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Offseason thread: Things that piss me off


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Not being "pissy"... but posting the thread, removing yourself from any responsibility as to the potential misinterpretation of the intent, then coming back to consistently berate anyone who does misinterpret the post seems a lot like trolling.


i think anyone who has ever created a thread on any message board ever is guilty of this. i know i am. never thought of it that way though haha.

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Yeah, it's literally just the use of the clichés without anything to back them up. It's the same frustration as during election season or EVERY article relating to politics now, "Job creation, clean energy, destroying America, stealing your freedoms, blah blah blah blah blah." None of it actually means anything.

I don't care if people say, "Ingram looks like he'll be a great running back." It's a generic statement not going for any effect or drama. "Ingram is going to be a stud," is only said to make a point more emphatically buy using drivel.

If you understood this as, "fans shouldn't comment on fan forums about prospects", then the miscommunication is on your end; I'm not taking responsibility for that. If people are still getting pissy days after the original post, then, well, there are more problems in those people's lives than just my rant. :)

Oh, no I think I get what you were saying. Its the taking of snippet sound bites from Kiper and every other media draftnik about "mechanics" and "systems" etc etc and just reguritating it without any demonstration that they actually know what it means. I get it. I agree with you to an extent. I guess I give fans a bit more of a pass for taking these soundbites and using them in their own analysis. We are after all starved for football by this lockout. And I don't think all cliches are useless. Tebow is a perfect example. I don't have to know everything about fluid hips etc to know that there were legitimate concerns about his "mechanics" Nonetheless, I also could have reasonably opined that he was a "character guy" without interviewing him myself.

Again, I totally get your frustration and I share in it to an extent.

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There are so many ridiculous things that are constantly stated in offseason threads that mean absolutely nothing; it's just filler for people's posts to hit that ten-character limit and sound like you know what you're talking about.

If you say these things, then you don't know what the hell you're talking about, and you shouldn't be posting.

Post 93

If a post by some guy that you (as in anyone, not you specifically) don't know is getting you riled up when it doesn't target you in the least, then that means that you have taken offense from it via counter-transference and need thicker skin. Just saying.



[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]

–noun, plural -nies.

1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

2. Literature. a. a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

b. (especially in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.

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I think New Cliche is a great physical specimen but his mechanics are flawed. He's like a physical freak but his a great prospect but only if he fits into X's system. He could be the greatest since our HOFers but I'm not sure of the upside and he's still a raw player. Perhaps we should trade back to find a stud or great prospect we haven't seen since a HOFer. If not I'm sure he has some good value.


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Did you hear something just zoom overhead? I think it was the point of the user name. :)

Not sure how your logic pans out here, flock. If I didn't follow things in the offseason, then how would I know any of the things listed?

I couldn't follow baseball, ever. I'll never see the point or strategy in it as compared to football. I couldn't be more bored unless I was watching soccer. At least golf just gives you the highlights of each hole.

I do appreciate the alliteration in each line of your post. Well done.

MY logic is if all that stuff makes you mad, then you cant watch anything leading up to it cause WE talk about all those things as do Kiper, McShay, etc all the way up to the draft. They also rehash it all over again on draft day and we have to watch Mel and Todd agrue w/ one another as if they are GMs or scouts themselves. If you cant respect anothers opinion, then go bye bye cause thats all thats on here.

---------- Post added April-4th-2011 at 02:17 PM ----------

i think new cliche is a great physical specimen but his mechanics are flawed. He's like a physical freak but his a great prospect but only if he fits into x's system. He could be the greatest since our hofers but i'm not sure of the upside and he's still a raw player. Perhaps we should trade back to find a stud or great prospect we haven't seen since a hofer. If not i'm sure he has some good value.


lm mf ao

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What pisses me off is 10,000 mock drafts. mock mock mock. My mom taught me not to mock. The Mocks have run Amok! It's Amok Time! Spock killed Kirk cause Spock was horny and thought Kirk wanted his woman!

On another note, Albert wondered out loud yesterday just which state was England. Did Texas eat it?

In other news, Gilligan is sure the island is sinking. The Skipper does not agree, so they're going to talk to the Professor. Professor Plum was killed in the library with the Candlestick that Jack jumped over. He was a Jumper. Jumpers was a dumb movie.

I hate dumb movies. They're so stupid. Stupid is as Stupid does, so eat another piece of chocolate; you never know what you're gonna get. I live near Hershey.

Somewhere, someone is doing something historic right now, and they're having a good time doing it. Film at 11. 7 come 11. Nothing I hate more than gambling - what a waste of money. Speaking of waist, why do some girls with Dunlop's syndrome think it's a good idea to wear mid-driff tops? Are they trying out for the poster?

blogs bug me.

I hate mean people. Be nice to that duck, cause that duck may be somebody's mother. Find me somebody to love. Queen. In news across the pond, the Queen got a Royal Flush, and the doctor was called in. The doctor said she was constipated; in response the Queen said, "No S***!?!" 432 loyal British subjects squatted and grunted. And now a word from our sponsor:

I had those little moving ads that show up at the bottom of the screen while a show is on. Do we really needs ads between the ads?

I do like those Geiko commercials that ask questions - except for that one with the spanish speaking sports announcer. That was grating.

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i think new cliche is a great physical specimen but his mechanics are flawed. He's like a physical freak but his a great prospect but only if he fits into x's system. He could be the greatest since our hofers but i'm not sure of the upside and he's still a raw player. Perhaps we should trade back to find a stud or great prospect we haven't seen since a hofer. If not i'm sure he has some good value.


lm mf ao

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Post 93



[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]

–noun, plural -nies.

1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

2. Literature. a. a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

b. (especially in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.

Now that is a quality post. Bravo.

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Wow. I hope I never reach the point in my life where I spend a crap load of time complaining about things that piss me off about anonymous internet people.

Thanks for a reminder about all things that are important in life.

Seriously, the guys on this board take **** so seriously like the OP lol

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Sorry that I didn't get to this thread yesterday; I was working all day. A thread on a messageboard is not my life. Anyway, here's the deal:

Some people got it, some people missed it.

A random rant that didn't target anyone specifically, rather a group of people who clog the board by exclusively using sound bites, as Brotherz put it well, got so many negative responses, and that's really just funny.

Maybe I'll hop in the tailgate and say, "Those who are insecure with what the good Lord gave them piss me off", see how many people respond negatively, and then some of you guys can see how there's only a bad reaction to this if it applies to you.

Again, if you got it, then you got it. If you didn't, then you're upset. It's really that black and white.

I'm done with the thread, because there are more important things to do than argue with blind people over how the color green looks as though it is the end of the world. Keep working yourselves up over a non-existent attack; I'll be enjoying life outside of this thread. :)

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What pisses me off is 10,000 mock drafts. mock mock mock. My mom taught me not to mock. The Mocks have run Amok! It's Amok Time! Spock killed Kirk cause Spock was horny and thought Kirk wanted his woman!

On another note, Albert wondered out loud yesterday just which state was England. Did Texas eat it?

In other news, Gilligan is sure the island is sinking. The Skipper does not agree, so they're going to talk to the Professor. Professor Plum was killed in the library with the Candlestick that Jack jumped over. He was a Jumper. Jumpers was a dumb movie.

I hate dumb movies. They're so stupid. Stupid is as Stupid does, so eat another piece of chocolate; you never know what you're gonna get. I live near Hershey.

Somewhere, someone is doing something historic right now, and they're having a good time doing it. Film at 11. 7 come 11. Nothing I hate more than gambling - what a waste of money. Speaking of waist, why do some girls with Dunlop's syndrome think it's a good idea to wear mid-driff tops? Are they trying out for the poster?

blogs bug me.

I hate mean people. Be nice to that duck, cause that duck may be somebody's mother. Find me somebody to love. Queen. In news across the pond, the Queen got a Royal Flush, and the doctor was called in. The doctor said she was constipated; in response the Queen said, "No S***!?!" 432 loyal British subjects squatted and grunted. And now a word from our sponsor:

I had those little moving ads that show up at the bottom of the screen while a show is on. Do we really needs ads between the ads?

I do like those Geiko commercials that ask questions - except for that one with the spanish speaking sports announcer. That was grating.

...and they called it: The Aristocrats.

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Is this the thread where I can ask about a cliche?

WTF does take best player available mean? That pisses me off!! Who the **** knows who the best player available is? How do they reach that point? Frig that pisses me off. I think.

Back in my day, we always took the second or third best player first. Made sense at the time.

those who got it, got it. It is what it is. Que sera sera. The Past is the Past. A horse is a horse, of course of course.

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