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Columnist David Broder died today


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He was a fairly conservative writer for the Post. I often disagreed with him, but I appreciated how he thought. Sad to see a pulitzer prize winner from the local news die. He covered a lot of stories from Watergate through today.

RIP David Broder

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That's true, but he was the conservative before conservatism was taken over by a need for mass entertainment. He was no Coulter or Rush. That was never his shtick. He was conservative like many Economics professors I had. His always seemed a practiced and thought out kind of conservatism...but that my be just my memory of his articles.

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What a shame. I had no idea he was that old, though it makes sense since I have been reading him for so long.

He was one of the last columnists who would often write an opinion piece that could actually surprise you. Ninety nine percent of those folks nowadays just parrot a party line come hell or high water. You actually had to read Broder's pieces to see what he thought.

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