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If you would like please follow me on the sites below. Thanks

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/P_Daniels93

Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/phillipdaniels93

Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/Thatboyphil93

Also follow my son's fan page on facebook. He will be attending Notre Dame next season in case you didn't know. http://www.facebook.com/davarisdaniels8

All these sites are a way to keep up with everything going on with me. I am probably one of the few athletes who will talk to fans on twitter and answer your questions. My youtube page is a way to keep up with new video that I put on from time to time. Again thank all of you for the love and support. Hopefully everything works itself out and we will have football in 2011. I know we have the best fans in the world and if anybody disagree tell them to come see me. Lol. Take care and God bless all of you.

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Look at that title! :banhim:


Show a little class and have a little respect! Phil has been a great contributor to the Skins over the years and has a great locker room presence. Forget the fact that he actually reaches out to the fans, Phil is a class act! I guess you forgot about his four sack performance against the Cowpukes as well. On that note, thanks Phil for reaching out.

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Look at that title! :banhim:


Show a little class and have a little respect! Phil has been a great contributor to the Skins over the years and has a great locker room presence. Forget the fact that he actually reaches out to the fans, Phil is a class act! I guess you forgot about his four sack performance against the Cowpukes as well. On that note, thanks Phil for reaching out.

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Show a little class and have a little respect! Phil has been a great contributor to the Skins over the years and has a great locker room presence. Forget the fact that he actually reaches out to the fans, Phil is a class act! I guess you forgot about his four sack performance against the Cowpukes as well. On that note, thanks Phil for reaching out.

Thank you. I really appreciate fans like you. God bless.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:33 AM ----------

Show a little class and have a little respect! Phil has been a great contributor to the Skins over the years and has a great locker room presence. Forget the fact that he actually reaches out to the fans, Phil is a class act! I guess you forgot about his four sack performance against the Cowpukes as well. On that note, thanks Phil for reaching out.

Thank you. I really appreciate fans like you. God bless.

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Thank you. I really appreciate fans like you. God bless.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:33 AM ----------

Thank you. I really appreciate fans like you. God bless.

No problem Phil! Please don't let fans like the one above frame a false image on the rest of us.

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Show a little class and have a little respect! Phil has been a great contributor to the Skins over the years and has a great locker room presence. Forget the fact that he actually reaches out to the fans, Phil is a class act! I guess you forgot about his four sack performance against the Cowpukes as well. On that note, thanks Phil for reaching out.

Dude, I was kidding, hence the smiley. :rolleyes:

I've told Phillip over twitter several times he's appreciated.

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Show a little class and have a little respect! Phil has been a great contributor to the Skins over the years and has a great locker room presence. Forget the fact that he actually reaches out to the fans, Phil is a class act! I guess you forgot about his four sack performance against the Cowpukes as well. On that note, thanks Phil for reaching out.

I think it was in jest.

PD thank you for communicating with the fans like you do! It's really awesome to have such a veteran and respected leader of our team actually come and join us for some conversations and discussions. Thank you for the links, I'm definitely adding you on twitter, sir. I'm sure many people here will have questions about the situation with the labor deal, me included.

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Why do you want to ban me?
I think terriNick21 was just joking about a common occurrence here. Someone new starts a thread here, just to promote their own lame blog or website. Like he said, that's what the smiley was supposed to mean, no way he's serious.

Re. your links: bookmarked. You are awesome! Thanks for the info! :notworthy

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Show a little class and have a little respect! Phil has been a great contributor to the Skins over the years and has a great locker room presence. Forget the fact that he actually reaches out to the fans, Phil is a class act! I guess you forgot about his four sack performance against the Cowpukes as well. On that note, thanks Phil for reaching out.

Ummmmmm Pretty sure it was a joke guys. Think you guys might need some sleep. :doh:

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Dammit PD, now I have to finally make a twitter account. Curse you!!! I have been able to avoid that until now.

Already did the like on facebook to follow it. :)

I wasn't aware that your son is getting ready to attend ND. I will definitely hit that one up too. If he is anything like his father, it will be fun to watch him progress.

Thank you for the links

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No problem Phil! Please don't let fans like the one above frame a false image on the rest of us.

I'm good. Just didn't know what he meant by that. I love all my fans......good, bad and indifferent. Lol. Thanks again for the love.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:20 PM ----------

Dude, I was kidding, hence the smiley. :rolleyes:

I've told Phillip over twitter several times he's appreciated.

It's all good. Just didn't understand why a Laker fan would say ban me. Lol. Now I understand it was a joke. I apologize and thanks for the support. Go Lakers!!!!!

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I think it was in jest.

PD thank you for communicating with the fans like you do! It's really awesome to have such a veteran and respected leader of our team actually come and join us for some conversations and discussions. Thank you for the links, I'm definitely adding you on twitter, sir. I'm sure many people here will have questions about the situation with the labor deal, me included.

No problem. I enjoy some of the questions that I get but some that I cannot not answer at times. I know a lot of fans don't understand the labor deal but it will work itself out. Fans just want their team on the field to play football and I understand that. There will be a lot of things put out there but only half of it is true. Just know that the players are not asking for more money, we had a deal in place and the owners opted out because they didn't like it and now everyone is just trying to get something that is fair. There is so much that has to be covered for some to understand so I will just say hang in there and keep supporting us because all this labor stuff does nothing but hurt the game and all the fans plus all the people who depend on football to make a living for their family. Again thanks for the love and support. It is greatly appreciated.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:30 PM ----------

I don't. Not at all! I was just having a little fun. Mods are strict about thread titles. Just picking. :cheers:

The ES staff has been great and I understand what you mean. Just wanted people to be able to keep up because there are not a lot of players willing to offer their time to do this type of thing. I respect the fans just as much as they respect me playing the game. What would football be without all of you. Thanks again.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:33 PM ----------

Hey PD. Looking forward to seing Davaris play WR for the Irish. We need another big receiver. Thank him for turning down UM and heading to South Bend. LOL.

Notre Dame was his #1 for a long time so all that talk about UM was just that. Some reporter tried to jump the gun and guess to where he was going and it backfired on him. Some reporters are just plain bad IMO. He will do well at ND. Now if they can get Michael Floyd on the right track they will be a really good team this year. Thanks for the support.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:35 PM ----------

You're a great guy! Looking forward to another season of storm chasers! ;-)

Yes and they want me to come out and join them in late April. Stay tuned.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:37 PM ----------

Well thanks pd!! Its my birthday so i gotta question if i may ask. What ya doin sunday? Havin a birthday dinner at carabbas.

(not today cause they dont take reservations) u should come!! :) glad you are here to be in touch with fans and maybe encourage some more as wel to do the same

I cannot make it but Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful time. Take care.

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 12:39 PM ----------

Hope this lockout ends soon. Lookin' forward to seeing you bring the pain again next season PD!


Keep your fingers crossed. It's crazy man. Thanks for the support.

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PD, you are awesome. I still have a ball and jersey you signed for me many moons ago. You've always been great with us fans. I wish there were more players like you in sports, period, nevermind on the Redskins. Thanks for all you have done for our favorite team!!!

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