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Obama officially launches 2012 re-election campaign. Are you in?

Toe Jam

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I give him a C+ so far which is pretty amazing considering that how much of what he promised to do he actually did. Ramping down in Iraq, Stimulus, HC, ramping up in Afghanistan... employment is improving and the economy is slowly getting better (on the timeline he predicted) and yet, there's this feeling out there that he's been a bum. I don't know if that's a remarkable job of propaganda by his opponenets or the difference between "what" and "how." I suspect both.

(For clarification an example of what/how would be- What=reform the health care system versus How=How they actually did it. I approved of both the stimulus and reforming healthcare, but not a big fan of how they actually did it.

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I am voting NO in 2012 (Not Obama)

Perhaps we can get a computer savvy Republican who can run on a CTRL - Z platform.

Who's he running against?


With as much FAILURE as his presidency has been, why would that matter? One of your cartoons would be a better choice. This trainee does not deserve to be rewarded for his performance.

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With as much FAILURE as his presidency has been, why would that matter? One of your cartoons would be a better choice. This trainee does not deserve to be rewarded for his performance.

You've sung pretty much this same tune since November 5, 2008.

I ask because I think making up my mind with only half the question available isn't showing much wisdom.

At this point, I don't know that I'd vote to reward him, but most certainly to keep the others who are (so far) seriously considering a run out.

I think my dog is smarter than Palin, I think Bachmann is a certified hate filled loon, I think a guy named Newt who preaches moral values and dumps his wife while she's in her hospital bed so he can run around with his floozies is a joke to even consider. The fact he explained it with "But I just love my country so much" shows me how little respect he has for the intelligence of his supporters... and they in turn prove him correct in his assumption. (Oh but he's so smart tho! Yes, he is. Smart enough to have the GOP so deep in his palm that they'll be totally hypocritical about his character, which they'd easily (and correctly) exploit and assassinate in any other candidate...)

Trump is a joke. Seriously, is our system just going to be a circus now? He's one of the heaviest straws being laid on our collective camel's back. ANY support he gets,, ANYONE who sends him a donation .. seriously,, it's a fine list of folks who should be pushed out to sea on a raft. Of course, they'd probably like it if Simon Cowell sat and judged all the candidates for them, and then of course, their vote would ultimately be determined by whoever won the "run across the beach with an egg balanced on your nose" competition.

But mostly I think it's because making up my mind the day after the last election who I won't vote for is to be purposefully ignorant of anything that may happen.

And i would never run one of my cartoons. I have too much self respect to ever run for any public office. I'm no masochist.


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I ask because I think making up my mind with only half the question available isn't showing much wisdom.

At this point, I don't know that I'd vote to reward him, but most certainly to keep the others who are (so far) seriously considering a run out.

I think my dog is smarter than Palin, I think Bachmann is a certified hate filled loon, I think anyone who would vote for a guy named Newt who preaches moral values and dumps his wife while she's in her hospital bed so he can run around with his floozies is a joke to even consider. The fact he explained it with "But I just love my country so much" shows me how little respect he has for the intelligence of his supporters... and they in turn prove him correct in his assumption. (Oh but he's so smart tho! Yes, he is. Smart enough to have the GOP so deep in his palm that they'll be totally hypocritical about his character, which they'd easily exploit and assassinate in any other candidate... as they should.)

But mostly I think it's because making up my mind the day after the last election who I won't vote for is to be purposefully ignorant of anything that may happen.

And i would never run one of my cartoons. I have too much self respect to run for any public office.


No love of country is what caused him to fool around on the woman whom he dumped his cancer striken wife for.

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No love of country is what caused him to fool around on the woman whom he dumped his cancer striken wife for.

You aren't telling me anything I don't know.

Newt's a scumbag wrapped in the flag and the Bible. The slack-jawed just love that sort of thing.


---------- Post added April-4th-2011 at 01:10 PM ----------

John Edwards?

Another scumbag pretending to care. He has no idea.


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