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Reality: We Have 2 (4-3) Ends We're Trying to Convert to (3-4) OLBs/Ends


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Well, there was also a guy named Albert Haynesworth who was kinda good in the 4-3. But oh yeah, he was also irrationally transitioned into the 3-4. So...sure, as it stands today we need some 3-4 players. It's just a nice thing we're such a good team that we can afford to change to that and eschew a $100 million player, switch Orakpo, stymie all our LBs, etc. Nothing like rebuilding from a non-playoff team into an even worse non-playoff team.

Our 4-3 was aging badly. How long did you think Andre Carter, Cornelius Griffin(who wasnt picked up by ANY OTHER 43 TEAM AFTER WE CUT HIM), and Phillip Daniels were going to produce at a high level in ANY scheme? Sure, we had a middle of the pack defense, but how long was that going to last?

Not to mention Albert Haynesworth would have been a cancer to this team no matter what. Did you forget he diddnt like our 4-3 too?

Stop being butthurt about it and come to terms that this draft wouldnt have put us in playoff contention regardless of defensive scheme. We have to rebuild the ENTIRE TEAM. A decent 4-3 defense with oft-injured players over 30 years old with no depth behind them is not going to get us anywhere either. Welcome to the rebuilding process.

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look at Kerrigan's side to side, lateral movement and how quickly he disengages from a front block because of solid play recongition and quick closing on the play. He looks excellent in run support, and switching from going to cover from hand in the dirt or from standing up is not as big of a change as it would be for a pure blitzer who relis on the stance to gain momentum for the blitz. This kid has the potential to the type of damage in the box that Laron was doing last season, IMO.

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I love this pick. I'm not sure how people don't. If we didn't trade back with Jacksonville and took Gabbert people would still be complaining about him being a spread QB. The way I look at it is that Kerrigan is a pretty safe pick plus we picked up another 2nd round pick for tonight which should allow us to pick up an interior lineman and Ryan Williams, interior lineman and a NT, or Ryan Williams and a NT. This just gives us a number of possibilities of how we can go about filling holes.

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I love this pick. I'm not sure how people don't. If we didn't trade back with Jacksonville and took Gabbert people would still be complaining about him being a spread QB. The way I look at it is that Kerrigan is a pretty safe pick plus we picked up another 2nd round pick for tonight which should allow us to pick up an interior lineman and Ryan Williams, interior lineman and a NT, or Ryan Williams and a NT. This just gives us a number of possibilities of how we can go about filling holes.

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I continue to be amazed at just how many people haven't learned a damn thing after a full year of us running the 3-4. These are the kinds of things that we discussed to exhaustion last offseason.

Lots of people watch football but don't really understand the basics of the schemes they are watching.

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Well, there was also a guy named Albert Haynesworth who was kinda good in the 4-3. But oh yeah, he was also irrationally transitioned into the 3-4. So...sure, as it stands today we need some 3-4 players. It's just a nice thing we're such a good team that we can afford to change to that and eschew a $100 million player, switch Orakpo, stymie all our LBs, etc. Nothing like rebuilding from a non-playoff team into an even worse non-playoff team.

Haynesworth played a year for us in the 4-3. Didn't do that great then either

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Well, there was also a guy named Albert Haynesworth who was kinda good in the 4-3. But oh yeah, he was also irrationally transitioned into the 3-4. So...sure, as it stands today we need some 3-4 players. It's just a nice thing we're such a good team that we can afford to change to that and eschew a $100 million player, switch Orakpo, stymie all our LBs, etc. Nothing like rebuilding from a non-playoff team into an even worse non-playoff team.

Haynesworth played a year for us in the 4-3. Didn't do that great then either

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I love this pick. I'm not sure how people don't. If we didn't trade back with Jacksonville and took Gabbert people would still be complaining about him being a spread QB. The way I look at it is that Kerrigan is a pretty safe pick plus we picked up another 2nd round pick for tonight which should allow us to pick up an interior lineman and Ryan Williams, interior lineman and a NT, or Ryan Williams and a NT. This just gives us a number of possibilities of how we can go about filling holes.

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Well for me at least the point is that if we'd simply continued with the 4-3, we would've been freer to draft other positions besides DLine. Because we had good 4-3 already set up. And I don't think it's in dispute that Orakpo for one did better 4-3 than 3-4 (?)

actually it is. Many people felt he didn't have the size to be a full time 4-3 end, similar to Jason Taylor the year he was here.

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Well, there was also a guy named Albert Haynesworth who was kinda good in the 4-3. But oh yeah, he was also irrationally transitioned into the 3-4. So...sure, as it stands today we need some 3-4 players. It's just a nice thing we're such a good team that we can afford to change to that and eschew a $100 million player, switch Orakpo, stymie all our LBs, etc. Nothing like rebuilding from a non-playoff team into an even worse non-playoff team.

Haynesworth didn't play that well in his one year here in the 4-3 and he's have tons of problems off field.

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Well, there was also a guy named Albert Haynesworth who was kinda good in the 4-3. But oh yeah, he was also irrationally transitioned into the 3-4. So...sure, as it stands today we need some 3-4 players. It's just a nice thing we're such a good team that we can afford to change to that and eschew a $100 million player, switch Orakpo, stymie all our LBs, etc. Nothing like rebuilding from a non-playoff team into an even worse non-playoff team.

....uh....if you remember correctly we went from 4-12 to 6-10, as one person said above baby steps, you are having a knee jerk reaction and complaining about a transition that happened over a year ago. let it go. you want a 4-3, good for you, we are moving to a 3-4 get with the program, it will help the FUTURE, not the PRESENT.

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Good god, don't people realize that the OLBs in the 3-4 are supposed be pass rushers 90% of the damn time and that most of them played DE in college?

This is incorrect information. The WILL is a pass rusher in the 3-4 90% of the time. The SAM is a pass rusher much less. However, the gist that the OLBs are both supposed to be able to pressure the QB is correct.

I love this pick. I'm not sure how people don't. If we didn't trade back with Jacksonville and took Gabbert people would still be complaining about him being a spread QB. The way I look at it is that Kerrigan is a pretty safe pick plus we picked up another 2nd round pick for tonight which should allow us to pick up an interior lineman and Ryan Williams, interior lineman and a NT, or Ryan Williams and a NT. This just gives us a number of possibilities of how we can go about filling holes.

Trading back = good.

I'm not mad with Kerrigan and I'm not happy with Kerrigan. I'm not sold on his ability to play SAM. He's not all that different from Orakpo when it comes to size, and people are all concerned with Orakpo's ability to stop the run. Couple that with the transition to the 2 pt. stance and we'll see the same growing pains with him that we do with Orakpo.

I love Rak, and as a pass rusher he's one of the top in the game.... But as an OLB he lacks. I think you're going to see a similar situation with Kerrigan.

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