before I knew where I wanted them to go.), I can tell you that we never have, and never will be, a media favorite. Even when we had the monster teams in 82, 83, and 91, when the "experts" did pick us to win, it was begrudgingly. And in spite of the fact that we had the best team in the NFL in 83 (yea I know we lost the SB, but that was as much on us as it was a great game by the Raiders. It was Rocky vs. Mr T (first fight) all over again), we never had the respect of the media.

Anyway, enough of the tangents. The point is, we just have to get used to being dissed. It works to our advantage, sorta.

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Originally posted by dunnrunningoveru

i think there wrong. i think the falcons will win by 20 points.

now don't get me wrong i'm not here to flame your boards or be a troll i'm just here to give my input. we all like diffrent teams but we are all football fans.

Well, at least be intelligent in your posts.

I doubt you guys will even score 20 on our defense let alone win by 20.

How exactly were you planning of doing that anyway? Your offense (Vick) is still out a few more weeks. No matter what you think or wish, the reality is that you guys don't have enough firepower to scare...anyone really. Once your healthy that may be another story but...your not so......

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Originally posted by dunnrunningoveru

i think there wrong. i think the falcons will win by 20 points.

now don't get me wrong i'm not here to flame your boards or be a troll i'm just here to give my input. we all like diffrent teams but we are all football fans.

you lost me with your screen name - dunnrunningoveru? Who exactly is Warrick Dunn gonna run over? I mean, I know he'd probably be a Mack truck on the JV team at whatever middle school you currently attend, but this is the NFL, Sonny Jim. You should change "over" to "around" or something so people will take you more seriously (but for this week, I suggest "dunnbeingbodyslammedbylavararrington", just to be even more accurate).

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Don't see it.

The skins are going to focus on Peerless with Champ, the TE is going to be covered and unless the defense has a brain fart you have to know that Lavar/ Trotter is going to key Dunn

If Dunn isnt careful, he will end up broken by the end of the day. Atl will have to attempt to run to keep our LB's and safeties honest so we dont blitz Johnson into an early grave. If Dunn isnt on his "A" game, we'll see him on the sidelines with ice on his body by the 2nd quarter. Id expect to see alot more of T.J. Duckett this Sunday.

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Originally posted by dunnrunningoveru

i think there wrong. i think the falcons will win by 20 points.

now don't get me wrong i'm not here to flame your boards or be a troll i'm just here to give my input. we all like diffrent teams but we are all football fans.

can you please explain how you feel this when the cowpukes just put almost 400 yards on your "good" defense??

If dallas had a QB you would have lost bad, hate to tell you the truth. Just giving my input :silly:

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