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Even Vick a little uneasy about being forgiven so easily


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HAMPTON, VIRGINIA—During a press conference Wednesday, Michael Vick admitted that he was both surprised and somewhat disturbed at how quickly and easily the NFL and its fans have forgiven him for running an illegal dogfighting ring. "I have to say that, while being a crowd favorite again has made my life substantially easier, I guess I'm a little weirded out by how little it took for people to fully embrace me, considering what I did to those dogs," said Vick, who also wondered aloud what it says about American society that he is once again a beloved sports figure. "To be honest, I haven't really forgiven myself for what I've done. Does everyone remember what I did to those dogs? The electrocution? The drowning? The pits of dog carcasses? I guess we all deserve second chances, but all I did was play some good football." Vick added that his 2010 Comeback Player of the Year award amounted to "some sort of insane joke."

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I have tears coming out of my eyes. It must be the onion.

Yep, they are pretty brutal in regards to Vick. I love it. Here's another good one.


RICHMOND, VA—In yet another installment in his series of recent confessional and contrite televised press conferences, suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick apologized to his fans, teammates, and the National Football League on Wednesday for devouring the living flesh of four-to-eight-week-old kittens. "I did not by any means eat kittens for every meal, but I cannot deny I ate them," said Vick, saying he felt that although this was not necessarily the best time, he should just come clean. "Kittens just taste really good, as their meat is lean, yet tender and surprisingly juicy. Oh, and eating them is wrong—I know that now, and I am sorry." Vick added that he and unnamed companions would work up such an appetite from a long day of fighting, forcibly breeding, and slaughtering dogs that they could barely contain themselves and would often snap off their furry little heads and suck out the insides before they even left the parking lot, a practice of which he is now "very ashamed."

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;8171600']He doesn't have to worry' date=' not everyone has forgiven him. And I never will. He deserves a second chance at having a life but as far as I'm concerned, playing in the NFL is a privilege he should never have been given again.[/quote']

I think he deserves a second chance after he does any time for animal abuse. He should still be in prison.

He is still a danger, as shown when one of the guys with a Vick dog showed up in Dallas when he was getting his key and he responded by saying "I don't care about no dogs", but this is a funny thread Tom.

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For those that like The Onion - there was a good This American Life podcast several weeks ago on NPR. You can find it on This American Life's website. They talk with the editors of the onion and follow the process of how headlines are chosen. Really interesting.

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What a dumbass. Why would he even want to speak on the issue again? He was served justice, given a sentence, and now he's free. Why does he insist on dwelling on the past when it will do nothing but anger those who think he should have been fed to the dogs?

Edit: oops, never mind, it's an Onion article.

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Mike Vick is walking around downtown DC right now. He just walked past my friends and I outside of a lounge. It's actually just around the corner from where Banks was stabbed. He didn't even have any security with him. Random I know, I just posted in the first Vick thread I saw. (I'm writing this from my cell phone)

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;8174669']I didn't even read the article. Didn't realize it was a "joke" article. And to be honest' date=' to make an article like that is dumb.[/quote']

Dumb? It's loaded with truth and I even thought about putting it in the Tailgate, because of that. It's downright shame full that we (not me, but the uneducated masses) have forgiven him and that he is allowed back into the league and says a lot about our society.

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