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Jason Redi (WP): Given the Redskins' needs, drafting a quarterback would be indefensible


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As much as you want one to help you rebuild the Washington Redskins, don't draft a young quarterback with the 10th overall pick in April's draft. The offensive-minded coach in you initially may be drawn to one of the former college stars available. And a few of them may impress in workouts and interviews during this week's draft combine in Indianapolis.

But you're also responsible for Washington's entire football operation, so you should know better. The Redskins have too many holes (craters, actually) on defense to use their first-round pick on offense.

Washington's long search for a franchise quarterback will have to extend into the future. This draft, defense has to be the focus. It's as clear as the roads to FedEx Field before a late-season Redskins game.

In your first season as head coach, the Redskins had their worst defensive performance since 1954. Generally, it's hard to do anything in life worse than it has been done in 56 years.

Washington finished 31st out of 32 teams and ranked last for much of the season. It was a stunning drop-off for a team that had a top-10 defense eight times in 10 seasons between 2000 and 2009.

Growing pains were inevitable after you ordered the radical shift from the team's longstanding 4-3 defense to an aggressive 3-4. The total collapse, though, occurred because you didn't make the substantive personnel changes necessary to give the new scheme a chance to succeed.

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Giving Reid's long history and mastery of building winning football programs, Coach Shanahan should take heed.

After all, there have been 45 Super Bowls, and Shanahan has only won two of them. That must pale in comparison to Reid's astounding record.

Whatever it is.

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Terrible article.

To absolutely rule out a position, let alone the most important position on the field months before the draft is stupid. Yes the team has holes everywhere, but expecting that to change in one season to the point where we can nitpick positions is exactly the type of thinking that turns a 3 season rebuilding plan into 6.

If Shanny thinks he's got a QB he can work with, draft the guy, if he doesn't BPA....I don't care whether that player is on defense or offense. You just have to make smart picks.

And of course it goes without saying that finding defensive pieces for your 3-4 in FA is much easier than finding a QB.

Damn this is a lazy article.

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MAn this guy(JReid) again with these articles really? We should take your opinion on what the redskins should do rather than what our coaches believe?

And also indefensible ? I'm pretty sure if they had a guy they thought was our next qb for the next 10 years who would care?

This entire article is written like a parent speaking to a child. Who'd have thought the great personnel guy we've needed around here for years was right in front of our faces the entire time(at the WAPO)

. Man we get it you don't like MIke Shanahan, so keep your own personal opinions out of your righting. Seriously this guy is a Redskins reporter writing for a local paper but why does it seem like every article he rights is bashing the home team?

Move on folks nothing to see here..

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Reid's point to me is silly considering his whole article is couched in "rebuilding" and acceding that the team has MANY needs. When you rebuild IMO its not about addressing what is the most desperate of many needs which Reid claims is NT or OLB -- when you rebuild, you bring in the most talented players. What's the difference if you are rebuilding as to what position you address first?

It's obvious based on our franchise's history that finding a marquee QB is VERY hard. So Reid basically is saying well, if Gabbert falls to us at #10, and Shanny thinks he's a franchise QB bypass him -- because we all know franchise QB's are a dime a dozen :) will get one later, its not that hard. :ols:

To me its a no brainer, if you find the player who plays the hardest position to find talent and for that matter the position that has IMO plagued this franchised for about 20 years now -- you pull the trigger. Not to mention, that if you are "rebuilding" keep in mind that rookie QB's take more time to develop than a NT. So why not take the guy that takes more time to develop, earlier in the process not later in the process?

I only agree with Reid if Shanny just isn't sold on the Qb's and lets say R Quinn is there at 10, and the Skins thinks he's another Orkapo. But then again, I'd hope and assume that Shanny wouldn't be reaching for players he doesn't like at #10 to begin with so I doubt that would be the issue.

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All the WP hate comes out. Funny,....

Not saying the article's good, but he makes a pretty good argument against drafting a QB with the 10th pick. Defense needs massive amounts of help and you all know it, and do any of you really think any of the QB's in this draft are with a top 10 pick?

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I can't stand Reid's writing style but I agree with the broader point: there is no QB worth the 10th pick. There are some great 3-4 DEs and OLBs, however, that I would take over the supposed top QBs in the first round.

How would you and Reid know that? It's a pretty complex position to judge. You clearly got the majority of draft geeks saying that Gabbert and Newton are legitimate top 10 picks. Whether they truly are or not, you got me. But I'd take their take and more importantly Shanny's take of lets say Gabbert is the real deal over Jason Reid if he drafts him.

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Giving Reid's long history and mastery of building winning football programs, Coach Shanahan should take heed.

After all, there have been 45 Super Bowls, and Shanahan has only won two of them. That must pale in comparison to Reid's astounding record.

Whatever it is.

Actually John Elway won 2 out of the 5 Superbowls he appeared in. and that was in the last millennium. Shanny 3.0 has done jack for the Redskins so this blind assessment that he is a super genius doesn't fly here until there are results here to back it up.

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All the WP hate comes out. Funny,....

Not saying the article's good, but he makes a pretty good argument against drafting a QB with the 10th pick. Defense needs massive amounts of help and you all know it, and do any of you really think any of the QB's in this draft are with a top 10 pick?

It isn't "hate", it is reaction to his idiotic notion that picking a QB at #10 would be "indefensible".

What does Reid know about it? A guy who's only got the job b/c the two guys ahead of him moved on (sort of like when Curly and Shemp left, they brought in Joe :) ).

If Shanahan feels there is a QB in the top of this draft that can lead the team for the next 10 years, then he should take him.

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Actually John Elway won 2 out of the 5 Superbowls he appeared in. and that was in the last millennium. Shanny 3.0 has done jack for the Redskins so this blind assessment that he is a super genius doesn't fly here until there are results here to back it up.

He's been with the Redskins a whopping one year. IMO his Denver experience is more relevant. Personally, I'd run with the guy who found: Cutler, B. Marshall (4th round), Peyton Hillis (7th round), Eddie Royal, Clady, Sheffler, Torrain (5th round), Portis, (2nd round), etc over Jason Reid who i gather hasn't run any football operations. Shanny is far from perfect and makes mistakes like anyone but its mostly on defense. He seems to have a decent eye for offensive talent. If someone wants to argue Belichick over Shanny I can see that but J. Reid?

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Actually John Elway won 2 out of the 5 Superbowls he appeared in. and that was in the last millennium. Shanny 3.0 has done jack for the Redskins so this blind assessment that he is a super genius doesn't fly here until there are results here to back it up.

Gettin rid of Vinny ?Nothing

Turning around the fan experience on gameday? Nothing.

Rid the roster of bad contract/ older players? Nothing

Install discipline at Ashburn and keep the inmates from running the asylum? Nothing

Ur right he hasn't done anything of benefit around here what were we thinking?

Get Zorn Vinny and Blache back here ASAP.

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He's been with the Redskins a whopping one year. IMO his Denver experience is more relevant. Personally, I'd run with the guy who found: Cutler, B. Marshall (4th round), Peyton Hillis (7th round), Eddie Royal, Clady, Sheffler, Torrain (5th round), Portis, (2nd round), etc over Jason Reid who i gather hasn't run any football operations. Shanny is far from perfect and makes mistakes like anyone but its mostly on defense. He seems to have a decent eye for offensive talent. If someone wants to argue Belichick over Shanny I can see that but J. Reid?

Yep and our defense was top 10 eight times prior to him so he tinkers in an area that he sucked at while in denver, personel move on the defense and we end up going beyond a level of pathetic on defense. And yeah Joe public knew before hand we were going to suck on Defense even Reid but not this bad.

How was Marshall and his attitude this past year in Miami? Cutler in crunch time? Portis after chop blocking was banned? what team is Peyton Hillis on again?

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I heard that Terrell Davis and the best O-line in the NFL were out there with John Elway as well...

Who drafted Davis in the 6th rd? Who was the head coach behind that O-line?

Right...It takes a team to win a SB...And he was the Number 1 guy in charge.

He isn't GOD...But he damn sure knows more than Jason Reid.

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It isn't "hate", it is reaction to his idiotic notion that picking a QB at #10 would be "indefensible".

What does Reid know about it? A guy who's only got the job b/c the two guys ahead of him moved on (sort of like when Curly and Shemp left, they brought in Joe :) ).

If Shanahan feels there is a QB in the top of this draft that can lead the team for the next 10 years, then he should take him.

I agree. If Shanny thinks lets say Gabbert is a franchise QB and he's there at #10, we let him go and take Phil Taylor instead? Lets say Gabbert is another Aaron Rogers type, how would we feel watching him for the rest of his career marching down the field and scoring points for lets say the Vikings? Yeah great we got a run stuffer down the middle, that will secure a winning team for the next 10 years? don't get me wrong we need an NT but what makes champions a dominant NT or a dominant QB? And its not as if Bryant is horrible at NT if we need to suck it up one more year without a new guy.

Based on the Redskins history, how easy is it to find a marquee QB versus another good defensive player? And if rebuilding takes at least 3 years, why does it matter what position we address THIS year versus next year? And what makes J Reid an expert on arguably the toughest position to evaluate in sports?

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How would you and Reid know that? It's a pretty complex position to judge. You clearly got the majority of draft geeks saying that Gabbert and Newton are legitimate top 10 picks. Whether they truly are or not, you got me. But I'd take their take and more importantly Shanny's take of lets say Gabbert is the real deal over Jason Reid if he drafts him.

Draft geeks don't make the questions about Newton and Gabbert go away. I'm of the BPA philosophy and there is no Bradford in this draft.

Shanahan once drafted ASHLEY LELIE in the 1st round on the basis of a good 40-time and later Maurice Clarrett in the 3rd, so yes, I'd be concerned if he for some reason drafted Gabbert or Newton with the 10th pick because they would be reaches and given his past in Denver, it wouldn't be the first time.

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Actually John Elway won 2 out of the 5 Superbowls he appeared in. and that was in the last millennium. Shanny 3.0 has done jack for the Redskins so this blind assessment that he is a super genius doesn't fly here until there are results here to back it up.

Who called him a "super Genius"?

Given your sarcastic use of the word "super", it is obvious that, like Reid, you have a problem with Shanahan.

Whatever. How dare Shanahan not turn the Redskins into a Super Bowl contender in just one season. :rolleyes:

As far as your ignorant Elway jab, Shanhan may have never won a Super Bowl without Elway, but Elway never won one without Shanahan.

Landry never won one without Staubach.

Noll never won one without Bradshaw.

Walsh never won one without Montana.

Belichick never won one without Brady.

Heck, even Lombardi never won one without Starr.

You could make that ridiculous argument for any great head coach that they never won without a great QB (except maybe Gibbs).

Shanahan has only been here one season. He deserves more time than that to turn around a team that hasn't been very good for a while.

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I don't agree with this. This is a very deep draft for defensive line, we can wait until the 2nd round for that. If we feel like we can really coach Jake Locker or a Cam Newton into their potential, guess what, we need a QB too. Saying it would be "indefensible" is going too far.

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Yep and our defense was top 10 eight times prior to him so he tinkers in an area that he sucked at while in denver, personel move on the defense and we end up going beyond a level of pathetic on defense. And yeah Joe public knew before hand we were going to suck on Defense even Reid but not this bad.

How was Marshall and his attitude this past year in Miami? Cutler in crunch time? Portis after chop blocking was banned? what team is Peyton Hillis on again?

Yeah Portis was terrible with the Skins. And Hillis was traded by Shanny's successor to the Browns, so what? If you want to just take random shots at Shanny, OK, but what does any of this have to do with trusting Shanny's ability to judge whether a player is a franchise QB versus J Reid? And find an article that DOESN'T say that the most important position on a football field is QB and or its the most critical position to have filled to be competitive.

I can look at the "brilliant" football mastermind J Reid's point more simply by doing it the way IMO it should be done and that is looking at specific players, its not like you are purely driven by theoretical decisions when it comes to a draft it comes down to players. It's Round 1 -- Gabbert and Newton are gone. You obviously don't reach for a guy who you can likely get in the 2nd round like potentially Locker, Dalton, etc. You take hopefully Quinn if he's there or try to trade down and get Taylor and Ayers at good value. And if you like any of the 2nd round QB's you take em there, if not you draft another player.

If on the other hand Gabbert is there at #10 and you love the guy, you take him. If you are obsessed with a OLB, you likely will have a choice in round 2 -- Houston, maybe, B. Carter. That IMO is how you look at the draft. And yeah i'd presume Shanny knows a heck of a lot more about the players than we do or J. Reid.

And look at the fortunes of the Dolphins and Falcons for example -- the same draft, Dolphins go LT first QB 2nd round. The Falcons go QB first. I wonder what team regrets that decision?

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It isn't "hate", it is reaction to his idiotic notion that picking a QB at #10 would be "indefensible".

What does Reid know about it? A guy who's only got the job b/c the two guys ahead of him moved on (sort of like when Curly and Shemp left, they brought in Joe :) ).

If Shanahan feels there is a QB in the top of this draft that can lead the team for the next 10 years, then he should take him.

Yes, it's hate. Most on this board hate the WP because of some absurd notion that they're against the Skins as an organization, etc. Saying that the only reason he got the job is because the two guys in front of him left (and comparing that situation to the Three Stooges) is hate. Just admit it,...please,....

Jason Reid is doing his job. He's a columnist and he's suppose to give his opinion, I'm not saying he's right I'm just saying he makes a pretty good argument against drafting a QB. I'm sure Jason Reid doesn't think he knows more about football than Shanny.

Again, does anyone think there's a QB in this draft worth taking in the top 10? And more importantly no one really knows if Shanny thinks any of them are worth drafting in the 1st round. If Shanny takes one of them (Newton, Gabbert, Mallet, etc) it will be a huge, HUGE roll of the dice because it's common knowledge that none of them are even close to being ready to start in the league. If he wants to get "his guy", ok fine.

They should take the BPA,....that's what I think. But, oh that's right,...I've never won two Super Bowls so how dare I say that!

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And once again Jason Reid is wrong.

The ONE position you absolutely look to fill first with a long term solution is quarterback.

If Shanhan finds someone he loves and feels will be the quarterback of this team for the next 5-10 years, he must take him.

The "crater" at quarterback is far more important to fill than any other position on the team.

If he's saying that we shouldn't take a QB just to take a QB even if it's a serious reach, then file that under the DUHHHHH folder.

I can turn that around and say we shouldn't take a NT just to take a NT if it's a reach.

We shouldn't take an OLB just to take an OLB if it's a reach.

And so on and so on and so on

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