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PFT: Veteran Cowboys sit down with Dez Bryant


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Really....Romo sits to pee brought his future brother-in-law to a tag team grown man babysitting session?

Veteran Cowboys sit down with Dez Bryant

Posted by Michael David Smith on April 24, 2011, 10:22 AM EDT

After a string of stories called into question whether Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant could stay out of trouble during the lockout, teammate Andre Gurode said that he and some other Dallas veterans would approach Bryant as a group. Now that meeting has happened.

Bryant said he had a lunch meeting with Gurode, quarterback Tony Romo sits to pee and linebacker Keith Brooking.

“Just finished eating with chase crawford,Tony Romo sits to pee Keith and Aundre gurode…had a good time,” Bryant tweeted.

Chace Crawford is an actor whose sister is engaged to Romo sits to pee. I’m not sure what he contributed to the discussion. But the other three Cowboys are veterans who have a vested interest in making sure their talented young teammate avoid trouble during the lockout and can contribute whenever the season starts. It’s good to know Bryant had a good time talking to them.


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When it comes to "head case Diva WR's" give me one with unpaid jewelry bills and friends who wear their pants low over one who's wife stabs him in self defense. Watching this kid on the field the talent is obvious, he just needs to learn to act like an adult off the field, much like most of us in our early 20's (and often much later). So much of this wouldn't even be a story if he didn't play in Dallas. It really is absurd how much media attention the Cowboys get, both good and bad.

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When it comes to "head case Diva WR's" give me one with unpaid jewelry bills and friends who wear their pants low over one who's wife stabs him in self defense. Watching this kid on the field the talent is obvious, he just needs to learn to act like an adult off the field, much like most of us in our early 20's (and often much later). So much of this wouldn't even be a story if he didn't play in Dallas. It really is absurd how much media attention the Cowboys get, both good and bad.
"Head case diva WR's" have always lots of media attention. The bigger the market, the more flamboyant and troublesome they are the more attention they receive. Plus you have a "head case Diva owner" who is a media whore seeking any kind of coverage....ask and ye shall receive!
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When it comes to "head case Diva WR's" give me one with unpaid jewelry bills and friends who wear their pants low over one who's wife stabs him in self defense. Watching this kid on the field the talent is obvious, he just needs to learn to act like an adult off the field, much like most of us in our early 20's (and often much later). So much of this wouldn't even be a story if he didn't play in Dallas. It really is absurd how much media attention the Cowboys get, both good and bad.

Ahhhh, setting the bar high, I see. This was obviously nothing other than a buddy lunch. You don't bring Chace Crawford to a lunch if you planning on having a "Come to Jesus" meeting with Bryant. My guess is that instead of setting Bryant on the right path that Brooking, Romo sits to pee and Gurode left with their pants down around their ankles.

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This was likely the scene at the restaurant:

Keith Brooking tried to get them all pumped up to eat but failed, Tony Romo sits to pee fumbled his sandwich, Dez Bryant refused to pick it up for him, and Andre Gurode went to the ground to get it but a hungry Albert Haynesworth came in and stomped on his head.

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When it comes to "head case Diva WR's" give me one with unpaid jewelry bills and friends who wear their pants low over one who's wife stabs him in self defense. Watching this kid on the field the talent is obvious, he just needs to learn to act like an adult off the field, much like most of us in our early 20's (and often much later). So much of this wouldn't even be a story if he didn't play in Dallas. It really is absurd how much media attention the Cowboys get, both good and bad.

Yes, Dallas fans prefer their receivers to attack teammates with scissors over haircuts...

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This was likely the scene at the restaurant:

Keith Brooking tried to get them all pumped up to eat but failed, Tony Romo sits to pee fumbled his sandwich, Dez Bryant refused to pick it up for him, and Andre Gurode went to the ground to get it but a hungry Albert Haynesworth came in and stomped on his head.

i will admit it....this was kinda funny

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Watching this kid on the field the talent is obvious, he just needs to learn to act like an adult off the field, much like most of us in our early 20's (and often much later).

This, in a nutshell, is how puke fans forget the unforgettable...New Orleans...bad outing and a temper tantrum.

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This, in a nutshell, is how puke fans forget the unforgettable...New Orleans...bad outing and a temper tantrum.

It was a bad outing, and Bryant is a very emotional guy.


"They do some confusing things," Kitna said of the Saints defense. "There was one time where there was something he saw, and he saw it right and I was wrong. And on the third down unfortunately it cost us to have to get off the field."

There were times during the game that Bryant was seen yelling on the sideline, but he's said in the past he's just an emotional player and wants to pump up his teammates.

Not the first time a good WR has been held without a catch, not the last.

---------- Post added April-25th-2011 at 01:42 PM ----------

Yes, Dallas fans prefer their receivers to attack teammates with scissors over haircuts...

Exactly, I want actual craziness for players to get this much crap from the media.

The other side of this is no one ever questioned Irvin's on the field performance, work ethic, or passion. For few years he was the most dominant WR in the NFL.

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i will admit it....this was kinda funny

We both know Gurode actually hiked the sandwich to Romo sits to pee when he wasn't looking and haynesworth is too lazy to stomp on anyone anymore...he just ate the fumble and went to sleep.

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This was likely the scene at the restaurant:

Keith Brooking tried to get them all pumped up to eat but failed, Tony Romo sits to pee fumbled his sandwich, Dez Bryant refused to pick it up for him, and Andre Gurode went to the ground to get it but a hungry Albert Haynesworth came in and stomped on his head.

I'd change that to- Gurode decided to pick it up and hiked it over Tony's head.

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