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My Mock draft for us 1st and 2nd round..


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Our offense isn't the typical Shanahan roll out anymore. It has more of Kyle's straight drop backs. Contrary to popular belief, Mallett is actually pretty decent on the run.

Dunno. I remember seeing quite a few boots and roll outs, especially later on in the year. I think both Shanahans like a QB who is athletic and can move well and make plays outside of the pocket. I know there is the whole "Schaub" argument, but I think his athleticism is underrated. He isn't overly athletic but he moves pretty decent for a guy as big as he is. As far as Mallet being decent on the run, if by that you take "on the run" to be passing when moving, then yes he isn't too bad. The problem with him is his footspeed and ability to move in the pocket and get out of the pocket when he needs to; and by "footspeed" I'm not talking about his 40 time (though that is indicative of either how lumbering the guy is or how out of shape). The guy is a great passer when he has plenty of time in a clean pocket. Its when he gets rushed, things break down, and he has to move around and avoid the rush that he starts looking pretty bad sometimes.

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My mock draft

1 rd. Julio Jones or Robert Quinn

2 rd Phil Taylor or if hes not there Wisniewski

This is probably the best scenerio so far.

---------- Post added March-22nd-2011 at 01:28 PM ----------

Dunno. I remember seeing quite a few boots and roll outs, especially later on in the year. I think both Shanahans like a QB who is athletic and can move well and make plays outside of the pocket. I know there is the whole "Schaub" argument, but I think his athleticism is underrated. He isn't overly athletic but he moves pretty decent for a guy as big as he is. As far as Mallet being decent on the run, if by that you take "on the run" to be passing when moving, then yes he isn't too bad. The problem with him is his footspeed and ability to move in the pocket and get out of the pocket when he needs to; and by "footspeed" I'm not talking about his 40 time (though that is indicative of either how lumbering the guy is or how out of shape). The guy is a great passer when he has plenty of time in a clean pocket. Its when he gets rushed, things break down, and he has to move around and avoid the rush that he starts looking pretty bad sometimes.

I thought we ran more with McNabb who is a little more mobile than Rex. We actually had more passing yards under Rex.

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At least 20 picks to early for Mallet.

Nah. I remember how Bradford and Sanchez were both going to be there for us at 4 and 13. Neither ever made it. QBs go a lot earlier than their talent and its because it is obvious to everyone besides a majority who seem to just be ESers that you need a franchise QB foremost to win in this game.

---------- Post added March-22nd-2011 at 12:04 PM ----------

A lot of people are gonna be surprised when Mallett falls, and falls, and falls.

Dude's a 3rd rounder at best talent-wise, and then you throw in any supposed attitude issues.

He may fall, but not from talent. From head issues, but not talent.

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I don't understand where this long windup stuff is coming from. His delivery isn't slow, fairly normal. And what he has that JC didn't is the ability to make quick decisions. He will get rid of the ball and makes decisions very quickly even based off presnap coverage.

He while not fast, is very good at throwing on the run, did alot bootleg in Arkansas PROSTYLE offense and threw for almost 4000 yards and 32 touchdowns. He may sound like a thug but that doesnt mean he is an idiot, it's more of a depiction of type of people he grew up around and are friends with.

The dude has by far the best arm in this draft. I dont mean strongest while it's fairly possible. By best I mean everything, strength, accuracy, touch. He's not a flacco who has a big arm and just throws lazers everywhere. He can make all the throws.

People thinking he is 3rd round or lower have no clue what they are talking about. From a pure passing prospective he is way beyond anyone else in this draft and on top of that is most likely the most pro ready to be thrown into playing day 1.

The question is does he fit the Redskins. He is very reminiscent of matt schaub and if we had the weapons and a decent line he'd be a great fit. But with our line and lack of weapons the general thought is we need a mobile QB to offset the constant blitzes which Mallett would be sure to face on our team.

The only reason he wont be the first QB taken off the board is his personality and no team wants to give up a high draft pick and spend a ton of money on someone they will have a hard time marketing. Fans may think he is an idiot but I bet his teamates like him alot.

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McElroy is a career clipholder that can be had in the 6th. This is how it will go down....

Trade down with the Rams as they take either AJ or JJ at 10 and we get their 14th and 78th (3rd).

We then take

14- Locker

41- OLB Sam Acho

78- NT Jerrell Powe

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So http://walterfootball.com/draft2011.php has the exact same mock draft as the creator of this thread......Jones in the first and Andy Dalton in the second here is what he said.....

Washington Redskins: Julio Jones, WR, Alabama

The Redskins put a lot of stock into the Combine - 40 times in particular. Last year, they spent the No. 4 overall pick on Trent Williams, an inferior prospect compared to Russell Okung, simply because of his great Combine 40.

(And don't tell me it's because the Redskins run a zone-blocking scheme. The Seahawks run the same blocking system, and Okung had a much better rookie season than Williams. For more on this, check the hate mail section of my 2011 NFL Draft Mailbag)

If this trend continues, Julio Jones will be the pick. Jones had an incredible performance in Indianapolis, running a 4.39 and leaping an 11-foot-3 broad jump despite suffering through a fractured foot.

Jones makes a ton of sense for the Redskins; with Santana Moss hitting free agency, their top receiver is currently Anthony Armstrong. Something must be done about this.

My question is and I know its a little off topic but did Okung really have a much better season than Williams ? I could of sworn Okung did nothing special in Sea his first year (partly due to injuries). And I thought Williams did good when taking into account the one on one OLB/DE's he had to go against .....I know for a fact the 40 time stock in his analysis is very far off

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Considering Greg is projected as a 5-6 rounder...no.

I'd take Julio and Locker or Julio, Justin Houston and then Greg in the 5th.

Jones & Houston or Jones and Brooks Reed, or Jones and Sam Acho!

Basically we can still get a good pass rusher in the 2nd round and have an elite offensive weapon. I'm with you!

---------- Post added March-23rd-2011 at 09:55 AM ----------

My question is and I know its a little off topic but did Okung really have a much better season than Williams ? I could of sworn Okung did nothing special in Sea his first year (partly due to injuries). And I thought Williams did good when taking into account the one on one OLB/DE's he had to go against .....I know for a fact the 40 time stock in his analysis is very far off [/b]

Okung did out perform Williams. The gap wasn't as wide as that person's take, but he did out perform him slightly. They both were injured last year to some degree, but Okung when healthy never got beat like Trent did. But I would argue that Trent played against better competition. I think we will ultimately see this year.

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McElroy is a career clipholder that can be had in the 6th. This is how it will go down....

Trade down with the Rams as they take either AJ or JJ at 10 and we get their 14th and 78th (3rd).

We then take

14- Locker

41- OLB Sam Acho

78- NT Jerrell Powe

No No No, Not going to trade back if we can't get another 2nd round pick. Plus if we trade back from 10 to 14 i guarantee the Vikes will take Locker at 12 or whatever pick they have. Then what? We lost the guy we wanted (which i still believe 14 is too high for him) we lose out on what some people believe to be the best WR in the draft, Top pass risher and top NT prob gone also. All to pick up a 3rd rounder? Not worth it to me. Unless someone can offer us a 2nd rounder i wouldn't move and i would take either Jones or the best OLB,DE,NT avail.

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Jones & Houston or Jones and Brooks Reed, or Jones and Sam Acho!

Basically we can still get a good pass rusher in the 2nd round and have an elite offensive weapon. I'm with you!

---------- Post added March-23rd-2011 at 09:55 AM ----------

Okung did out perform Williams. The gap wasn't as wide as that person's take, but he did out perform him slightly. They both were injured last year to some degree, but Okung when healthy never got beat like Trent did. But I would argue that Trent played against better competition. I think we will ultimately see this year.

WilliamsFootball take is true on Trent's rise. Most Mocks had TW being a second rounder as a LT. Everyone had Okung going top 10. TW was always considered late first/second round talent until the combine and then he shot up. It was his 40 time that made people elevate him.

Did we overpay for TW. Absolutely. Did we over pay much. No.

TW did play against better pass rushers than Okung. But we drafted TW on potential. Everyone knew Okung was going to be better early on (safer pick), so I believe the reports that Okung performed better.

Im happy with TW.

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We need a QB. End of Story.

Why are LTs important? To protect the QB.

Why are WRs productive? Ask Larry Fitzgerald about the importance of QB.

If there is a franchise QB in the draft, as evaluated by Shanny, then we MUST take him. End of story. QB is not the whole team, but is EASILY more important than any single player on the field. So much so that you cant have just a good QB and go deep in the playoffs.

You can have an OL devoid of first round talent and go to a SB. You can have the last ranked rushing Offense in the league and go to a SB.

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